

  • 前言
  • 一、WALT计算
    • 1.1 Windows划分
    • 1.2 Task分类
      • 1.2.1 更新demand判断
      • 1.2.2 更新CPU busy time判断
    • 1.3 数据如何更新
  • 二、数据结构
  • 三、负载记录
  • 四、WALT主要机制
    • 4.1 task load,cpu load统计
      • 4.1.1 统计cpu task的demand AND/OR 更新对应cpu的demand history。
      • 4.1.2 在cpu活动时,更新cpu busy time(rq->curr/prev_runnable_sum)
      • 4.1.3 在window滚动期间,当task busy time超过了预测的demand,那么就要更新预测的demand。
      • 4.1.4 并且根据判断是否需要调节cpu freq。如果是task迁移,还需要判断是否wake up cluster/core。
    • 4.2 IRQ load统计
  • 五、WALT结果用途
    • 5.1 负载均衡(task migration)
    • 5.2 CPU freq调节
  • 总结


1、WALT(Windows-Assist Load Tracing),从字面意思来看,是以window作为辅助项来跟踪cpu load,用来表现cpu当前的loading情况,用于后续任务调度、迁移、负载均衡等功能。在 load 的基础上,添加对于demand的记录用于之后的预测。只统计runable和running time。


3、打开 CONFIG_SCHED_WALT 使能此feature。


1.1 Windows划分

辅助计算项 window 的划分方法是将系统自启动开始以一定时间作为一个周期,分别统计不同周期内 Task 的 Loading 情况,并将其更新到Runqueue中;目前 Kernel 中是设置的一个 window 的大小是20ms,统计 5 个window内的Loading情况,当然,这也可以根据具体的项目需求进行配置。


ps:ms = mark_start(Task开始),ws = window_start(当前window开始), wc = wallclock(当前系统时间)

1.2 Task分类



1.2.1 更新demand判断

在更新demand时,会首先根据Task event判断此时是否需要更新:

1.2.2 更新CPU busy time判断

在更新CPU busy time时,会首先根据Task event判断此时是否需要更新:

1.3 数据如何更新

3、cpu busy time 更新函数


struct rq {
#ifdef CONFIG_SCHED_WALTstruct sched_cluster    *cluster;struct cpumask        freq_domain_cpumask;struct walt_sched_stats walt_stats;u64            window_start;s64            cum_window_start;unsigned long        walt_flags;u64            cur_irqload;u64            avg_irqload;u64            irqload_ts;struct task_struct    *ed_task;struct cpu_cycle    cc;u64            old_busy_time, old_busy_time_group;u64            old_estimated_time;u64            curr_runnable_sum;u64            prev_runnable_sum;u64            nt_curr_runnable_sum;u64            nt_prev_runnable_sum;u64            cum_window_demand_scaled;struct group_cpu_time    grp_time;struct load_subtractions load_subs[NUM_TRACKED_WINDOWS];DECLARE_BITMAP_ARRAY(top_tasks_bitmap,NUM_TRACKED_WINDOWS, NUM_LOAD_INDICES);u8            *top_tasks[NUM_TRACKED_WINDOWS];u8            curr_table;int            prev_top;int            curr_top;bool            notif_pending;u64            last_cc_update;u64            cycles;
#endif /* CONFIG_SCHED_WALT */
}struct task_struct {
#ifdef CONFIG_SCHED_WALTstruct ravg ravg;/** 'init_load_pct' represents the initial task load assigned to children* of this task*/u32 init_load_pct;u64 last_wake_ts;u64 last_enqueued_ts;struct related_thread_group *grp;struct list_head grp_list;u64 cpu_cycles;bool misfit;u8 unfilter;
/* ravg represents frequency scaled cpu-demand of tasks */
struct ravg {/** 'mark_start' marks the beginning of an event (task waking up, task* starting to execute, task being preempted) within a window** 'sum' represents how runnable a task has been within current* window. It incorporates both running time and wait time and is* frequency scaled.** 'sum_history' keeps track of history of 'sum' seen over previous* RAVG_HIST_SIZE windows. Windows where task was entirely sleeping are* ignored.** 'demand' represents maximum sum seen over previous* sysctl_sched_ravg_hist_size windows. 'demand' could drive frequency* demand for tasks.** 'curr_window_cpu' represents task's contribution to cpu busy time on* various CPUs in the current window** 'prev_window_cpu' represents task's contribution to cpu busy time on* various CPUs in the previous window** 'curr_window' represents the sum of all entries in curr_window_cpu** 'prev_window' represents the sum of all entries in prev_window_cpu** 'pred_demand' represents task's current predicted cpu busy time** 'busy_buckets' groups historical busy time into different buckets* used for prediction** 'demand_scaled' represents task's demand scaled to 1024*/u64 mark_start;u32 sum, demand;u32 coloc_demand;u32 sum_history[RAVG_HIST_SIZE_MAX];u32 *curr_window_cpu, *prev_window_cpu;u32 curr_window, prev_window;u16 active_windows;u32 pred_demand;u8 busy_buckets[NUM_BUSY_BUCKETS];u16 demand_scaled;u16 pred_demand_scaled;



static inline unsigned long task_util(struct task_struct *p)
#ifdef CONFIG_SCHED_WALTreturn p->ravg.demand_scaled;    //task负载
#endifreturn READ_ONCE(p->se.avg.util_avg);


static inline unsigned long cpu_util(int cpu)
{struct cfs_rq *cfs_rq;unsigned int util;#ifdef CONFIG_SCHED_WALTu64 walt_cpu_util =cpu_rq(cpu)->walt_stats.cumulative_runnable_avg_scaled;  //cpu负载return min_t(unsigned long, walt_cpu_util, capacity_orig_of(cpu));
#endifcfs_rq = &cpu_rq(cpu)->cfs;util = READ_ONCE(cfs_rq->avg.util_avg);if (sched_feat(UTIL_EST))util = max(util, READ_ONCE(cfs_rq->avg.util_est.enqueued));return min_t(unsigned long, util, capacity_orig_of(cpu));
}static inline unsigned long cpu_util_cum(int cpu, int delta)
{u64 util = cpu_rq(cpu)->cfs.avg.util_avg;unsigned long capacity = capacity_orig_of(cpu);#ifdef CONFIG_SCHED_WALTutil = cpu_rq(cpu)->cum_window_demand_scaled;  //处于当前运行的task util?目前还没搞清楚
#endifdelta += util;if (delta < 0)return 0;return (delta >= capacity) ? capacity : delta;


