

15. 三数之和

16. 最接近的三数之和

18. 四数之和

31. 下一个排列

33. 搜索旋转排序数组

34. 在排列数组中查找元素的第一个和最后一个位置

36. 有效的数独

39. 组合总和

40. 组合总和

45. 跳跃游戏

46. 全排列

47. 全排列(含重复元素)

48. 旋转图像

54. 螺旋矩阵

55. 跳跃游戏

56. 合并区间

57. 插入区间​

59. 螺旋矩阵

63. 不同路径

64. 最小路径和

73. 矩阵置零

74. 搜索二维矩阵

75. 颜色分类

77. 组合

78. 子集

79. 单词搜索

80. 删除有序数组中的重复项​

81. 搜索旋转排序数组

90. 子集


# 超出时间限制
class Solution(object):def maxArea(self, height):""":type height: List[int]:rtype: int"""n = len(height)li = []for i in range(n-1):area = 0for j in range(i+1, n):area = max(area, (j-i) * min(height[i], height[j]))li.append(area)return max(li)


class Solution(object):def maxArea(self, height):""":type height: List[int]:rtype: int"""head = 0tail = len(height)-1area = 0big = max(height) * tail  # 标记该示例中可能出现的最大值while head < tail:area = max(area, (tail-head)*min(height[head], height[tail]))if area >= big:  # 出现最大值后终止循环return areaif height[head] < height[tail]:head += 1else:tail -= 1return area

15. 三数之和

class Solution(object):def threeSum(self, nums):""":type nums: List[int]:rtype: List[List[int]]"""nums.sort()li = []n = len(nums)if n < 3:return []for v1 in range(n-2):v2 = v1 + 1v3 = n - 1while v2 < v3:if nums[v2] + nums[v3] < -nums[v1]:v2 += 1elif nums[v2] + nums[v3] > -nums[v1]:v3 -= 1elif nums[v2] + nums[v3] == -nums[v1]:if [nums[v1], nums[v2], nums[v3]] not in li:li.append([nums[v1], nums[v2], nums[v3]])v2 += 1v3 -= 1return li

排序后设置三个指针v1,v2,v3,v2从前向后遍历,v3从后向前遍历,使得nums[v2] + nums[v3] == -nums[v1],用时较长。

16. 最接近的三数之和

nums.sort()n = len(nums)count = nums[0] + nums[1] + nums[2]for v1 in range(n-2):if v1 > 0 and nums[v1] == nums[v1-1]:continue # 如果移动v1后数值不变,继续执行下一次for循环v2 = v1 + 1v3 = n - 1while v2 < v3:tmp = nums[v1] + nums[v2] + nums[v3]if tmp == target:return targetif abs(tmp-target) < abs(count-target):count = tmpif tmp > target:v3 -= 1while v2 < v3 and nums[v3] == nums[v3+1]:v3 -= 1else:v2 += 1while v2 < v3 and nums[v2] == nums[v2 - 1]:v2 += 1return count

18. 四数之和

class Solution(object):def fourSum(self, nums, target):""":type nums: List[int]:type target: int:rtype: List[List[int]]"""nums.sort()n = len(nums)li = []if n < 4:return []for v1 in range(n-3):for v2 in range(v1+1, n-2):v3 = v2+1v4 = n-1while v3 < v4:tmp = nums[v1] + nums[v2] + nums[v3] + nums[v4]if tmp == target:if [nums[v1], nums[v2], nums[v3], nums[v4]] not in li:li.append([nums[v1], nums[v2], nums[v3], nums[v4]])v3 += 1v4 -= 1elif tmp < target:v3 += 1elif tmp > target:v4 -= 1return li

