汽车概论结课论文(Introduction to automobile introduction)

汽车概论结课论文(Introduction to automobile introduction)

Introduction of modern automobile introduction



Vehicle energy introduction to the thesis topic

Name  Jessie

Learn  1009010314

Learn the court  college of life science

Special industry  biological sciences

Day period  on June 7, 2013, an introduction to modern car class paper

2 orders,


The????????????????????????????????? 3

Introduction  the introduction ????????????????????????????????? The impact of car exhaust on living things???????????????? The car culture???? 4

Mercedes culture? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 4

BMW culture?????????? 5

The concept car that leads the future car development???????????? 5

The definition of concept car??????

The meaning of the concept car in the real world? 7

The concept car of the highest level and most mature technology???? 7

The trend of concept car to green environmental protection type???? 8

The concept car shows the different cultures of different countries. 8

Conclusion  conclusion ?????????????????????????????????????? 9

Reference documents???????? 10

Introduction of modern automobile introduction

3 the popularization and development of high and new technology makes the pace of the automobile products renewal faster and faster. 

Also makes the independent research and development of the car and the technical level and the gap is more and more big  in at the international level

The development of concept cars is even more unequal. Enter WTO to give Chinese car knock

Ringing alarm bells  also bring unlimited opportunities  we must increase the government and automobile company

Car design innovation and capital investment  establish a positive right car design

The design of the concept  extensive concept car. In the case of the existing car type  no

To integrate with The Times, a design concept  will eventually be eliminated by the society. Unique design theory

Read  humanized scientific layout   management pattern of intensification

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