Benchmark Test Description

Android Benchmark results (“Baselines”) were gathered from

users’ submissions to the PassMark web site as well as from internal


PerformanceTest Mobile conducts 17 different tests spanning 5 test suties to

determine a devices PassMark rating. Submitted PassMark ratings are then


and to determine the Mobile PassMark rating for a system seen on the charts.

To ensure that the full CPU power of a device is realized, PerformanceTest

Mobile runs each CPU test on all available CPUs/Cores.

Specifically, PerformanceTest Mobile runs one simultaneous CPU test for

every logical CPU; physical CPU core (dual core) or physical CPU

package (multiple CPU chips). So hypothetically, if you have a device that

has two CPUs, each with dual cores then PerformanceTest

Mobile will run four simultaneous tests...[ Read the entire article]

Notes Related to the Graphs

Rarely is a graph completely accurate in what it is representing. There are

many factors that can skew the results and make a graph misleading. As such

it is necessary to have some background understanding of the data being


In the case of these Android Benchmarks there are several factors to

consider, such as different OS’s the CPU’s are running on and

the possibility that users have overclocked their systems.... [ Learn more about the graphs]

Current Top Ten PassMark Rating List

#1 5100

#2 1.0

#3 NOH-AN00

#4 SM-F916N

#5 F2 Pro

#6 SM-G988N

#7 SM-N981U1

#8 M2007J1SC

#9 A002SO

#10 TUF Gaming FX505GT_FX505GT

How to Add Your Own Android Device

Download and install PerformanceTest

Mobile (currently for Android devices).

Start PerformanceTest then from the select the button "Run Benchmark".

Once the tests have run select the button "Submit Results".

Your results will not appear in the graphs immediately as the graphs are only

updated once per day. Additionally, only Android devices of which there are

at least two samples are included in the graphs.

Looking for PerformanceTest Mobile V1 Results?

We have stopped providing charts for PerformanceTest Mobile V1 as of

December 12, 2012. Users can continue to use

V1 of the software and submit results, but the charts will no longer be

updated with their results. For users who want to refer back to V1 results,

we have provided the following list. This list

is for reference only and users are encouraged to visit the new charts which

are generated with PeformanceTest Mobile V2 test submissions.

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