类似前两题吧反正就是,讨论特殊情况太麻烦了直接用个not in语句判定一下,缺点是时间和内存都挺大。

class Solution(object):def fourSum(self, nums, target):""":type nums: List[int]:type target: int:rtype: List[List[int]]"""li = []  # 定义一个返回值if not nums or len(nums) < 4:return linums.sort()n = len(nums)for v1 in range(n - 3):# 当v1的值与前面的值相等时忽略if v1 > 0 and nums[v1] == nums[v1 - 1]:continue  # continue,跳出本次for循环继续下一次for循环# 获取当前最小值,如果最小值比目标值大,忽略if nums[v1] + nums[v1 + 1] + nums[v1 + 2] + nums[v1 + 3] > target:break  # break,直接退出所有for循环# 获取当前最大值,如果最大值比目标值小,忽略if nums[v1] + nums[n - 3] + nums[n - 2] + nums[n - 1] < target:continue  # continue,跳出本次for循环继续下一次for循环for v2 in range(v1 + 1, n - 2):if v2 > v1 + 1 and nums[v2] == nums[v2 - 1]:continueif nums[v1] + nums[v2] + nums[v2 + 1] + nums[v2 + 2] > target:breakif nums[v1] + nums[v2] + nums[n - 2] + nums[n - 1] < target:continueleft, right = v2 + 1, n - 1while left < right:tmp = nums[v1] + nums[v2] + nums[left] + nums[right]if tmp == target:li.append([nums[v1], nums[v2], nums[left], nums[right]])left += 1while left < right and nums[left] == nums[left - 1]:left += 1right -= 1while left < right and nums[right] == nums[right + 1]:right -= 1elif tmp < target:left += 1else:right -= 1return li

一个重点是:break跳出所有循环,continue跳出本次循环,数值更新后继续下一次循环,两个语句都是针对while和for来说的。通过跳出不必要的循环以及判断特殊情况(而不是懒鬼方法直接not in)可以大大缩减时间和占用的内存。

31. 下一个排列

# 判决思路在笔记上,不知道为什么leetcode会报错,在电脑上跑是对的
class Solution(object):# 将比a大的最小元素提取到前面,其他元素从大到小排列def sort1(self, a, li):  # 排序函数,a为非倒序元素,li为全倒序列表tmp = li[0]          # tmp初始化为li中最大值head_v = 0           # head_v为指向tmp的指针for i in range(len(li)-1, -1,-1):  # 在li中寻找比a大的最小元素if li[i] >= a:tmp = li[i]head_v = ili.pop(head_v)  # 从li中删除比a大的最小元素li.append(a)    # 将a添加到lili.sort()       # 从大到小排序sortli = [tmp]  # 存储排序结果for val in li:sortli.append(val)return sortlidef nextPermutation(self, nums):""":type nums: List[int]:rtype: None Do not return anything, modify nums in-place instead."""n = len(nums)if n == 1:      # 列表长度为1时直接返回return numselif n == 2:    # 列表长度为2时交换元素位置返回nums[0], nums[1] = nums[1], nums[0]return numselse:           # 列表长度大于2时if nums[n-1] > nums[n-2]:  # 末尾两个元素为正序,直接交换后返回nums[n-1], nums[n-2] = nums[n-2], nums[n-1]return numselse:                      # 末尾两个元素为倒序li = [nums[n-2], nums[n-1]]      # 存储倒序列表i = 3flag = 1while i<=n and flag:             # 向前遍历直到找到非倒序的元素if nums[n-i] > nums[n-i+1]:li.insert(0, nums[n-i])i += 1else:flag = 0if flag:  # 未找到非倒序元素(整个列表为倒序),直接从小到大排序后返回nums.sort()return numstmp_li = self.sort1(nums[n-i], li)con = nums[0: n-i]for val in tmp_li:  # 连接前面不需要改变的列表切片,以及重新排序后的列表con.append(val)return con


class Solution:def nextPermutation(self, nums):""":type nums: List[int]:rtype: None Do not return anything, modify nums in-place instead."""n = len(nums)if n == 0:return []elif n == 1:return numselse:v1 = n - 2  # 倒数第二个数,获得“较右数”v2 = n - 1  # 倒数第一个数,获得“较小数”while v1 >= 0 and nums[v1] >= nums[v1 + 1]:v1 -= 1if v1 == -1:  # while循环被v1>=0终止,整个序列倒序排列return nums.sort()else:while nums[v1] >= nums[v2]:# 不需要限制v2>v1是因为v1右侧的数一定比它大v2 -= 1nums[v1], nums[v2] = nums[v2], nums[v1]# 交换较小数和较右数后,v1右侧依旧严格倒序排列,前后亮亮交换即可left = v1 + 1right = n - 1while left < right:nums[left], nums[right] = nums[right], nums[left]left += 1right -= 1return nums

33. 搜索旋转排序数组

class Solution(object):def search(self, nums, target):""":type nums: List[int]:type target: int:rtype: int"""if nums.count(target) == 0:return -1else:return nums.index(target)


class Solution:def search(self, nums, target):if not nums:return -1left, right = 0, len(nums) - 1while left <= right:mid = (left + right) // 2if nums[mid] == target:return midif nums[0] <= nums[mid]:  # 假如左半边有序if nums[0] <= target < nums[mid]:  # target在左半边right = mid - 1                # 在左半边二分查找else:                              # target在右半边left = mid + 1                 # 在右半边二分查找else:                     # 假如右半边有序if nums[mid] < target <= nums[len(nums) - 1]:left = mid + 1else:right = mid - 1return -1

