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首先介绍一下PI API 函数的命名规则, 熟悉了PI API的命名规则, 在使用时会比较清楚需要使用哪类函数。

PI API中函数都是以pi开头后接函数的类别,最后跟着函数名(以函数实现的功能命名)


Archive Functions 存档函数:命名规则为:piar_

PI Batch Functions 作业函数:命名规则为:piba_

Event Log Functions事件日志:命名规则为:piel_

PI Login Functions连接管理:命名规则为:pilg_(Message Log Functions 也是以此开头)

Point Database Functions测点属性:命名规则为:pipt_

Snapshot Functions快照函数: 命名规则为:pisn_

Time Functions时间函数: 命名规则为:pitm_

Utility Functions 基本信息:命名规则为:piut_

其中标红的代表这些函数比较常用, 大多数函数都是以返回0代表函数调用成功!

以下是连接PI, 获取PI服务器基本信息的函数, 如下表:

函数名称 英文解释 Utility Functions  解释
piut_connect Establish a remote connection with the pi Server 建立与 pi 服务器的远程连接
piut_disconnect Close all remote connections with PI Servers 关闭与 PI 的服务器的所有远程连接
piut_disconnectnode Close remote connection with passed node 关闭远程连接与传递节点
piut_getapiversion Get the current API version number 获取当前的 API 版本数
piut_getprofile Get a value for an entry and section in an initialization file 获取一个值,用于输入和初始化文件中的节
piut_getprotocolvers Get the PI Server protocol version 获取 PI 服务器协议版本
piut_getserverversion Obtain version information about the current server 获取有关当前服务器的版本信息
piut_inceventcounter Increment an event counter 增量事件计数器
piut_ishome Determines if this is a pi home node 确定是否这是 pi 主节点
piut_login Gain access to protected PI data 访问受保护的 PI 数据
piut_netinfo Get local network information 获取本地网络信息
piut_netnodeinfo Get network information for the passed node name 获取网络信息传递的节点名称
piut_netserverinfo Get network information for the default server 获取默认的服务器的网络信息
piut_setdefaultservernode Set the current server to the default server 将当前的服务器设置为默认的服务器
piut_setprocname Set the process name to specified name 设置为指定名称的进程的名称
piut_setservernode Set the current server to a specified node 将当前的服务器设置为指定的节点
piut_writeprofile Write a value for an entry and section into an initialization file 一个值,用于输入和部分写入初始化文件
piut_zeroeventcounter Zero an event counter 零事件计数器

其中piut_setservernode 和piut_login为主要使用的函数, 简单介绍一下这两个函数

piut_setservernode 连接PI服务器使用, 传入服务器地址即可。

This function sets the active PI Server node where the data for the subsequent PI-API calls will be resolved. Passing a NULL server string will result in resetting to the default server. The first time a server is specified, there may be a delay as a connection is established. The number of concurrently active servers is limited by the network protocol being used, the operating system, and the hardware platform.

C format

int32 piut_setservernode(

char PIPTR * servername );



System Error (typically network related)




Server name is not the same as the PI Home node (DEC VAX only)



Name of the PI Server node


传入用户名、密码, 输出参数返回该用户的权限

This function establishes a user's access to PI System data based on a login to a configured user database (PI User Database or VMS UAF) The login call may be made in one of two ways: by passing a NULL string for the username argument and a NULL string for the password argument, the server will return the default level of access, or by passing a username and password and attempting to qualify a valid login. Note that a null string is a valid pointer to an array of chars whose first element is set to 0. This requirement is distinctly different from pilg_login which accepts NULL pointers.

If piut_login is called after a valid login was performed, the request is ignored and the existing authorization level is returned invalid. See the Usage Notes for interpretation of thevalidparameter.

C format

int32 piut_login(

char PIPTR * username,

char PIPTR * passwrd,

int32 PIPTR * valid );



System error




Login error


username (passed)

Null terminated character string

passwrd (passed)

Null terminated password string

valid (returned)

Level of access available

#define PINO  0 无权限

#define PIREAD  1只读

#define PIREADWRITE 2读写


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