
Apple, like most companies, doesn’t really offer Linux support, so it’s a great thing when the community can deliver much-desired functionality. By adding a repo and installing a package or two, you can get tethering working via USB or Bluetooth.

苹果公司和大多数公司一样,实际上并没有提供Linux支持,因此当社区能够提供人们所期望的功能时,这是一件了不起的事情。 通过添加存储库并安装一个或两个软件包,您可以通过USB或蓝牙进行网络共享。

警告!! (Warning!!)

You can connect your iPhone to your laptop and share its 3G connection, allowing you to browse the internet in places without WiFi connectivity. This process is called tethering, and you may be required to pay a fee to your carrier to use your data this way. While jailbreak-only apps can enable this kind of functionality without going to your carrier, it remains debatable whether or not your carrier can tell if you are tethering or if this legal. If your mobile carrier finds out, you may be charged extra fees or be switched to a more expense “tethering allowed” data plan. You tether at your own risk; we’re not responsible for any charges you may accrue or other damages that may ensue.

您可以将iPhone连接到笔记本电脑并共享其3G连接,从而可以在没有WiFi连接的地方浏览互联网。 此过程称为网络共享,您可能需要向运营商支付一定费用才能以这种方式使用您的数据。 虽然仅越狱的应用程序可以在无需您的运营商的情况下启用这种功能,但对于您的运营商是否可以告知您是否系留网络或是否合法,仍有争议。 如果您的移动运营商发现了问题,则可能会向您收取额外费用,或切换到更多费用“允许网络共享”数据计划。 您必须自担风险拴系; 我们对您可能产生的任何费用或可能造成的其他损失不承担任何责任。

With that being said, I’ve never known anyone personally who was charged for tethering using 3rd-party methods. I, myself, use MyWi to get the job done, and I’m sure to restrict my usage to reasonable amounts. I’ve never had any problems. We just wanted to give you some experience-based information. Again, you’re doing this at your own risk.

话虽这么说,但我从未认识到有人因使用第三方方法进行网络共享而被指控。 我本人使用MyWi来完成工作,并且我肯定会将使用量限制在合理的范围内。 我从来没有任何问题。 我们只是想给您一些基于经验的信息。 同样,您自行承担风险。

在您的iPhone上 (On Your iPhone)

Be sure you have tethering enabled. You can get this enabled by chatting with a AT&T or Verizon representative and signing up for a plan that supports it.

确保已启用网络共享。 您可以通过与AT&T或Verizon代表聊天并签署支持该计划的计划来启用此功能。

Alternatively, if you’re jailbroken, you can install apps such as MyWi or iTether that enable this functionality for a nominal fee. One way or the other, you need to able to tether on your iPhone.

另外,如果您已越狱,则可以安装MyWi或iTether之类的应用程序,并启用这些功能,但需要支付少量费用。 一种或另一种方式,您需要能够在iPhone上系绳。

在Ubuntu中 (In Ubuntu)

Pop open a terminal and enter the following command:


sudo add-apt-repository ppa:pmcenery/ppa

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:pmcenery / ppa

Hit Enter, let it do its thing, then update:


sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get更新

Now you can download and install the package we need to get things working:


sudo apt-get install ipheth-utils

须藤apt-get install ipheth-utils

Restart your computer. This will not work until after a restart.

重启你的电脑。 在重新启动之后,该功能才起作用。

网络共享 (Tethering)

If you’re tethering via Bluetooth, pair your iPhone with your computer before you enable it. If you’re using USB, enable tethering first, and then plug in the cable to your computer.

如果要通过蓝牙进行网络共享,请先将iPhone与计算机配对,然后再启用它。 如果使用USB,请先启用网络共享,然后将电缆插入计算机。

You’ll see a new wired interface pop up if you’re using USB, and it should automatically connect.


This may not work on its own with some systems. If you tried this method and you’re not getting anywhere, try uninstalling the package and then reinstalling it alongside some related ones:

在某些系统上,这可能无法单独使用。 如果您尝试了此方法,但是却一无所获,请尝试卸载该软件包,然后与一些相关软件包一起重新安装它:

sudo apt-get remove ipheth-utils

sudo apt-get删除ipheth-utils

sudo apt-get autoclean

须藤apt-get autoclean

sudo apt-get install gvfs ipheth-dkms ipheth-utils

须藤apt-get install gvfs ipheth-dkms ipheth-utils

After a restart, my second system connected fine using this method.


Do you tether your iPhone? Share your experiences in the comments.

您是否系着iPhone? 在评论中分享您的经验。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/68999/how-to-tether-your-iphone-to-your-linux-pc/


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