4.1 task load,cpu load统计

/* Reflect task activity on its demand and cpu's busy time statistics */
void update_task_ravg(struct task_struct *p, struct rq *rq, int event,u64 wallclock, u64 irqtime)
{u64 old_window_start;if (!rq->window_start || sched_disable_window_stats ||p->ravg.mark_start == wallclock)    //3个直接return的条件:walt算法没有开始;临时关闭了walt;wallclock没更新,不用做重复工作return;lockdep_assert_held(&rq->lock);old_window_start = update_window_start(rq, wallclock, event);  //这里是算法刚刚开始,所以只是获取window startif (!p->ravg.mark_start) {                  //第一次进入没有标记walt算法的开始:mark_start。那么就直接goto done;update_task_cpu_cycles(p, cpu_of(rq), wallclock);  //同时,更新cpu cycle count(后续在scale_exec_time中计算cpu freq)goto done;}update_task_rq_cpu_cycles(p, rq, event, wallclock, irqtime);  //同上,更新cpu cycle count(后续在scale_exec_time中计算cpu freq),比上面多一个idle task的判断处理update_task_demand(p, rq, event, wallclock);         //(1.)walt,更新task demandupdate_cpu_busy_time(p, rq, event, wallclock, irqtime);  //(2.)walt,更新cpu busy timeupdate_task_pred_demand(rq, p, event);            //(3.)walt,更新预测的task demandif (exiting_task(p))      //exiting task的情况下,不记录trace loggoto done;//trace logstrace_sched_update_task_ravg(p, rq, event, wallclock, irqtime,rq->cc.cycles, rq->cc.time, &rq->grp_time);trace_sched_update_task_ravg_mini(p, rq, event, wallclock, irqtime,rq->cc.cycles, rq->cc.time, &rq->grp_time);done:p->ravg.mark_start = wallclock;           //更新mark_start,记录下一次walt算法开始的时间run_walt_irq_work(old_window_start, rq);     //(4.)walt,针对irq情况的处理


1、更新当前 window start时间为之后数据更新做准备;
3、更新对应task的cpu busy time占用;

4.1.1 统计cpu task的demand AND/OR 更新对应cpu的demand history。


/** Account cpu demand of task and/or update task's cpu demand history** ms = p->ravg.mark_start;* wc = wallclock* ws = rq->window_start** Three possibilities:**    a) Task event is contained within one window.*        window_start < mark_start < wallclock**        ws   ms  wc*        |    |   |*        V    V   V*        |---------------|**    In this case, p->ravg.sum is updated *iff* event is appropriate*    (ex: event == PUT_PREV_TASK)**    b) Task event spans two windows.*        mark_start < window_start < wallclock**        ms   ws   wc*        |    |    |*        V    V    V*        -----|-------------------**    In this case, p->ravg.sum is updated with (ws - ms) *iff* event*    is appropriate, then a new window sample is recorded followed*    by p->ravg.sum being set to (wc - ws) *iff* event is appropriate.**    c) Task event spans more than two windows.**        ms ws_tmp               ws  wc*        |  |                   |   |*        V  V                   V   V*        ---|-------|-------|-------|-------|------*           |                   |*           |<------ nr_full_windows ------>|**    In this case, p->ravg.sum is updated with (ws_tmp - ms) first *iff**    event is appropriate, window sample of p->ravg.sum is recorded,*    'nr_full_window' samples of window_size is also recorded *iff**    event is appropriate and finally p->ravg.sum is set to (wc - ws)*    *iff* event is appropriate.** IMPORTANT : Leave p->ravg.mark_start unchanged, as update_cpu_busy_time()* depends on it!*/
static u64 update_task_demand(struct task_struct *p, struct rq *rq,int event, u64 wallclock)
{u64 mark_start = p->ravg.mark_start;u64 delta, window_start = rq->window_start;int new_window, nr_full_windows;u32 window_size = sched_ravg_window;u64 runtime;new_window = mark_start < window_start;      //当new_window=1时,情况为b、cif (!account_busy_for_task_demand(rq, p, event)) {  //判断该task是否会工作导致busyif (new_window)/** If the time accounted isn't being accounted as* busy time, and a new window started, only the* previous window need be closed out with the* pre-existing demand. Multiple windows may have* elapsed, but since empty windows are dropped,* it is not necessary to account those.      //如果不导致busy,并且有new window了,那么说明繁忙的工作已经完成了,很多有数据的window已经流逝了,并且空闲的window被drop了,所以,只需要调用update。*/update_history(rq, p, p->ravg.sum, 1, event);  //(1.1)update上次的计算结果,长度:p->ravg.sumreturn 0;}if (!new_window) {/** The simple case - busy time contained within the existing* window.*/return add_to_task_demand(rq, p, wallclock - mark_start);  //(1.2)情况a:最简单的情况,直接更新wallclock - mark_start}/** Busy time spans at least two windows. Temporarily rewind* window_start to first window boundary after mark_start.*/delta = window_start - mark_start;                   //busy time跨越至少2个window时,先临时将window_start移动到mark_start紧接着后面的window边界处,记作ws_tmpnr_full_windows = div64_u64(delta, window_size);          window_start -= (u64)nr_full_windows * (u64)window_size;    /* Process (window_start - mark_start) first */runtime = add_to_task_demand(rq, p, window_start - mark_start);  //先计算ws_tmp - mark_start/* Push new sample(s) into task's demand history */update_history(rq, p, p->ravg.sum, 1, event);             //更新history,长度:p->ravg.sumif (nr_full_windows) {                          //如上面,其中有遗留的完整window,也需要更新,长度:nr_full_windows * scaled_window; scaled_window由window_size,cpu freq等参数计算转化而来u64 scaled_window = scale_exec_time(window_size, rq);update_history(rq, p, scaled_window, nr_full_windows, event);runtime += nr_full_windows * scaled_window;}/** Roll window_start back to current to process any remainder* in current window.*/window_start += (u64)nr_full_windows * (u64)window_size;      //将window_start重新从ws_tmp处移回原先的地方/* Process (wallclock - window_start) next */mark_start = window_start;runtime += add_to_task_demand(rq, p, wallclock - mark_start);  //在计算wallclock - mark_start(其实就是window_start)return runtime;              //runtime记录的是task累计的时间