34. 在排列数组中查找元素的第一个和最后一个位置

class Solution(object):def searchRange(self, nums, target):""":type nums: List[int]:type target: int:rtype: List[int]"""count = nums.count(target)if not count:       # 不存在targetreturn [-1,-1]if len(nums) == 1:  # 存在target但nums中只有一个数return [0,0]# 二分法left = 0right = len(nums) - 1flag = 1while flag:  # 前面已经判定过一定存在target,left一定小于rightmid = (left + right) // 2if nums[mid] == target:   # 找到target,停止循环flag = 0elif nums[mid] < target:  # target在右半部分left = mid + 1else:                     # target在左半部分right = mid - 1while mid > 0:  # 找到第一个出现的targetif nums[mid-1] == target:mid -= 1else:breakreturn [mid, mid+count-1]


class Solution(object):# 二分查找# leftindex寻找第一个大于等于target的位置(lower = true)# rightindex寻找第一个大于targrt的位置减一(lower = false)def binarySearch(self, nums, target, lower):left = 0right = len(nums) - 1ans = len(nums)while left <= right:mid = (left + right) // 2# leftindex:target在mid处或在左半边# rightindex:target在左半边if nums[mid] > target or (lower and nums[mid] >= target):right = mid - 1ans = midelse:left = mid + 1return ansdef searchRange(self, nums, target):""":type nums: List[int]:type target: int:rtype: List[int]"""leftindex = self.binarySearch(nums, target, True)rightindex = self.binarySearch(nums, target, False) - 1# 判断是否存在targetif leftindex <= rightindex and rightindex <= len(nums) - 1 and nums[leftindex] == nums[rightindex] == target:return [leftindex, rightindex]else:return [-1,-1]

36. 有效的数独

class Solution(object):def isValidSudoku(self, board):""":type board: List[List[str]]:rtype: bool"""# 每行是否有重复for i in range(9):tmp = board[i][0:9]while tmp.count("."):tmp.remove(".")tmp_set = set(tmp)if len(tmp) != len(tmp_set):return False# 每列是否有重复for i in range(9):# tmp = board[0:8][i]  这种写法取的还是第一排,奇怪tmp = []for j in range(9):tmp.append(board[j][i])while tmp.count("."):tmp.remove(".")tmp_set = set(tmp)if len(tmp) != len(tmp_set):return False# 每个方块是否有重复for i in range(9):tmp = []if i % 3 == 0:  # 第一竖列的三个方块n = i // 3for j in range(3):tmp.append(board[3 * n][j])tmp.append(board[3 * n + 1][j])tmp.append(board[3 * n + 2][j])elif i % 3 == 1:  # 第二竖列的三个方块n = i // 3for j in range(3,6):tmp.append(board[3 * n][j])tmp.append(board[3 * n + 1][j])tmp.append(board[3 * n + 2][j])elif i % 3 == 2:  # 第三竖列的三个方块n = i // 3for j in range(6,9):tmp.append(board[3 * n][j])tmp.append(board[3 * n + 1][j])tmp.append(board[3 * n + 2][j])while tmp.count("."):tmp.remove(".")tmp_set = set(tmp)if len(tmp) != len(tmp_set):return Falsereturn True


class Solution(object):def isValidSudoku(self, board):""":type board: List[List[str]]:rtype: bool"""row = [[0 for _ in range(10)] for _ in range(9)]  # 9*10列表,存储每一行的每个数是否出现过col = [[0 for _ in range(10)] for _ in range(9)]  # 9*10列表,存储每一列的每个数是否出现过box = [[0 for _ in range(10)] for _ in range(9)]  # 9*10列表,存储每方块的每个数是否出现过for i in range(9):for j in range(9):if board[i][j] == ".":continuecurnumber = int(board[i][j])if row[i][curnumber]:return Falseif col[j][curnumber]:return False# n1 = i // 3  # 方块在第几行# n2 = j // 3  # 方块在第几列# n = 3 * n1 + n2if box[3*(i//3) + j//3][curnumber]:return Falserow[i][curnumber] = 1col[j][curnumber] = 1box[3*(i//3) + j//3][curnumber] = 1return True

