
>>> inp = '0x0202020202UL'

>>> format(int(inp[:-2], 16), 'b')


# Using `str.rstrip`, This will work for any hex, not just UL

>>> format(int(inp.rstrip('UL'), 16), 'b')



from itertools import islice

def formatted_bin(inp):

output = format(int(inp.rstrip('UL'), 16), 'b')

le = len(output)

m = le % 4

padd = 4 - m if m != 0 else 0

output = output.zfill(le + padd)

it = iter(output)

return ' '.join(''.join(islice(it, 4)) for _ in xrange((le+padd)/4))

print formatted_bin('0x0202020202UL')

print formatted_bin('0x10')

print formatted_bin('0x101010')

print formatted_bin('0xfff')


0010 0000 0010 0000 0010 0000 0010 0000 0010

0001 0000

0001 0000 0001 0000 0001 0000

1111 1111 1111


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