1、 更新history, 这里就会对history中的window值求平均,再根据policy来选择最近的值 or 是最大值,还是平均值,还是最大与最近值中较大的值(默认)

/** Called when new window is starting for a task, to record cpu usage over* recently concluded window(s). Normally 'samples' should be 1. It can be > 1* when, say, a real-time task runs without preemption for several windows at a* stretch.*/
static void update_history(struct rq *rq, struct task_struct *p,u32 runtime, int samples, int event)
{u32 *hist = &p->ravg.sum_history[0];int ridx, widx;u32 max = 0, avg, demand, pred_demand;u64 sum = 0;u16 demand_scaled, pred_demand_scaled;/* Ignore windows where task had no activity */if (!runtime || is_idle_task(p) || exiting_task(p) || !samples)  //如果没有活动的task,例如:idle,exiting等,就不用计算goto done;/* Push new 'runtime' value onto stack */widx = sched_ravg_hist_size - 1;ridx = widx - samples;for (; ridx >= 0; --widx, --ridx) {            //这个循环,主要将hist数组中较久的数据去除,留下较新的数据。留下的数据累计到sum中hist[widx] = hist[ridx];sum += hist[widx];if (hist[widx] > max)max = hist[widx];}for (widx = 0; widx < samples && widx < sched_ravg_hist_size; widx++) {  //这个循环,主要将新的数据填充点hist数组中,并累计到sum中hist[widx] = runtime;sum += hist[widx];if (hist[widx] > max)max = hist[widx];}p->ravg.sum = 0;if (sysctl_sched_window_stats_policy == WINDOW_STATS_RECENT) {      //根据policy选择demand的计算方式,默认policy为WINDOW_STATS_MAX_RECENT_AVG=2demand = runtime;} else if (sysctl_sched_window_stats_policy == WINDOW_STATS_MAX) {demand = max;} else {avg = div64_u64(sum, sched_ravg_hist_size);          //计算avg均值if (sysctl_sched_window_stats_policy == WINDOW_STATS_AVG)demand = avg;elsedemand = max(avg, runtime);    //默认的policy}pred_demand = predict_and_update_buckets(rq, p, runtime);    //(1.1.1)根据当前的数据,计算预测的demanddemand_scaled = scale_demand(demand);                //归一化demandpred_demand_scaled = scale_demand(pred_demand);          //归一化预测的demand/** A throttled deadline sched class task gets dequeued without* changing p->on_rq. Since the dequeue decrements walt stats* avoid decrementing it here again.** When window is rolled over, the cumulative window demand* is reset to the cumulative runnable average (contribution from* the tasks on the runqueue). If the current task is dequeued* already, it's demand is not included in the cumulative runnable* average. So add the task demand separately to cumulative window* demand.*//* 上面这段话的目的是校正参数,分两种情况。第一种,task在rq queue里面,上次task             的demand为x,本次计算为y,则cpu负载:cumulative_runnable_avg_scaled += (y-x)。             第二种情况task不在rq queue里面,并且当前task是本次计算demand的task,则直接计算             window load,cum_window_demand_scaled += y;总结上面一句话:新task,它的demand直接累加到累计的demand变量中;而原task的demand发生变化,那么就要把该task的增减量delta,更新到累计的demand变量中。****这个cum_window_demand_scaled数据和cumulative_runnable_avg_scaled是体现cpu untilization的一种体现***        */if (!task_has_dl_policy(p) || !p->dl.dl_throttled) {    if (task_on_rq_queued(p) &&p->sched_class->fixup_walt_sched_stats)p->sched_class->fixup_walt_sched_stats(rq, p,demand_scaled, pred_demand_scaled);else if (rq->curr == p)walt_fixup_cum_window_demand(rq, demand_scaled);}p->ravg.demand = demand;                        //更新ravg结构体中相关数据参数p->ravg.demand_scaled = demand_scaled;p->ravg.coloc_demand = div64_u64(sum, sched_ravg_hist_size);  //这里有点没明白,为什么又作一次计算,更新colocation demand。这个demand,肯定是更实时。p->ravg.pred_demand = pred_demand;p->ravg.pred_demand_scaled = pred_demand_scaled;if (demand_scaled > sched_task_filter_util)            //demand_scaled > 35(0.68ms, default for 20ms window size scaled to 1024)p->unfilter = sysctl_sched_task_unfilter_nr_windows;    //如果demand超过了,那么就放开task迁移到更大的cpu的其一限制(限制条件不只这一条,这只是其中之一),并维持10次cntelseif (p->unfilter)p->unfilter = p->unfilter - 1;               //没达到,就会cnt减1。为0后,task就会不满足up migrate的条件done:trace_sched_update_history(rq, p, runtime, samples, event);  //trace log


static inline u32 predict_and_update_buckets(struct rq *rq,struct task_struct *p, u32 runtime) {int bidx;u32 pred_demand;if (!sched_predl)return 0;bidx = busy_to_bucket(runtime);              //将runtime桶化成busy的等级:1~9,数字越大,越busypred_demand = get_pred_busy(rq, p, bidx, runtime);   //计算预测demand,看下面的详细解析bucket_increase(p->ravg.busy_buckets, bidx);       //更新bucket,详细解析看下面return pred_demand;