39. 组合总和

class Solution(object):def combinationSum(self, candidates, target):""":type candidates: List[int]:type target: int:rtype: List[List[int]]"""dict = {i:[] for i in range(target+1)}for val in sorted(candidates, reverse=True):for i in range(val, target+1):if i == val:dict[i] = [[val]]else:for x in dict[i-val]:dict[i].extend([x + [val]])return dict[target]


class Solution:def combinationSum(self, candidates, target):def dfs(candidates, begin, size, path, res, target):# begin存储遍历起点,避免重复遍历if target < 0:   # 当target比抽取元素和小的时候返回returnif target == 0:  # 当target等于抽取元素和的时候,在res中保存结果res.append(path)returnfor index in range(begin, size):# 继续搜索下一层dfs(candidates, index, size, path + [candidates[index]], res, target - candidates[index])size = len(candidates)  # 决定树的宽度if size == 0:return []path = []  # 存储单条路经res = []  # 存储所有满足要求的路径dfs(candidates, 0, size, path, res, target)return res

e.g. candiates = [2,3,6,7], target = 7

这组代码还有优化的余地,比如在path = [2,2]时的下一层for循环中[2,2,6]已经超出target,[2,2,7]一定会超过target因此不需要执行。

# 增加判决条件(剪枝操作)
class Solution:def combinationSum(self, candidates, target):def dfs(candidates, begin, size, path, res, target):# begin存储遍历起点,避免重复遍历# if target < 0:   # 当target比抽取元素和小的时候返回#     returnif target == 0:  # 当target等于抽取元素和的时候,在res中保存结果res.append(path)returnfor index in range(begin, size):residue = target - candidates[index]if residue < 0:break# dfs(candidates, index, size, path + [candidates[index]], res, target - candidates[index])dfs(candidates, index, size, path + [candidates[index]], res, residue)size = len(candidates)  # 决定树的宽度if size == 0:return []candidates.sort()path = []  # 存储单条路经res = []  # 存储所有满足要求的路径dfs(candidates, 0, size, path, res, target)return res


40. 组合总和


class Solution:def combinationSum2(self, candidates, target):def dfs(candidates, begin, size, path, res, target):# begin存储遍历起点,避免重复遍历if target == 0:  # 当target等于抽取元素和的时候,在res中保存结果res.append(path)returnfor index in range(begin, size):residue = target - candidates[index]if residue < 0:breakif index > begin and candidates[index] == candidates[index-1]:continuedfs(candidates, index+1, size, path + [candidates[index]], res, residue)size = len(candidates)  # 决定树的宽度if size == 0:return []candidates.sort()path = []  # 存储单条路经res = []  # 存储所有满足要求的路径dfs(candidates, 0, size, path, res, target)return res

45. 跳跃游戏

class Solution(object):def jump(self, nums):""":type nums: List[int]:rtype: int"""n = len(nums)-1def dfs(nums, now, path, res):if now > n:returnif now == n:  # 到达终点res.append(path)returnfor step in range(1, nums[now]+1):dfs(nums, now + step, path + [now + step], res)path = [0]  # 存储单条路经res = []  # 存储所有满足要求的路径dfs(nums, 0, path, res)minjump = min(len(s) for s in res) - 1return minjump


采用贪心算法,假设每次走最远距离nums[i],在最远距离中间节点(i+1, ...... , i+nums[i])检验第二步距离是否比最远距离nums[i]的第二步距离更远:

class Solution(object):def jump(self, nums):""":type nums: List[int]:rtype: int"""n = len(nums)-1i = 0count = 0while i <= n:if i == n :return countif i + nums[i] < n:maxrange = i + nums[i] + nums[i + nums[i]]tmp = nums[i]for step in range(1, nums[i]+1):twostep = i + step + nums[i+step]if twostep > maxrange:maxrange = twosteptmp = stepi += tmpcount += 1else:count += 1return count

46. 全排列

class Solution(object):def permute(self, nums):""":type nums: List[int]:rtype: List[List[int]]"""size = len(nums)n = sizefor i in range(1, size):n *= idef dfs(nums, used, path, res):if len(res) == n:returnif len(path) == size:res.append(path)returnfor index in range(size):if index not in used:used.append(index)dfs(nums, used, path + [nums[index]], res)used.pop()path = []res = []used = []dfs(nums, used, path, res)return res



class Solution(object):def permute(self, nums):""":type nums: List[int]:rtype: List[List[int]]"""# first表示从左往右填完第first个位置def dfs(first = 0):if first == n:  # 一组path填完res.append(nums[:])  # 如果不加[:],res里的结果会随着nums变化# 将nums划分为左右两个部分,左边已填右边未填,回溯时动态维护numsfor i in range(first, n):nums[first], nums[i] = nums[i], nums[first]dfs(first + 1)nums[first], nums[i] = nums[i], nums[first]# 回溯结束后交换回来n = len(nums)res = []dfs()return res

