视觉 数据

Data visualization is an indispensable tool for communicating mathematical information. The advantages that charts and graphs have over tabulated data are numerous and mostly center around the way that the human mind processes information. Most people are more comfortable with visualized data than with simple numbers. This difference in processing information is made greater when large numbers are used. You encounter many large numbers when working with the income from history’s top earning media franchises, on which this project focuses. For many, dealing with numbers in the billions can be intimidating but with the use of proper data visualization these huge numbers can become easy to understand. This project will show you just how effective these methods can be for communicating a great variety of information that most people would be unable to understand simply by looking at a page full of numbers.

数据可视化是传达数学信息必不可少的工具。 图表相对于列表数据的优势是众多的,并且主要集中在人类大脑处理信息的方式上。 大多数人对可视化数据比对简单数字更满意。 当使用大量数字时,处理信息的差异会更大。 使用本项目重点关注的历史上收入最高的媒体专营权的收入时,会遇到很多人。 对于许多人来说,处理数十亿的数字可能会令人生畏,但是通过使用适当的数据可视化,这些巨大的数字将变得容易理解。 该项目将向您展示这些方法在交流各种各样的信息方面的有效性,而大多数人仅通过查看一个充满数字的页面就无法理解这些信息。

Part of the beauty of the internet is the vast amounts of data we have at our fingertips. The visual tools I use in this project can be applied to much of the data that can be found. I chose to use the income from history’s top ten earning media franchises to demonstrate just how effective these data visualization tools can be. There are a near infinite number of data sources one can use. The key to finding data is to always keep an open mind. For this project I have chosen to use Wikipedia as my source. This data contains far more than just a list of the top ten and their income.

互联网之所以令人着迷,部分在于我们触手可及的大量数据。 我在该项目中使用的可视化工具可以应用于可以找到的许多数据。 我选择使用历史上收入最高的十家媒体专营权的收入来证明这些数据可视化工具的有效性。 一个人可以使用几乎无限数量的数据源。 查找数据的关键是始终保持开放的态度。 对于这个项目,我选择使用Wikipedia作为源。 该数据不仅包含前十名及其收入​​的列表。

NOTE: Data used for this article is from Wikipedia. It’s not verified data. The point of this article is to demonstrate the power of visualization and storytelling with visual data.

注意: 本文使用的数据来自Wikipedia。 这不是经过验证的数据。 本文的重点是演示可视化数据的可视化和讲故事的功能。

总收入和每年收入 (Total Revenue and Revenue Per Year)

Photo by Shridevi Reddy via Tableau Public
图片由Shridevi Reddy通过Tableau Public拍摄

So let’s start with the most basic information. What are the top ten media franchises and how much have they made? The bar chart above and to the left lists the top ten franchises in order of the total amount of income generated by them since their inception. The bar chart on the right shows the revenue divided by the number of years since the franchises began. While Pokemon keeps the top spot, the rankings of the rest of the franchises change. In total revenue the Marvel Cinematic Universe only ranks 10th but it is the youngest by a substantial margin. When this young age is factored in, it shoots up to the 2nd spot for revenue per year.

因此,让我们从最基本的信息开始。 十大媒体专营权是什么?它们赚了多少? 自成立以来,左上方和左上方的条形图按其总收入的顺序列出了排名前十的特许经营权。 右边的条形图显示了收入除以特许经营开始以来的年数。 虽然《口袋妖怪》位居榜首,但其他球队的排名却发生了变化。 漫威电影宇宙的总收入仅排名第10位,但以最小的差距排名最年轻。 考虑到这个年轻年龄段,每年的收入将上升到第二位。

漫威电影与神奇宝贝 (Marvel Cinematic Vs Pokemon)

Marvel Vs Pokemon (Photo by Shridevi Reddy via Tableau Public)奇迹vs宠物小精灵(照片由 Shridevi Reddy通过Tableau Public提供)

The two pie charts above show the different sources of income for the Marvel Cinematic Universe and the Pokemon franchise. These are the top two ranked franchises in income per year so one might think that they would owe their success to the same sources of income. This could not be further from the truth. The box office earnings dominate the income source for the Marvel Cinematic Universe but box office earnings only make up a fraction of the total earnings of the Pokemon franchises. This difference boils down to the different ways that people consume the media from these two companies. The Marvel Cinematic Universe is, as its name suggests, centered around movie making. If you’ve been to a movie theater at any point in the last decade, you have almost certainly seen at least one poster for a Marvel movie. They have put out an average of about two movies a year since 2008 and it’s far more likely for one to be a hit than a flop ***cough, cough, Thor: The Dark World, cough, cough***.

