
Every agent that has a knowledge base and an inference system is known as a knowledge-based agent. The knowledge base contains all the information the agent has. This information can either be the data that is embedded into the agent in prior while its manufacturing or it can be the knowledge that the agent had gained through the experiences. In the knowledge-based agent, all the decision are taken in accordance with the data present in its knowledge base.

具有知识库和推理系统的每个代理都称为基于知识的代理。 知识库包含代理商拥有的所有信息。 该信息可以是在制造代理之前预先嵌入到代理中的数据,也可以是代理通过经验获得的知识。 在基于知识的代理中,所有决策都是根据其知识库中存在的数据做出的。

知识主体的水平 (Levels of knowledge-based agent)

The knowledge-based agent can be described using three levels. These are:

可以使用三个级别来描述基于知识的代理。 这些是:

  1. Knowledge level


  2. Logical level


  3. Implementation level


1)知识水平 (1) Knowledge level)

This is the basic and the most abstract level in a knowledge-based agent. This level describes the agent by what it knows, i.e. through its knowledge base. In this level, the information that the agent has, its goals and the utility are defined.

这是基于知识的代理中的基本和最抽象的级别。 此级别通过其所了解的内容(即通过其知识库)描述代理。 在此级别,定义了代理具有的信息,其目标和效用。



A house cleaning agent knows where the mop is and where the floor is and where the cleaning material like the soap and detergents are kept. All this is defined in the knowledge level.

房屋清洁剂知道拖把在哪里,地板在哪里以及清洁材料(如肥皂和清洁剂)的存放位置。 所有这些都在知识级别中定义。

2)逻辑层次 (2) Logical level)

In the logical level, the raw and discrete information which is present in the knowledge level is encoded into sentences. In simple words, the agent in this level derives the logic out of the knowledge base according to the problem. It selects the required blocks of information and combines them meaningfully so as a decision could be made.

在逻辑级别,将知识级别中存在的原始信息和离散信息编码为句子。 简而言之,此级别的主体根据问题从知识库中导出逻辑。 它选择所需的信息块并将其有意义地组合在一起,以便做出决定。



The house cleaning agent on getting all the information then checks and finds the place which is dirty and should be cleaned.


3)实施水平 (3) Implementation level)

This is the final layer of the knowledge-based agent. In the implementation level, the logic which the agent has derived in the logical level is brought to implementation. This layer deals with the physical representation of the sentences.

这是基于知识的代理的最后一层。 在实现级别中,将代理在逻辑级别中派生的逻辑应用于实现。 该层处理句子的物理表示。



The cleaning agent after finding the place to clean finally takes action and cleans the dirt on the floor and as a result, the agent gets clean floor which is the goal state that the agent is designed to achieve.


翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/ml-ai/knowledge-based-agent-levels-in-artificial-intelligence.aspx



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