47. 全排列(含重复元素)


if nums[:] not in res:res.append(nums[:])


for i in range(first, n):if i != first and nums[i] == nums[first]:continuenums[first], nums[i] = nums[i], nums[first]dfs(first + 1)nums[first], nums[i] = nums[i], nums[first]


class Solution:def permuteUnique(self, nums):nums.sort()self.res = []used = [0 for _ in range(len(nums))]  self.backtrack([], nums, used)return self.resdef backtrack(self, path, nums, used):if len(path) == len(nums):self.res.append(path)returnfor i in range(len(nums)):if used[i] == 1:continueif i > 0 and nums[i] == nums[i - 1] and used[i - 1] == 0:continueused[i] = 1self.backtrack(path + [nums[i]], nums, used)used[i] = 0


class Solution:def permuteUnique(self, nums):def dfs(nums, used, path, res):if len(path) == size:res.append(path)returnfor index in range(size):if used[index] == 1:continueif index > 0 and nums[index] == nums[index-1] and used[index-1] == 0:continueused[index] = 1dfs(nums, used, path + [nums[index]], res)used[index] = 0size = len(nums)path = []res = []used = [0 for _ in range(size)]nums.sort()dfs(nums, used, path, res)return res

48. 旋转图像

class Solution(object):def rotate(self, matrix):""":type matrix: List[List[int]]:rtype: None Do not return anything, modify matrix in-place instead."""n = len(matrix)for i in range(n // 2):for j in range(n):matrix[i][j], matrix[n-i-1][j] = matrix[n-i-1][j], matrix[i][j]for i in range(n):for j in range(i, n):matrix[i][j], matrix[j][i] = matrix[j][i], matrix[i][j]return matrix

54. 螺旋矩阵

class Solution(object):def spiralOrder(self, matrix):""":type matrix: List[List[int]]:rtype: List[int]"""n_row = len(matrix)n_col = len(matrix[0])tmp = [[0 for _ in range(n_col)] for _ in range(n_row)]li = [matrix[0][0]]now_row = 0now_col = 0tmp[now_row][now_col] = 1while len(li) < n_row * n_col:if now_col < n_col-1:if tmp[now_row][now_col+1] == 0 and (now_row == 0 or tmp[now_row-1][now_col] != 0):  # 向右遍历now_col += 1tmp[now_row][now_col] = 1li.append(matrix[now_row][now_col])continueif now_row < n_row-1:if tmp[now_row+1][now_col] == 0 and (now_col == n_col-1 or tmp[now_row][now_col+1] != 0):  # 向下遍历now_row += 1tmp[now_row][now_col] = 1li.append(matrix[now_row][now_col])continueif now_col > 0:if tmp[now_row][now_col-1] == 0 and (now_row == n_row-1 or tmp[now_row+1][now_col] != 0):  # 向左遍历now_col -= 1tmp[now_row][now_col] = 1li.append(matrix[now_row][now_col])continueif now_row > 0:if tmp[now_row-1][now_col] == 0 and (now_col == 0 or tmp[now_row][now_col-1] != 0):  # 向上遍历now_row -= 1tmp[now_row][now_col] = 1li.append(matrix[now_row][now_col])continuereturn li


class Solution(object):def spiralOrder(self, matrix):""":type matrix: List[List[int]]:rtype: List[int]"""if not matrix or not matrix[0]:return list()n_row, n_col = len(matrix), len(matrix[0])tmp = [[False] * n_col for _ in range(n_row)]total = n_row * n_colli = [0] * totaldirections = [[0, 1], [1, 0], [0, -1], [-1, 0]]  # 右,下,左,上now_row, now_col = 0, 0directionIndex = 0for i in range(total):li[i] = matrix[now_row][now_col]tmp[now_row][now_col] = TruenextRow, nextColumn = now_row + directions[directionIndex][0], now_col + directions[directionIndex][1]if not (0 <= nextRow < n_row and 0 <= nextColumn < n_col and not tmp[nextRow][nextColumn]):# 如果[nextRow][nextColumn]不在界内,或者[nextRow][nextColumn]已经遍历过,转向directionIndex = (directionIndex + 1) % 4now_row += directions[directionIndex][0]now_col += directions[directionIndex][1]return li

55. 跳跃游戏


class Solution(object):def canJump(self, nums):""":type nums: List[int]:rtype: bool"""n = len(nums)maxrange = 0for i in range(n):if i <= maxrange:maxrange = max(maxrange, i+nums[i])if maxrange >= n-1:return Truereturn False

