1.bright future/prospect[ˈprɒspekt]



a.表示推测,相比其他情态动词might may could can的推测,must表示的可能性最高,把握性最大,几乎接近于事实。

It must have rained last night. 对过去的推测

b.表示不可避免的义务,也可以用have to(有时态变化)

I must do it now.

3.In spite[spaɪt] of this, She often appears on the stage as a young girl. 尽管这样

4.publish house--pub 小酒馆

They went to the pub for a drink.

5.landlord[ˈlændlɔ:d] n.店主、房东

The landlord asked Ted to pay the rent[rɛnt] 房租.

6.bill n.账单

gas/telephone bill

Bill,please.  付钱

a ten-dollar bill 纸币

7.After I had(助动词,无词义) had(实义动词) lunch at a village pub.

I looked for(强调寻找这个过程) my bag.

8.beside prep.---next to  靠近

I lhad eft on a chair beside the door.

besides prep.---in addition to   除了...之外

Besides Ellen, five of us have watched the movie.

9.hurry v,匆忙

hurry to the ticket office.

Hurriedly  adv.匆忙的

do sth. hurriedly

10.What a pity(n.)!  感叹句,感叹名词

11.exclaim[ɪkˈsklem] vt.大声说

12.The play may begin at any moment(随时). may表示推测,可能性较must小。

May I help you? may 只能与I连用

Can you help me? can可以与I you...连用

13."I might as well have them," I said sadly. 我可 以也要了吧

may as well ...这么做也可以,比较勉强的语气

14.fisherman n.钓鱼人,渔民

15.boot[but] n.长靴

16.It's a waste of time/money. n.浪费

Don't waste your time. v.

You don't have to waste your words on this matter.

17.realize[ˈriəˌlaɪz]  v.意识到


Skiing is fun.

John likes playing tennis. 动名词做宾语,因为名词可以做宾语

19.without sth(后面加名词)/doing(动名词)

I often fish for hours without catching(动名词) anything.

He solved the problem without difficulty.

20.Instead of catching fish, they catch all boots and rubbish.

instead adv.代替

There is no coffee. We will have tea instead(adv.).

21.He is less smart. less adv.更少

22.After having done 强调动作在主句动作之前发生

After having spent whole mornings on the river, I always go home with an empty bag.

After having taken the exam, he waited for the result anxiously[ˈæŋkʃəs]. adv.焦急的

23.I'm not really interested in fishing. I'm only interested in sitting in a boat and doing nothing at all.

24.mad/mæd/ adj.发疯的

I know I was wrong, please don't be mad at me.

drive sb. mad 驱使某人发疯

His behavior[bɪ'heɪvjə] really drives me mad.

Airplane are slowly driving me mad.

go mad 自己变疯

25.some 表示一些,许多,后面加可数名词的复数或者不可数名词


for some reasons 因为一些/许多原因

for some reason 因为某一种原因

for one reason or another 因为一个又一个/因为种种原因

reasonable adj.合理的

unreasonable  adj.不合理的

26.determined adj.坚定地,下定决心的

He is determined to go abroad for further education.




He is beaten every day.

He was beaten yesterday.

He will be beaten tomorrow.

He is being beaten.

He has been beaten.

The stadium[ˈsteɪdiəm] was built in 1998. 体育场

Rome was not built in a day.

People are being influenced[ˈɪnfluəns] by advertisements[ədˈvɜ:tɪsmənt].

Planes can be heared.

Planes could be heared.

Planes may be heared.

Planes must be heared.

28.doing done修饰名词,作定语

a sleeping baby

a deserted[dɪˈzɜ:tɪd] car park 废弃的

a ploughed[plaʊ] field 耕田

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