
TypeError: Cannot read property ‘replace’ of undefined


let bg1 = this.myData.backgroundImage.replace("http://fast.hnzhilv.com/mingpian/bg", "");let url1 = item.url.replace("http://fast.hnzhilv.com/mingpian/%E5%90%8D%E7%89%87", "");if (bg1 == url1) {flag = true}


if (this.myData.backgroundImage && item.url) {let bg1 = this.myData.backgroundImage.replace("http://fast.hnzhilv.com/mingpian/bg", "");let url1 = item.url.replace("http://fast.hnzhilv.com/mingpian/%E5%90%8D%E7%89%87", "");if (bg1 == url1) {flag = true}}


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