56. 合并区间

class Solution(object):def merge(self, intervals):""":type intervals: List[List[int]]:rtype: List[List[int]]"""def compare(a):return a[0]intervals.sort(key=compare)n = len(intervals)index = 1while index < n:if intervals[index-1][1] >= intervals[index][0]:tmp = [intervals[index-1][0], max(intervals[index-1][1], intervals[index][1])]intervals.pop(index)intervals.pop(index-1)intervals.insert(index-1, tmp)n -= 1else:index += 1return intervals



intervals.sort(key=lambda x: x[0])

57. 插入区间

class Solution(object):def insert(self, intervals, newInterval):""":type intervals: List[List[int]]:type newInterval: List[int]:rtype: List[List[int]]"""left, right = newIntervalplaced = Falseans = []for li, ri in intervals:if li > right:# 在插入区间右侧且无交集if not placed:ans.append([left, right])placed = Trueans.append([li, ri])elif ri < left:# 在插入区间左侧且无交集ans.append([li, ri])else:# 与插入区间有交集left = min(left, li)right = max(right, ri)if not placed:ans.append([left, right])return ans

56. 57.的思路:

59. 螺旋矩阵


class Solution(object):def generateMatrix(self, n):""":type n: int:rtype: List[List[int]]"""li = [[0 for _ in range(n)] for _ in range(n)]now_row = 0now_col = 0for i in range(1, n**2 + 1):li[now_row][now_col] = iif now_col < n-1 and (now_row == 0 or li[now_row-1][now_col] != 0):  # 右if li[now_row][now_col+1] == 0:now_col += 1continueif now_row < n-1 and (now_col == n-1 or li[now_row][now_col+1] != 0):  # 下if li[now_row+1][now_col] == 0:now_row += 1continueif now_col > 0 and (now_row == n-1 or li[now_row+1][now_col] != 0):  # 左if li[now_row][now_col-1] == 0:now_col -= 1continueif now_row > 0 and (now_col == 0 or li[now_row][now_col-1] != 0):  # 上if li[now_row-1][now_col] == 0:now_row -= 1continuereturn li


class Solution(object):def generateMatrix(self, n):""":type n: int:rtype: List[List[int]]"""dirs = [(0, 1), (1, 0), (0, -1), (-1, 0)]  # 右,下,左,上li = [[0] * n for _ in range(n)]now_row, now_col, dirIdx = 0, 0, 0for i in range(n * n):li[now_row][now_col] = i + 1dx, dy = dirs[dirIdx]next_row, next_col = now_row + dx, now_col + dyif next_row < 0 or next_row >= n or next_col < 0 or next_col >= n or li[next_row][next_col] > 0:dirIdx = (dirIdx + 1) % 4  # 顺时针旋转至下一个方向dx, dy = dirs[dirIdx]now_row, now_col = now_row + dx, now_col + dyreturn li

63. 不同路径


1. 求最优解类,典型问题是背包问题;

2. 计数类,比如这里的统计方案数的问题。

它们都存在一定的递推性质,前者的递推性质还有一个名字,叫做 「最优子结构」 ——即当前问题的最优解取决于子问题的最优解,后者类似,当前问题的方案数取决于子问题的方案数。所以在遇到求方案数的问题时,我们可以往动态规划的方向考虑。


class Solution(object):def uniquePathsWithObstacles(self, obstacleGrid):""":type obstacleGrid: List[List[int]]:rtype: int"""n_row, n_col = len(obstacleGrid), len(obstacleGrid[0])def dfs(i, j, count):if obstacleGrid[i][j] == 1:return 0if i == j == 0:count = 1return countif i == 0 and j != 0:return dfs(i, j-1, count)elif j == 0 and i != 0:return dfs(i-1, j, count)elif i != 0 and j != 0:return dfs(i-1, j, count) + dfs(i, j-1, count)count = 0num = dfs(n_row-1, n_col-1, count)return num



class Solution(object):def uniquePathsWithObstacles(self, obstacleGrid):""":type obstacleGrid: List[List[int]]:rtype: int"""n_row, n_col = len(obstacleGrid), len(obstacleGrid[0])d = {}  # 设置一个字典存储路径数# dfs返回(i,j)到终点的路径数def dfs(i, j):if (i, j) in d:  # (i,j)为键,这种方法只能判断键是否在字典中return d[(i, j)]  # 返回键(i,j)对应的值if i >= n_row or j >= n_col or obstacleGrid[i][j] == 1:return 0if i == n_row-1 and j == n_col-1:return 1d[(i,j)] = dfs(i+1, j) + dfs(i, j+1)return d[i,j]return dfs(0,0)


