Unit 1  Fast Food




1. 名词



Protecting the environment is everyone’s duty.


To protect the environment is everyone’s duty.



*to do:表示某个特定时间段内的动作,强调目的

Postmen’s duty is delivering newspapers.

My duty this month is to deliver newspapers.


*动词后:动词的固定搭配,如:Enjoy doing sth


admit, appreciate, avoid, dread, excuse, forgive, permit, recall, stop

advise, consider, fancy, postpone, recollect, give up, delay, endure, involve

practive, resent, anticipate, deny, enjoy, mind, prevent, finish, dislike

escape, resist, miss, propose, suggest, forbid, risk, can't help, can't stand


1.Teleworkers can avoid wasting their precious working time.

2.Education departments should forbid limiting the number of female students in some majors.

3.Teleworkers may fear being forgotten for training opportunities.



1. Work stress has become the No.1 factor of ruining a family.


Postmen’s duty is delivering newspapers.

Seeing is believing.

2. 形容词(定语)


The sleeping baby (正在睡觉的小孩)分词:表状态

The sleeping car (用来睡觉的车)动名词:表用途

Swimming pool游泳池

3. 逻辑主语

He insists reading the book.

He insists my/me reading the book.



Students’ stepping into the society too early adds greatly to the worries of their parents.

I was awakened by someone knocking the door.


Essential Grammar-Verb patterns: Verb+-ing

This is a common verb pattern in English.


He spends a lot of time watching TV.

I prefer playing computer games to swimming.

spend/waste time doing  +

have trouble doing

Learn these verbs:

prefer/ like/hate/love doing

end up doing


Complete the sentences below by choosing the correct word in the brackets.

a. These days, a problem for many (parent / parents) is deciding how to control internet addiction.

b. Many (teenager / teenagers) cannot control the amount of (time / times) they spend (play / playing) online.

c. Various (study / studies) show that a significant number of young (person / people),especially boys, are neglecting their schoolwork because they (prefer / prefers) playing games.

d. In China, the government is using a special (program / programs) to limit the time that students of school (age / ages) spend on (game/gaming).

e. (Player / Players) are required to log on with their ID card numbers.

f. After three (hour / hours), the program tells them to stop (play / playing) and get some (exercise / exercises).

g. If a player (quit / quits), he will (keep / keeping) his points for that game.

h. If he (continue / continues) playing, he will (lose / losing) some or all of his points.

练习2 Turn these sentence fragments into a short paragraph. Take care with '-ing' forms. You may need to put more than one word in each gap.

Many teenagers like (play) _________, and others really enjoy (use) social____________

such as Xiaonei. They like (chat) and (put) photos on these sites, and they can__________ hours every day (do) these activities. However, if they       time (sit) at the computer, they may have trouble (get) enough exercise, and they may end up (have) health ________ such as __________. In addition, they could suffer from _________ if they spend hours (sit) in front of a _________ screen. Another ___________is schoolwork. If teenagers _________(play) on the computer, they may end up not (do) their homework or (be) late for class.


'Growing crops can be very productive for small farmers.'

Notice that gerunds are often preceded by prepositions, such as 'for', 'by' and 'on'.


"We can increase food production by improving our technology.

练习3  In the sentences below, use a gerund and, if necessary, one of these prepositions:

for   by    on

a. Many farmers concentrate _________ (grow) ____________ crops.

b. Governments are responsible _________ (support) their own country's farmers.

c. (Improve) __________ the condition of the soil leads to increased productivity.

d. (Make) ________ sure that their crops have enough water is a concern for all farmers.

e. (Raise) _______ animals for their meat is a common style of farming in many countries.

f. World hunger will be reduced _____________ (improve) seed quality.

g. (Produce) _____________ more food is a universal concern.

h. (Distribute) ___________ food to those who need it most is also a major concern.

i. A major issue in the world today is (feed) __________ the millions of people who are hungry or starving.



*summarize the information

*reporting the main features

*making comparison where relevant

  1. 首段









The pie chart illustrates the fast food that American teenagers favor.