/** get_pred_busy - calculate predicted demand for a task on runqueue** @rq: runqueue of task p* @p: task whose prediction is being updated* @start: starting bucket. returned prediction should not be lower than*         this bucket.* @runtime: runtime of the task. returned prediction should not be lower*           than this runtime.* Note: @start can be derived from @runtime. It's passed in only to* avoid duplicated calculation in some cases.** A new predicted busy time is returned for task @p based on @runtime* passed in. The function searches through buckets that represent busy* time equal to or bigger than @runtime and attempts to find the bucket to* to use for prediction. Once found, it searches through historical busy* time and returns the latest that falls into the bucket. If no such busy* time exists, it returns the medium of that bucket.*/
static u32 get_pred_busy(struct rq *rq, struct task_struct *p,int start, u32 runtime)
{int i;u8 *buckets = p->ravg.busy_buckets;u32 *hist = p->ravg.sum_history;u32 dmin, dmax;u64 cur_freq_runtime = 0;int first = NUM_BUSY_BUCKETS, final;u32 ret = runtime;/* skip prediction for new tasks due to lack of history */if (unlikely(is_new_task(p)))                  //new task没有history,所以不用作预测goto out;/* find minimal bucket index to pick */for (i = start; i < NUM_BUSY_BUCKETS; i++) {        //找到第一个非0值bucket的indexif (buckets[i]) {first = i;break;}}/* if no higher buckets are filled, predict runtime */if (first >= NUM_BUSY_BUCKETS)                //这个条件应该永远不会满足,因为index最大为9goto out;/* compute the bucket for prediction */final = first;/* determine demand range for the predicted bucket */if (final < 2) {                        //如果index是最小的0、1,那么就直接设为1。因为不可能出现比最小还小/* lowest two buckets are combined */dmin = 0;final = 1;} else {dmin = mult_frac(final, max_task_load(), NUM_BUSY_BUCKETS);  //反向计算,还原final index对应runtime}dmax = mult_frac(final + 1, max_task_load(), NUM_BUSY_BUCKETS);  //反向计算,还原final+1 index对应的runtime/** search through runtime history and return first runtime that falls* into the range of predicted bucket.*/for (i = 0; i < sched_ravg_hist_size; i++) {          //在history中寻找,最新的一个能满足runtime区间的记录if (hist[i] >= dmin && hist[i] < dmax) {ret = hist[i];break;}}/* no historical runtime within bucket found, use average of the bin */if (ret < dmin)                           //没有找到,那么使用区间的中值ret = (dmin + dmax) / 2;/** when updating in middle of a window, runtime could be higher* than all recorded history. Always predict at least runtime.*/ret = max(runtime, ret);                     //保持预测的值不小于原先的runtime
out:trace_sched_update_pred_demand(rq, p, runtime,mult_frac((unsigned int)cur_freq_runtime, 100,sched_ravg_window), ret);return ret;

bucket_increase用于更新bucket,如果index匹配,那么就会增加8/16(small step/big step),但不会超过最大255。

#define INC_STEP 8
#define DEC_STEP 2
#define INC_STEP_BIG 16
/** bucket_increase - update the count of all buckets** @buckets: array of buckets tracking busy time of a task* @idx: the index of bucket to be incremented** Each time a complete window finishes, count of bucket that runtime* falls in (@idx) is incremented. Counts of all other buckets are* decayed. The rate of increase and decay could be different based* on current count in the bucket.*/
static inline void bucket_increase(u8 *buckets, int idx)
{int i, step;for (i = 0; i < NUM_BUSY_BUCKETS; i++) {if (idx != i) {if (buckets[i] > DEC_STEP)buckets[i] -= DEC_STEP;elsebuckets[i] = 0;} else {step = buckets[i] >= CONSISTENT_THRES ?INC_STEP_BIG : INC_STEP;if (buckets[i] > U8_MAX - step)buckets[i] = U8_MAX;elsebuckets[i] += step;}}


static u64 add_to_task_demand(struct rq *rq, struct task_struct *p, u64 delta)
{delta = scale_exec_time(delta, rq);  //这里就会用到之前的cpu cycle countp->ravg.sum += delta;if (unlikely(p->ravg.sum > sched_ravg_window))p->ravg.sum = sched_ravg_window;return delta;

4.1.2 在cpu活动时,更新cpu busy time(rq->curr/prev_runnable_sum)