class Solution(object):def uniquePathsWithObstacles(self, obstacleGrid):""":type obstacleGrid: List[List[int]]:rtype: int"""n_row, n_col = len(obstacleGrid), len(obstacleGrid[0])dp = [0 for _ in range(n_col)]dp[0] = 1 if obstacleGrid[0][0] == 0 else 0for i in range(n_row):for j in range(n_col):if obstacleGrid[i][j] == 1:dp[j] = 0elif obstacleGrid[i][j] == 0 and j-1 >= 0:dp[j] += dp[j-1]return dp[-1]


class Solution(object):def uniquePathsWithObstacles(self, obstacleGrid):""":type obstacleGrid: List[List[int]]:rtype: int"""n_row, n_col = len(obstacleGrid), len(obstacleGrid[0])dp = [[0 for _ in range(n_col)] for _ in range(n_row)]if obstacleGrid[0][0] == 0:dp[0][0] = 1else:return 0for i in range(1, n_row):  # 如果没有障碍物,到最左一列路径均为1if obstacleGrid[i][0] == 0 and dp[i-1][0] != 0:dp[i][0] = 1else:dp[i][0] = 0for j in range(1, n_col):  # 如果没有障碍物,到最上一排路径均为1if obstacleGrid[0][j] == 0 and dp[0][j-1] != 0:dp[0][j] = 1else:dp[0][j] = 0if dp[n_row-1][n_col-1]:return dp[n_row-1][n_col-1]for i in range(1, n_row):for j in range(1, n_col):if obstacleGrid[i][j] == 1:dp[i][j] = 0else:dp[i][j] = dp[i-1][j] + dp[i][j-1]return dp[n_row-1][n_col-1]

64. 最小路径和


class Solution(object):def minPathSum(self, grid):""":type grid: List[List[int]]:rtype: int"""n_row, n_col = len(grid), len(grid[0])dp = [[0 for _ in range(n_col)] for _ in range(n_row)]dp[0][0] = grid[0][0]for i in range(1, n_row):dp[i][0] = dp[i-1][0] + grid[i][0]for j in range(1, n_col):dp[0][j] = dp[0][j-1] + grid[0][j]for i in range(1, n_row):for j in range(1, n_col):dp[i][j] = min(dp[i-1][j], dp[i][j-1]) + grid[i][j]return dp[n_row-1][n_col-1]

73. 矩阵置零

class Solution(object):def setZeroes(self, matrix):""":type matrix: List[List[int]]:rtype: None Do not return anything, modify matrix in-place instead."""n_row , n_col = len(matrix), len(matrix[0])row = []col = []for i in range(n_row):for j in range(n_col):if matrix[i][j] == 0:row.append(i)col.append(j)for val in row:for j in range(n_col):matrix[val][j] = 0for val in col:for i in range(n_row):matrix[i][val] = 0return matrix


74. 搜索二维矩阵

class Solution(object):def searchMatrix(self, matrix, target):""":type matrix: List[List[int]]:type target: int:rtype: bool"""n_row, n_col = len(matrix), len(matrix[0])if matrix[0][0] > target or matrix[n_row-1][n_col-1] < target:return Falseif n_row == 1:i = 0else:for i in range(n_row):  # 在第i行if i == n_row-1 and matrix[i][0] <= target:breakif matrix[i][0] <= target and matrix[i+1][0] > target:breakfor j in range(n_col):if matrix[i][j] == target:return Truereturn False


class Solution(object):def searchMatrix(self, matrix, target):""":type matrix: List[List[int]]:type target: int:rtype: bool"""n_row, n_col = len(matrix), len(matrix[0])li = []for val in matrix:li.extend(val)left = 0right = n_row * n_col - 1while left < right:mid = (left + right) // 2if left == mid or right == mid:breakif li[mid] == target:return Trueelif li[mid] > target:right = mid - 1else:left = mid + 1if li[left] != target and li[right] != target:return Falseelse:return True

75. 颜色分类

class Solution(object):def sortColors(self, nums):""":type nums: List[int]:rtype: None Do not return anything, modify nums in-place instead."""n = len(nums)mark0, mark1 = 0, 0for i in range(n):if nums[i] == 0:nums[i], nums[mark0] = nums[mark0], nums[i]if mark0 < mark1:# 如果此时有排列好的1,即mark0 < mark1,把0交换到前面的过程中会把1放到后面,所以要放回来nums[i], nums[mark1] = nums[mark1], nums[i]mark0 += 1mark1 += 1elif nums[i] == 1:nums[i], nums[mark1] = nums[mark1], nums[i]mark1 += 1return nums