  1. 占据


take up



account for



  1. 如饼图所示,鸡肉的份额最大,占40%,而鱼肉的比例最小,为10%。
  2. As can be seen from the pie chart, chicken has the highest percentage, which accounts for 40%, while fish has the lowest proportion, at 10%.
  3. A占48%,B占28%,A比B多20%。
  4. A, which makes up 48%, is 20% more than B, which accounts for 28%.
  5. 数据从大到小描述
  6. 正文段

The pie chart is divided into ____ parts. The largest part is _____, which makes up ____% and the second largest one is _____, taking up _____%, followed by _______ and ________ (____% and ____% respectively). ____% and ____% are due to ______ and ______.


The pie chart is divided into six parts. The largest part is hamburgers, which makes up 33% and the second largest one is pizza, taking up 26%, followed by French fries and Fried chicken (22% and 9% respectively). 7% and 3% are due to tacos and sushi.


             Model 1

The pie chart shows the fast foods that teenagers prefer in the USA. In general,teenagers prefer hamburgers, pizza and French fries.  Hamburgers are the most popular food of all, because they account for the largest proportion of the pie chart at 33 percent. Pizza is the second most popular, and this makes up 26 percent of the total survey. Teenagers also like French fries, which represent 22 percentof the chart. 0nly 9 and 7 percent of teenagers choose fried chicken and tacosrespectively so they are less popular than the first three. The least popular fastfood in this survey is sushi. 0nly 3 percent of teenagers prefer this kind of food.


Writing Practice

Write your own paragraph about the pie chart below. The chart shows the fruit preferences of primary school children in New Zealand.Follow the two models in this lesson and focus carefully on the grammar point from this unit.Try to include some of the vocabulary words as well.


Bananas are the most popular fruit of all, because they account for the largest proportion of the pie chart, at 34 percent. Strawberries are the second most popular, and this makes up 27 percent of the total survey. Primary school children also like oranges, which represent 15 percent of the chart. 0nly 14 and 7 percent of primary school children choose apples and peaches respectively so they are less popular than the first three. The least popular fruit in this survey is kiwi fruit. 0nly 3 percent of children prefer this kind of fruit.


The pie chart is divided into six parts. The largest part is bananas, which makes up 34 % and the second largest one is strawberries, taking up 27%, followed by oranges and apples (15% and 14% respectively). 7% and 3% are due to peaches and kiwi fruit.


Look at the chart, and answer the questions which follow with a partner:

                            Model 2

The pie chart shows the beverages that high school students prefer in China.In general,students prefer soda,fruit juice and mineral water.Soda is the most I popular beverage of all because it represents the largest proportion of the pie chart,l at 30 percent.High school students also like fruit juice and mineral water,which I make up 26%and 24%of the preferences respectively.Only 9 and 7 percent of high school students choose coffee and tea,SO they are less popular than the first three.The least popular beverage in this survey is milk.This accounts for only 4 percent of high school students’ preferences.


The pie chart is divided into six parts. The largest part is soda, which makes up 30 % and the second largest one is fruit juice, taking up 26%, followed by mineral water and coffee (24% and 9% respectively). 7% and 4% are due to tea and milk.


  1. 5.      结论段:描写特征或进行比较

IV. 需背单词/词组/句型


                               Model 1

The pie chart shows the fast foods that teenagers prefer in the USA.  In general, teenagers prefer hamburgers, pizza and French fries.  Hamburgers are the most popular food of all, because they account for the largest proportion of the pie chart,at 33 percent. Pizza is the second most popular, and this makes up 26 percentof the total survey. Teenagers also like French fries, which represent 22 percentof the chart. 0nly 9 and 7 percent of teenagers choose fried chicken and tacosrespectively so they are less popular than the first three. The least popular fast food in this survey is sushi. 0nly 3 percent of teenagers prefer this kind of food.

Model 2

The pie chart shows the beverages that high school students prefer in China.In general,students prefer soda,fruit juice and mineral water.Soda is the most I popular beverage of all because it represents the largest proportion of the pie chart, l at 30 percent.High school students also like fruit juice and mineral water,which I make up 26%and 24%of the preferences respectively. Only 9 and 7 percent of high school students choose coffee and tea,So they are less popular than the first three.The least popular beverage in this survey is milk.This accounts for only 4 percent of high school students’ preferences.