/** Account cpu activity in its busy time counters (rq->curr/prev_runnable_sum)*/
static void update_cpu_busy_time(struct task_struct *p, struct rq *rq,int event, u64 wallclock, u64 irqtime)
{int new_window, full_window = 0;int p_is_curr_task = (p == rq->curr);u64 mark_start = p->ravg.mark_start;u64 window_start = rq->window_start;u32 window_size = sched_ravg_window;u64 delta;u64 *curr_runnable_sum = &rq->curr_runnable_sum;u64 *prev_runnable_sum = &rq->prev_runnable_sum;u64 *nt_curr_runnable_sum = &rq->nt_curr_runnable_sum;u64 *nt_prev_runnable_sum = &rq->nt_prev_runnable_sum;bool new_task;struct related_thread_group *grp;int cpu = rq->cpu;u32 old_curr_window = p->ravg.curr_window;new_window = mark_start < window_start;if (new_window) {full_window = (window_start - mark_start) >= window_size;  //full window代表距离上次更新较久了(>20ms)if (p->ravg.active_windows < USHRT_MAX)p->ravg.active_windows++;}new_task = is_new_task(p);          //更具ravg.active_windows判断是否是<5,则便是原先空的window,现在有新task填充。仅发生在刚开始初始化阶段/** Handle per-task window rollover. We don't care about the idle* task or exiting tasks.*/if (!is_idle_task(p) && !exiting_task(p)) {        //idle、exiting task的rollover,无需考虑if (new_window)rollover_task_window(p, full_window);      //task rollover实际就是转存下window,把curr存到pre。并且转存per cpu的prev_window_cpu[]}if (p_is_curr_task && new_window) {rollover_cpu_window(rq, full_window);        //转存rq、rq->grp_time相关的curr_runnable_sum、nt_curr_runnable_sum        rollover_top_tasks(rq, full_window);         //转存top_tass_table和curr_top task}if (!account_busy_for_cpu_time(rq, p, irqtime, event))  //非busy(可能正在migrate,idle等)则直接update top tasksgoto done;grp = p->grp;if (grp) {                             //如果task有releated_thread_group,那么使用grp_time的curr_runnable_sum和nt_curr_runnable_sumstruct group_cpu_time *cpu_time = &rq->grp_time;curr_runnable_sum = &cpu_time->curr_runnable_sum;prev_runnable_sum = &cpu_time->prev_runnable_sum;nt_curr_runnable_sum = &cpu_time->nt_curr_runnable_sum;nt_prev_runnable_sum = &cpu_time->nt_prev_runnable_sum;}if (!new_window) {/** account_busy_for_cpu_time() = 1 so busy time needs* to be accounted to the current window. No rollover* since we didn't start a new window. An example of this is* when a task starts execution and then sleeps within the* same window.    ***task执行,然后接着就sleep;动作发生在通一个window中,这个情况下不需要rollover****/if (!irqtime || !is_idle_task(p) || cpu_is_waiting_on_io(rq))delta = wallclock - mark_start;                //非中断、idle task、cpu等待io的情况下,delta的值elsedelta = irqtime;                         //中断、idle task、cpu等待io的情况下,delta的值delta = scale_exec_time(delta, rq);*curr_runnable_sum += delta;            //归一化后,统计到curr_runnable_sumif (new_task)*nt_curr_runnable_sum += delta;        //如果是new task,也累加到nt_curr_rannable_sum中if (!is_idle_task(p) && !exiting_task(p)) {p->ravg.curr_window += delta;          //更新curr_window和对应cpu的数组curr_window_cpu[cpu]p->ravg.curr_window_cpu[cpu] += delta;    }goto done;}if (!p_is_curr_task) {/** account_busy_for_cpu_time() = 1 so busy time needs* to be accounted to the current window. A new window* has also started, but p is not the current task, so the* window is not rolled over - just split up and account* as necessary into curr and prev. The window is only* rolled over when a new window is processed for the current* task.** Irqtime can't be accounted by a task that isn't the* currently running task.    ***p不是current task的情况,irqtime不能被统计到p****/if (!full_window) {/** A full window hasn't elapsed, account partial* contribution to previous completed window.    ***没有出现过了full window的时候,仅更新到prev_window****/delta = scale_exec_time(window_start - mark_start, rq);  //更新的大小:window_start - mark_startif (!exiting_task(p)) {p->ravg.prev_window += delta;p->ravg.prev_window_cpu[cpu] += delta;}} else {/** Since at least one full window has elapsed,* the contribution to the previous window is the* full window (window_size).*/delta = scale_exec_time(window_size, rq);        //出现了full window的情况下,更新的大小:window_size,20msif (!exiting_task(p)) {p->ravg.prev_window = delta;p->ravg.prev_window_cpu[cpu] = delta;}}*prev_runnable_sum += delta;              //再更新prev_runnable_sum和nt_prev_runnable_sumif (new_task)*nt_prev_runnable_sum += delta;/* Account piece of busy time in the current window. */delta = scale_exec_time(wallclock - window_start, rq);  //再统计curr window到curr_runnable_sum和nt_curr_runnable_sum*curr_runnable_sum += delta;if (new_task)*nt_curr_runnable_sum += delta;if (!exiting_task(p)) {                  //并更新curr_window和对应cpu的数组curr_window_cpu[cpu]p->ravg.curr_window = delta;p->ravg.curr_window_cpu[cpu] = delta;}goto done;}if (!irqtime || !is_idle_task(p) || cpu_is_waiting_on_io(rq)) {/** account_busy_for_cpu_time() = 1 so busy time needs* to be accounted to the current window. A new window* has started and p is the current task so rollover is* needed. If any of these three above conditions are true* then this busy time can't be accounted as irqtime.** Busy time for the idle task or exiting tasks need not* be accounted.** An example of this would be a task that starts execution* and then sleeps once a new window has begun.    ***一个task开始执行,然后在1个new window开始时,sleep了(也是类似统计curr_rannable_sum等)****/if (!full_window) {/** A full window hasn't elapsed, account partial* contribution to previous completed window.*/delta = scale_exec_time(window_start - mark_start, rq);if (!is_idle_task(p) && !exiting_task(p)) {p->ravg.prev_window += delta;p->ravg.prev_window_cpu[cpu] += delta;}} else {/** Since at least one full window has elapsed,* the contribution to the previous window is the* full window (window_size).*/delta = scale_exec_time(window_size, rq);if (!is_idle_task(p) && !exiting_task(p)) {p->ravg.prev_window = delta;p->ravg.prev_window_cpu[cpu] = delta;}}/** Rollover is done here by overwriting the values in* prev_runnable_sum and curr_runnable_sum.*/*prev_runnable_sum += delta;if (new_task)*nt_prev_runnable_sum += delta;/* Account piece of busy time in the current window. */delta = scale_exec_time(wallclock - window_start, rq);*curr_runnable_sum += delta;if (new_task)*nt_curr_runnable_sum += delta;if (!is_idle_task(p) && !exiting_task(p)) {p->ravg.curr_window = delta;p->ravg.curr_window_cpu[cpu] = delta;}goto done;}if (irqtime) {                              //scheduler_tick函数触发的时候,irqtime=0/** account_busy_for_cpu_time() = 1 so busy time needs* to be accounted to the current window. A new window* has started and p is the current task so rollover is* needed. The current task must be the idle task because* irqtime is not accounted for any other task.** Irqtime will be accounted each time we process IRQ activity* after a period of idleness, so we know the IRQ busy time* started at wallclock - irqtime.    ***irq发生的情况下,统计busy time(也是类似统计curr_rannable_sum等)****/BUG_ON(!is_idle_task(p));mark_start = wallclock - irqtime;/** Roll window over. If IRQ busy time was just in the current* window then that is all that need be accounted.*/if (mark_start > window_start) {*curr_runnable_sum = scale_exec_time(irqtime, rq);return;}/** The IRQ busy time spanned multiple windows. Process the* busy time preceding the current window start first.*/delta = window_start - mark_start;if (delta > window_size)delta = window_size;delta = scale_exec_time(delta, rq);*prev_runnable_sum += delta;/* Process the remaining IRQ busy time in the current window. */delta = wallclock - window_start;rq->curr_runnable_sum = scale_exec_time(delta, rq);return;}done:if (!is_idle_task(p) && !exiting_task(p))update_top_tasks(p, rq, old_curr_window,new_window, full_window);      (2.1)更新cpu top task