77. 组合

class Solution(object):def combine(self, n, k):""":type n: int:type k: int:rtype: List[List[int]]"""path = []res = []total = 1for i in range(n-k+1, n+1):total *= ifor i in range(1, k+1):total /= idef choose(n, k, begin, path, res):if len(path) == k:res.append(path)returnif len(res) == total:returnfor index in range(begin, n+1):choose(n, k, index+1, path+[index], res)choose(n, k, 1, path, res)return res

78. 子集


class Solution(object):def subsets(self, nums):""":type nums: List[int]:rtype: List[List[int]]"""n = len(nums)# def countTotal(n, k):#     total = 1#     for i in range(n - k + 1, n + 1):#         total *= i#     for j in range(1, k + 1):#         total /= j#     return int(total)## totalpath = 1  # 子集为空集时有一个# for index in range(1, n + 1):#     totalpath += countTotal(n, index)def choose(nums, begin, path, res):res.append(path)# if len(res) == totalpath:#     returnfor element_i in range(begin, n):choose(nums, element_i+1, path+[nums[element_i]], res)path = []res = []choose(nums, 0, path, res)return res



class Solution(object):def subsets(self, nums):""":type nums: List[int]:rtype: List[List[int]]"""res = [[]]for i in nums:res = res + [[i] + num for num in res]return res


import itertools
class Solution(object):def subsets(self, nums):""":type nums: List[int]:rtype: List[List[int]]"""res = []for i in range(len(nums) + 1):for tmp in itertools.combinations(nums, i):res.append(tmp)return res

79. 单词搜索

class Solution(object):def exist(self, board, word):""":type board: List[List[str]]:type word: str:rtype: bool"""directions = [(0, 1), (0, -1), (1, 0), (-1, 0)]# 从board的(i,j)位置出发是否能搜索到单词,k代表word从第k个字符开始的后缀子串def check(nowIndex_row, nowIndex_col, begin):if board[nowIndex_row][nowIndex_col] != word[begin]:  # 判断首字母是否匹配return Falseif begin == len(word) - 1:  # 判断到最后一个返回Truereturn Truevisited.add((nowIndex_row, nowIndex_col))  # 存储走过的路径result = Falsefor dx, dy in directions:nextIndex_row, nextIndex_col = nowIndex_row + dx, nowIndex_col + dyif 0 <= nextIndex_row < len(board) and 0 <= nextIndex_col < len(board[0]) \and (nextIndex_row, nextIndex_col) not in visited:if check(nextIndex_row, nextIndex_col, begin + 1):result = Truebreak# 如果没有return True说明这条路径是不对的,返回上一层visited.remove((nowIndex_row, nowIndex_col))return resultn_row, n_col = len(board), len(board[0])visited = set()for i in range(n_row):for j in range(n_col):if check(i, j, 0):return Truereturn False

用check函数检验board每一个位置开始是否能够检索到word,检索到直接return true,如果遍历完所有位置没有return true说明检索不到,return false。

80. 删除有序数组中的重复项

class Solution(object):def removeDuplicates(self, nums):""":type nums: List[int]:rtype: int"""n = len(nums)i = 2while i < n:if nums[i] == nums[i-1] == nums[i-2]:nums.pop(i)i -= 1n -= 1i += 1return len(nums)


81. 搜索旋转排序数组

90. 子集

class Solution(object):def subsetsWithDup(self, nums):""":type nums: List[int]:rtype: List[List[int]]"""res = [[]]nums.sort()for i in range(len(nums)):if i == 0 or (i > 0 and nums[i] != nums[i-1]):li = [[nums[i]] + num for num in res]res = res + [[nums[i]] + num for num in res]else:res = res + [[nums[i]] + num for num in li]li = [[nums[i]] + num for num in li]return res


class Solution(object):def subsetsWithDup(self, nums):""":type nums: List[int]:rtype: List[List[int]]"""res = []  # 存放符合条件结果的集合path = []  # 用来存放符合条件结果def backtrack(nums,startIndex):res.append(path[:])for i in range(startIndex,len(nums)):if i > startIndex and nums[i] == nums[i - 1]: # 我们要对同一树层使用过的元素进行跳过continuepath.append(nums[i])backtrack(nums,i+1)  # 递归path.pop()  # 回溯nums.sort()  # 去重需要排序backtrack(nums,0)return res


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