1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. Liverpool are set to bring in Jakub Sokolik from Banik Ostrava, according to the defender's agent.


2. While keen to see the contractual issue resolved one way or another, Aurelio insists his priority at present is to help Liverpool get their faltering season back on track.


3. According to the Daily Mail, Jose Mourinho will make Steven Gerrard his number one transfer target, hoping to lure the Liverpool skipper to Inter Milan over the summer.


4. Liverpool moved up to third still 11 points behind us and Arsenal, after dropping their tenth home point of the season, drop to fourth twelve points behind us.


5. That was my very last kick for Liverpool and it doesn't really get any better than that.


6. The left-back will be Del Horno of Atletic Bilbao or Dede of Borussia Dortmund, the midfielder will be Gerrard of Liverpool or Essien of Lyons, and the striker will be Adriano of Internazionale with a deal completing Veròn the other way or Gilardino of Parma or Eto`o of Barcelona, or


7. Liverpool的解释

7. The most expensive defender in Liverpool's history filled in at left-back during the second-half of the goalless draw, and, despite not playing in his favoured position, was pleased to be in action at last.


8. He single-handedly brought Liverpool back to life in that game, not only with his headed goal but with his rallying call to his teammates and the crowd.


9. Meanwhile, Riera admits nerves have got the better of Liverpool during a run of three home stalemates.


10. The new leader of the movement is Jack Spenser who for years ploughed a lonely furrow working amongest teenagers in Liverpool.


11. Liverpool winger Sebastian Leto has revealed he is almost certain to move to Panathinaikos in the near future.


12. Liverpool have agreed a deal with Greek side Panathinaikos for the sale of winger Sebastian Leto.


13. Liverpool的翻译

13. Liverpool have made a fresh work permit application for loaned-out Argentine winger Sebastian Leto.


14. Liverpool were out of the competition before final Group Egame against Fiorentina at Anfield, but the manner of the 2-1 defeat summed uptheir whole Champions League campaign this term.


15. In the event, the band did not get back to their families until January 2, after travelling to Italy and London, via sleeping rough in a Liverpool bus shelter.


16. It is believed that Rodriguez's agent, Jurgen Milewski, has already held talks with Liverpool about a potential transfer or loan move.


17. Westminster Bank, impressed by the concept, opened the UK's first drive-through bank in Liverpool in 1959, soon followed by Ulster Bank opening Ireland's first in 1961 at Finaghy.

威斯敏斯特银行,留下了深刻的印象的概念,开启了英国的第一个驱动器,通过银行在利物浦于1959年,不久之后,爱尔兰阿尔斯特银行开设的第一个于1961年在Finaghy 。

18. Liverpool的近义词

18. Liverpool closed to within just four points off the Champions League places after Torres'stoppage time winner in the Midlands - and Gerrard insists the Reds should now be in the mood to make a charge up the table.


19. Rafa Benitez believes Maxi Rodriguez can help Liverpool return to the free-scoring form of last season.


20. Dirk Kuyt believes Glen Johnson has added a new dimension to Liverpool's attack that could be key to a more free-scoring season on home turf.



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