上面的两个饼形图显示了漫威电影宇宙和神奇宝贝系列的不同收入来源。 这些是每年收入排名前两位的特许经营权,因此人们可能会认为,他们的成功应该归功于相同的收入来源。 这与事实相去甚远。 票房收入主导了漫威电影宇宙的收入来源,但票房收入仅占《口袋妖怪》系列总收入的一小部分。 这种差异归结为人们消费这两家公司的媒体的不同方式。 顾名思义,漫威电影宇宙以电影制作为中心。 如果您在过去十年中的任何时候去过电影院,您几乎可以肯定至少看过一部Marvel电影的海报。 自2008年以来,他们平均每年放出大约两部电影,而且比起咳嗽,咳嗽,《 雷神:黑暗世界》 ,咳嗽,咳嗽***更能使一部电影大获成功。

The Pokemon franchise takes an entirely different tactic by focusing almost entirely on products instead of movies. The vast majority of their income comes from merchandise, followed up by video games and card games. The movies are almost an afterthought, as anyone who’s seen Pokemon: The First Movie can confirm.

口袋妖怪的特许经营采取了一种完全不同的策略,即几乎完全专注于产品而不是电影。 他们的绝大部分收入来自商品,其次是视频游戏和纸牌游戏。 电影几乎是事后才想到的,任何看过《 口袋妖怪:第一部电影》的人都可以证实。

米老鼠与迪士尼公主 (Mickey Mouse Vs Disney Princess)

Mickey Vs Princess (Photo by Shridevi Reddy via Tableau Public)米奇与公主(照片由 Shridevi Reddy通过Tableau Public提供)

Note: Retails sales and Merchandise sales is represented as Licensed merchandise.

注意 :零售和商品销售均表示为许可商品。

The pie charts above look remarkably similar which makes sense upon further analysis. These pie charts demonstrate the portion of total revenue that result from different revenue sources. These may be different franchises, but they have one very important thing in common: a parent company. They are both owned by Disney and it shows! This shared corporate strategy results in charts that are nearly identical.

上面的饼形图看起来非常相似,这在进一步分析时很有意义。 这些饼图展示了来自不同收入来源的总收入的一部分。 这些可能是不同的特许经营权,但它们有一个非常重要的共同点:母公司。 它们都归迪士尼所有,并且显示! 这种共享的公司战略所产生的图表几乎相同。


STAR WARS REVENUE (Photo by Shridevi Reddy via Tableau Public)收入(照片由 Shridevi Reddy通过Tableau Public提供)

The Star Wars movies are among the most successful of all time so one might reasonably assume that their box office sales would make up the majority of revenue generated by this franchise. That assumption would be wrong, with only about 14% of the total income from box office sales. As demonstrated by 4 of the 5 pie charts in the report, the majority of revenue is generated by merchandise sales. Upon further analysis this makes sense. Movie tickets aren’t that expensive when compared to branded clothes, Halloween costumes, and an endless sea of toys. My wardrobe can confirm that Star Wars shirts have sold very well.

《星球大战》电影是有史以来最成功的电影之一,因此人们可以合理地认为,其票房收入将占该系列电影总收入的绝大部分。 这个假设是错误的,只有约14%的票房收入来自票房。 如报告中的5个饼图中的4个所示,大部分收入来自商品销售。 经过进一步分析,这是有道理的。 与品牌服装,万圣节服装和无尽的玩具相比,电影票并不贵。 我的衣橱可以确认《星球大战》衬衫卖得很好。

I hope that this article has successfully demonstrated the value that visually representing data can have. I was only able to scratch the surface of the great variety of ways graphic visualization can be used by focusing on the most popular types of charts: the bar chart and the pie chart. I’d like to think that I’ve demonstrated that even the simplest chart can provide important data in a form that is easy to comprehend.

我希望本文已成功演示了可视化表示数据所具有的价值。 我只能通过关注最流行的图表类型(条形图和饼形图)来摸索使用图形可视化的多种方式。 我想认为,我已经证明即使最简单的图表也可以以易于理解的形式提供重要数据。

Please visit my Tableau profile to check out my dashboards. And check data source for this article here.

请访问我的 Tableau个人资料 以查看我的仪表板。 在此处 检查本文的数据源

Thank you for reading

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