1、更新top task,维护curr_table/prev_table

static void update_top_tasks(struct task_struct *p, struct rq *rq,u32 old_curr_window, int new_window, bool full_window)
{u8 curr = rq->curr_table;u8 prev = 1 - curr;u8 *curr_table = rq->top_tasks[curr];u8 *prev_table = rq->top_tasks[prev];int old_index, new_index, update_index;u32 curr_window = p->ravg.curr_window;u32 prev_window = p->ravg.prev_window;bool zero_index_update;if (old_curr_window == curr_window && !new_window)return;old_index = load_to_index(old_curr_window);      //把load转化为indexnew_index = load_to_index(curr_window);if (!new_window) {                              //在没有new window的情况下,更新当前top表rq->curr_table[]中新旧index的计数,zero_index_update = !old_curr_window && curr_window;       //根据curr_table[新旧index]的计数,更新rq->top_tasks_bitmap[curr] bitmap中对应index的值if (old_index != new_index || zero_index_update) {if (old_curr_window)curr_table[old_index] -= 1;if (curr_window)curr_table[new_index] += 1;if (new_index > rq->curr_top)rq->curr_top = new_index;}if (!curr_table[old_index])__clear_bit(NUM_LOAD_INDICES - old_index - 1,rq->top_tasks_bitmap[curr]);if (curr_table[new_index] == 1)__set_bit(NUM_LOAD_INDICES - new_index - 1,rq->top_tasks_bitmap[curr]);return;}/** The window has rolled over for this task. By the time we get* here, curr/prev swaps would has already occurred. So we need* to use prev_window for the new index.            ***有new window的情况下,分2部分计算,一部分时prev_window;另一部分时curr_window****/update_index = load_to_index(prev_window);if (full_window) {/** Two cases here. Either 'p' ran for the entire window or* it didn't run at all. In either case there is no entry* in the prev table. If 'p' ran the entire window, we just* need to create a new entry in the prev table. In this case* update_index will be correspond to sched_ravg_window* so we can unconditionally update the top index.*/if (prev_window) {prev_table[update_index] += 1;rq->prev_top = update_index;}if (prev_table[update_index] == 1)__set_bit(NUM_LOAD_INDICES - update_index - 1,rq->top_tasks_bitmap[prev]);} else {zero_index_update = !old_curr_window && prev_window;if (old_index != update_index || zero_index_update) {if (old_curr_window)prev_table[old_index] -= 1;prev_table[update_index] += 1;if (update_index > rq->prev_top)rq->prev_top = update_index;if (!prev_table[old_index])__clear_bit(NUM_LOAD_INDICES - old_index - 1,rq->top_tasks_bitmap[prev]);if (prev_table[update_index] == 1)__set_bit(NUM_LOAD_INDICES - update_index - 1,rq->top_tasks_bitmap[prev]);}}if (curr_window) {curr_table[new_index] += 1;if (new_index > rq->curr_top)rq->curr_top = new_index;if (curr_table[new_index] == 1)__set_bit(NUM_LOAD_INDICES - new_index - 1,rq->top_tasks_bitmap[curr]);}

4.1.3 在window滚动期间,当task busy time超过了预测的demand,那么就要更新预测的demand。

/** predictive demand of a task is calculated at the window roll-over.* if the task current window busy time exceeds the predicted* demand, update it here to reflect the task needs.*/
void update_task_pred_demand(struct rq *rq, struct task_struct *p, int event)
{u32 new, old;u16 new_scaled;if (!sched_predl)return;if (is_idle_task(p) || exiting_task(p))return;if (event != PUT_PREV_TASK && event != TASK_UPDATE &&(!SCHED_FREQ_ACCOUNT_WAIT_TIME ||(event != TASK_MIGRATE &&event != PICK_NEXT_TASK)))return;/** TASK_UPDATE can be called on sleeping task, when its moved between* related groups*/if (event == TASK_UPDATE) {if (!p->on_rq && !SCHED_FREQ_ACCOUNT_WAIT_TIME)return;}new = calc_pred_demand(rq, p);  //计算新的demand,计算方法与1.1.1的get_pred_busy的一样old = p->ravg.pred_demand;if (old >= new)          //不需要更新就returnreturn;new_scaled = scale_demand(new);if (task_on_rq_queued(p) && (!task_has_dl_policy(p) ||          //更新cum_window_demand_scaled,与1.1中一样!p->dl.dl_throttled) &&p->sched_class->fixup_walt_sched_stats)p->sched_class->fixup_walt_sched_stats(rq, p,p->ravg.demand_scaled,new_scaled);p->ravg.pred_demand = new;              //更新预测的pred_demand和pred_demand_sclaedp->ravg.pred_demand_scaled = new_scaled;