  • 练习1

Using popular and famous

Choose the correct adjective for the sentences below:

a. Beef is a ___________meat in western countries, but not in India.

b. Madonna is a ___________ pop singer and movie star.

c. Many Western people have heard about the Forbidden City, so it is a_________                 place in China. Many people like to go there when they visit Beijing, so it is a _______                  tourist destination.

d. Lee has a lot of friends; he is very_____________. However, he is not a movie star or a pop singer, so he is not_____________.

e. The most _____________ fast food in the survey is hamburgers, because 33% of teenagers prefer them. People all over the world know about McDonalds, and millions of people eat their burgers, so McDonalds is ___________and______________

  • 练习2

Useful words for describing graphs

'make up'              'represent'           'account for'

These are useful verb phrases for describing percentages.

Examples:   Pizza makes up 26% of the total survey.

Hamburgers account for the largest proportion of the pie chart.

French fries represent 55% of the total.

  Write sentences using these structures. Use all three verb phrases, and watch subject/verb agreement.

a. French fries -- 26% -- fast food preferences

b. ice cream -- biggest percentage -- pie chart

c. chips -- 55% -- total

d. fried chicken -- 15% -- survey

e. tacos -- 12% -- total

f. sushi -- smallest percentage -- fast food

  • 练习3

Essential Grammar-Comparatives and superlatives

In Task 1 of the IELTS writing it is very important to be able to use comparatives and superlatives accurately.

Comparing one thing with another        

Thing = comparative

Comparing one thing with the rest of

the group = superlative

adjective + er -- one syllable adjectives

bigger than

adjective + est -- one syllable adjectives

the biggest

more + adjective -- 2 or more syllables

more expensive than

most + adjective -- 2 or more syllables

the most expensive

less + adjective

less popular than

least + adjective

the least popular









以不发音的e结尾的单音词和少数以- le结尾的双音节词只加-r-st





















more important
more easily

most important
most easily























  1. 1.      1A+ be/ v. + 形容词或副词比较级+ than +B
  2. 2.      例:Hamburgers are more popular than pizza.

            Hamburgers are sold faster than pizza.

  • 2A + be/v. + the + 形容词或副词的最高级 + n.
  • 例:Hamburgers are the most popular fast food.
  • 3A + be/ v. + the + 序数词+形容词或副词的最高级 + n.
  • 例:Pizza is the second most popular fast food

练习4. Use the data from the pie graph to fill in the gaps in these sentences. You will need several words for each gap.

a. French fries ____________________________ sushi.

b. Sushi __________________________of the fast foods in the pie chart.

c. Tacos ____________________sushi, but _____________________fried chicken.

d. Fried chicken ___________________________pizza.

e. Pizza is ________second _________________________fast food.

f. French fries ____________________________ fried chicken.

g. Hamburgers ________________________ of the fast foods.

h. _________third _____________________ fast food is French fries.

i. Tacos ________________________ fried chicken and French fries.

j. Pizza _________________ hamburgers, but __________________ French fries.

  • 练习5

   Find and mark the subject of each sentence below.

a. Hamburgers are the most popular food of all.

b. Pizza is less popular than hamburgers.

c. Teenagers also like French fries.

d. Only 9 and 7 percent of teenagers choose fried chicken and tacos respectively

e. The least popular fast food in this survey is sushi.


1.1)对象充当主语:对象+ V. + 数据 + of + 范围

Hamburgers account for 33 percent of fast food preference.

Pizza represents 26 percent of fast food preference.

1.2)对象的执行者充当主语: (数据 + of +)执行者+ V. + 对象

33 percent of teenagers choose hamburgers.

26    percent of teenagers prefer pizza.

1.3)特征充当主语:特征+ be./ v.+ 对象:

The most popular food is hamburgers.


1.Rewrite the paragraph below, varying the sentence structures to match the examples above. You do NOT need to include all the words given below.

Pizza is the most popular fast food with teenagers. Hamburgers are less popular with teenagers than pizza. French fries are less popular with teenagers than hamburgers. Sushi is less popular with teenagers than French fries. Fried chicken is less popular with teenagers than sushi. Tacos are less popular with teenagers than fried chicken.

2. Now add data to the paragraph you have written. Use 'make up', 'represent' and 'account for'.

Pizza is the most popular fast food with teenagers (35%). Hamburgers are less popular with teenagers than pizza (23%).  French fries are less popular with teenagers than hamburgers (20%). Sushi is less popular with teenagers than French fries (11%). Fried chicken is less popular with teenagers than sushi (9%). Tacos are less popular with teenagers than fried chicken (2%).



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