4.1.4 并且根据判断是否需要调节cpu freq。如果是task迁移,还需要判断是否wake up cluster/core。

static inline void run_walt_irq_work(u64 old_window_start, struct rq *rq)
{u64 result;if (old_window_start == rq->window_start)      //过滤,防止循环调用return;result = atomic64_cmpxchg(&walt_irq_work_lastq_ws, old_window_start,rq->window_start);if (result == old_window_start)irq_work_queue(&walt_cpufreq_irq_work);  //调用walt_irq_work
static void walt_init_once(void)
...init_irq_work(&walt_cpufreq_irq_work, walt_irq_work);
/** Runs in hard-irq context. This should ideally run just after the latest* window roll-over.*/
void walt_irq_work(struct irq_work *irq_work)
{struct sched_cluster *cluster;struct rq *rq;int cpu;u64 wc;bool is_migration = false, is_asym_migration = false;u64 total_grp_load = 0, min_cluster_grp_load = 0;int level = 0;/* Am I the window rollover work or the migration work? */if (irq_work == &walt_migration_irq_work)is_migration = true;for_each_cpu(cpu, cpu_possible_mask) {if (level == 0)raw_spin_lock(&cpu_rq(cpu)->lock);elseraw_spin_lock_nested(&cpu_rq(cpu)->lock, level);level++;}wc = sched_ktime_clock();walt_load_reported_window = atomic64_read(&walt_irq_work_lastq_ws);for_each_sched_cluster(cluster) {                            //遍历每个cluster、每个cpuu64 aggr_grp_load = 0;raw_spin_lock(&cluster->load_lock);for_each_cpu(cpu, &cluster->cpus) {rq = cpu_rq(cpu);if (rq->curr) {update_task_ravg(rq->curr, rq,                  //调用update_task_tavg,更新TASK_UPDATE, wc, 0);account_load_subtractions(rq);                  //统计curr/prev_runnable_sum、nt_curr/prev_runnable_sum减去load_subtracion;衰减可能时为了防止参数一直往上涨aggr_grp_load += rq->grp_time.prev_runnable_sum;       //统计cluster的load}if (is_migration && rq->notif_pending &&cpumask_test_cpu(cpu, &asym_cap_sibling_cpus)) {is_asym_migration = true;rq->notif_pending = false;}}cluster->aggr_grp_load = aggr_grp_load;total_grp_load += aggr_grp_load;          //统计总loadif (is_min_capacity_cluster(cluster))min_cluster_grp_load = aggr_grp_load;raw_spin_unlock(&cluster->load_lock);}if (total_grp_load) {if (cpumask_weight(&asym_cap_sibling_cpus)) {u64 big_grp_load =total_grp_load - min_cluster_grp_load;for_each_cpu(cpu, &asym_cap_sibling_cpus)cpu_cluster(cpu)->aggr_grp_load = big_grp_load;}rtgb_active = is_rtgb_active();} else {rtgb_active = false;}if (!is_migration && sysctl_sched_user_hint && time_after(jiffies,sched_user_hint_reset_time))sysctl_sched_user_hint = 0;for_each_sched_cluster(cluster) {cpumask_t cluster_online_cpus;unsigned int num_cpus, i = 1;cpumask_and(&cluster_online_cpus, &cluster->cpus,cpu_online_mask);num_cpus = cpumask_weight(&cluster_online_cpus);for_each_cpu(cpu, &cluster_online_cpus) {int flag = SCHED_CPUFREQ_WALT;rq = cpu_rq(cpu);if (is_migration) {if (rq->notif_pending) {flag |= SCHED_CPUFREQ_INTERCLUSTER_MIG;rq->notif_pending = false;}}if (is_asym_migration && cpumask_test_cpu(cpu,&asym_cap_sibling_cpus))flag |= SCHED_CPUFREQ_INTERCLUSTER_MIG;if (i == num_cpus)cpufreq_update_util(cpu_rq(cpu), flag);  //调节cpu freqelsecpufreq_update_util(cpu_rq(cpu), flag |  //flag:维持cpu freqSCHED_CPUFREQ_CONTINUE);i++;}}for_each_cpu(cpu, cpu_possible_mask)raw_spin_unlock(&cpu_rq(cpu)->lock);if (!is_migration)core_ctl_check(this_rq()->window_start);  //task迁移的话,要确认是否需要wake up cluster/core

4.2 IRQ load统计


/** Called before incrementing preempt_count on {soft,}irq_enter* and before decrementing preempt_count on {soft,}irq_exit.*/
void irqtime_account_irq(struct task_struct *curr)
#ifdef CONFIG_SCHED_WALTu64 wallclock;bool account = true;
#ifdef CONFIG_SCHED_WALTwallclock = sched_clock_cpu(cpu);
#endifdelta = sched_clock_cpu(cpu) - irqtime->irq_start_time;irqtime->irq_start_time += delta;/** We do not account for softirq time from ksoftirqd here.* We want to continue accounting softirq time to ksoftirqd thread* in that case, so as not to confuse scheduler with a special task* that do not consume any time, but still wants to run.    ***我们不想统计从ksoftirqd跑到这里的softirq时间。但仍然会基线统计跑到ksoftirqd线程的softirq时间****/if (hardirq_count())irqtime_account_delta(irqtime, delta, CPUTIME_IRQ);else if (in_serving_softirq() && curr != this_cpu_ksoftirqd())irqtime_account_delta(irqtime, delta, CPUTIME_SOFTIRQ);
#ifdef CONFIG_SCHED_WALTelseaccount = false;if (account)sched_account_irqtime(cpu, curr, delta, wallclock);  //统计irqtimeelse if (curr != this_cpu_ksoftirqd())sched_account_irqstart(cpu, curr, wallclock);

其中delta是irq运行的时间,因为delta原先数值是irq开始时间到执行函数irqtime_account_irq的时间差值,现在执行到sched_account_irqtime函数,由于中间经过了很多代码指令的执行,再次校正delta数值:delta += sched_clock - wallclock(上次系统时间)

void sched_account_irqtime(int cpu, struct task_struct *curr,u64 delta, u64 wallclock)
{struct rq *rq = cpu_rq(cpu);unsigned long flags, nr_windows;u64 cur_jiffies_ts;raw_spin_lock_irqsave(&rq->lock, flags);/** cputime (wallclock) uses sched_clock so use the same here for* consistency.*/delta += sched_clock() - wallclock;      //更新跑到这里的irqtimecur_jiffies_ts = get_jiffies_64();if (is_idle_task(curr))                         //如果变为idle了,更新task load/cpu load等。update_task_ravg(curr, rq, IRQ_UPDATE, sched_ktime_clock(),delta);nr_windows = cur_jiffies_ts - rq->irqload_ts;        //计算当前irq的时间距离上次irq的间隔jiffiesif (nr_windows) {if (nr_windows < 10) {                    //如果间隔时间小于10个window,就要衰减为原先的3/4:avg_irq_load = 原先avg_irqload * 0.75/* Decay CPU's irqload by 3/4 for each window. */rq->avg_irqload *= (3 * nr_windows);rq->avg_irqload = div64_u64(rq->avg_irqload,4 * nr_windows);} else {rq->avg_irqload = 0;        //间隔>=10个window,avg_irq_load = 0(总结:如果一个rq上的cpu irq中断时间间隔比较长,那么它的avg_irqload就可以忽略不计)}rq->avg_irqload += rq->cur_irqload;  //统计好cur_irqload,清0,为了下面更新此值rq->cur_irqload = 0;}rq->cur_irqload += delta;          //更新cur_irqloadrq->irqload_ts = cur_jiffies_ts;      //更新irqload时间戳raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore(&rq->lock, flags);


__read_mostly unsigned int sysctl_sched_cpu_high_irqload = (10 * NSEC_PER_MSEC);static inline int sched_cpu_high_irqload(int cpu)
{return sched_irqload(cpu) >= sysctl_sched_cpu_high_irqload;  //10ms
#define SCHED_HIGH_IRQ_TIMEOUT 3static inline u64 sched_irqload(int cpu)
{struct rq *rq = cpu_rq(cpu);s64 delta;delta = get_jiffies_64() - rq->irqload_ts;/** Current context can be preempted by irq and rq->irqload_ts can be* updated by irq context so that delta can be negative.* But this is okay and we can safely return as this means there* was recent irq occurrence.*/if (delta < SCHED_HIGH_IRQ_TIMEOUT)    //如果当前时间距离上次irq间隔>=3(应该是3个tick),则认为irq load为0return rq->avg_irqload;elsereturn 0;

high irqload影响EAS:

调用路径:find_energy_efficient_cpu() --> find_best_target() --> sched_cpu_high_irqload()

路径是为了在sched domain里面找到最佳的cpu,之后将task迁移过去;如果 cpu irqload为 high,那么则说明此cpu不合适,继续遍历其他cpu。这个也是负载均衡的一部分。


5.1 负载均衡(task migration)

cpu_util_cum()获取cpu rq的累计demand,即cpu级负载
如果 dst_cpu累计demand + task_demand > src_cpu累计demand + task_demand,那么说明不满足迁移条件。

/** can_migrate_task - may task p from runqueue rq be migrated to this_cpu?*/
int can_migrate_task(struct task_struct *p, struct lb_env *env)
{...demand = task_util(p);  //获取task负载util_cum_dst = cpu_util_cum(env->dst_cpu, 0) + demand;  //cpu_util_cum获取cpu负载util_cum_src = cpu_util_cum(env->src_cpu, 0) - demand;if (util_cum_dst > util_cum_src)return 0;...


5.2 CPU freq调节

一共有如下3条路径的函数来通过WALT修改cpu freq,

  • walt_irq_work():walt中断工作
  • scheduler_tick():周期调度中early detection情况(调度器发现已存在task处于runnable状态超过了SCHED_EARLY_DETECTION_DURATION,那么调度器就会通知governor接下来,需要提高cpu freq,具体解释如下)
  • try_to_wake_up():进程唤醒
scheduler_tick()  --> flag = SCHED_CPUFREQ_WALT --> cpufreq_update_util(cpu_rq(cpu),flag)
try_to_wake_up()  调节频率有两种governoer,分别为原先的[CPU FREQ governors] 以及新的[schedtuil governors]1、CPU FREQ governor
static void gov_set_update_util(struct policy_dbs_info *policy_dbs,unsigned int delay_us)
{...cpufreq_add_update_util_hook(cpu, &cdbs->update_util,dbs_update_util_handler);...
}2、[schedutil] cpu freq governors
static int sugov_start(struct cpufreq_policy *policy)
{...cpufreq_add_update_util_hook(cpu, &sg_cpu->update_util,policy_is_shared(policy) ?sugov_update_shared :sugov_update_single);...

其中,在walt.c的 freq_policy_load中,会返回WALT计算的load(util),用于sugov_next_freq_shared中计算新的cpu freq。

static inline u64 freq_policy_load(struct rq *rq)
{unsigned int reporting_policy = sysctl_sched_freq_reporting_policy;struct sched_cluster *cluster = rq->cluster;u64 aggr_grp_load = cluster->aggr_grp_load;u64 load, tt_load = 0;struct task_struct *cpu_ksoftirqd = per_cpu(ksoftirqd, cpu_of(rq));if (rq->ed_task != NULL) {      //early detection task的情况,load = 一个window的长度(20ms)load = sched_ravg_window;goto done;}if (sched_freq_aggr_en)                    //freq聚合影响不同的load计算,在sched_boost设置为full_throttle_boost和restrained_boost时enable,退出时disableload = rq->prev_runnable_sum + aggr_grp_load;elseload = rq->prev_runnable_sum + rq->grp_time.prev_runnable_sum;if (cpu_ksoftirqd && cpu_ksoftirqd->state == TASK_RUNNING)load = max_t(u64, load, task_load(cpu_ksoftirqd));  //如果正在执行软中断的loadtt_load = top_task_load(rq);                //获取top task的loadswitch (reporting_policy) {              //根据不同的report policy,选择load上报case FREQ_REPORT_MAX_CPU_LOAD_TOP_TASK:load = max_t(u64, load, tt_load);        //取其中最大的loadbreak;case FREQ_REPORT_TOP_TASK:load = tt_load;break;case FREQ_REPORT_CPU_LOAD:break;default:break;}if (should_apply_suh_freq_boost(cluster)) {      //是否需要apply freq boostif (is_suh_max())load = sched_ravg_window;elseload = div64_u64(load * sysctl_sched_user_hint,(u64)100);}done:trace_sched_load_to_gov(rq, aggr_grp_load, tt_load, sched_freq_aggr_en,load, reporting_policy, walt_rotation_enabled,sysctl_sched_user_hint);return load;


1、识别heavy task的速度更快。
2、针对cpu util的计算快,从而可以更快控制cpu freq上升和下降。


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