1. 非谓语动词作状语

1. 试着翻译下列句子


When he was a child, he liked playing computer games.


If he passes the examination, his mother will buy a new computer for him.

2. 如何将状语从句转为非谓语动词做状语?


Being a child, he liked playing computer games.

判断非谓语动词的主语 和 主句的主语是否一致:若一致,非谓语动词的主语就省略;若不一致,非谓语动词的主语则保留。

He passing the examination, his mother will buy a new computer for him.

3. 非谓语动词做状语练习

As long as you study hard,  you will pass the examination.

Studying hard, you will pass the examination.

Since they won the game,  their parents were rather delighted.

They winning the game, their parents were rather delighted.

After our homework is finished,  we will go for a walk.

Our homework bing finish, we will go for a walk.

Finishing our homework, we will go for a walk.

4. 复习与拓展:任何逗号连接的句子,都可以把次要的那句改为非谓语动词作状语。


Persistance is noble character, it can help us reach the summit of success.

Being a noble character, persistance can help us reach the summit of success.


The old citizen falling on the ground, young ones run away in panic.

2. 状语的写作应用

1. 写句子时,当遇到名词,都可以用同位语或定语给句子拉长增色;而实际上,遇到形容词,甚至于整个句子,都可以用状语把句子拉长。


Reading is so important  that we should read books every day.


Showing filial piety to parents is necessary, although many people fail to realize it.

2. 实际应用中,用状语拉长句子没有限制,任何状语都可以加。


Students should read good books.


3. 状语的阅读练习

It, too, contains antioxidants, although they are less well studied than the polyphenols.


I think that if a painting or an installation looks like something I could have done myself in fifteen minutes, it doesn't deserve to be called art.


Concentrating on running, Lee didn't realize until mile 4 that the finish line was nowhere in sight.


4. 课后作业-试着翻译下列句子


As / Being adults, we should show filial piety to our parents.


My mother is writhing a letter, while my father is watching TV.


Finally, standing up, Jack's grandfather agrees on  this plan.


As a growing number of youngsters leave thier hometwon for the city, old people become lonely.

I live alone. 修饰谓语

I feel lonely.修饰主语


After all , he proves  a qualified director, but he is not a desirable husband.


All in all, being a smart boy, he failed to overcome the difficulty.


Because the weather is unfavorable, people complain as they go home.

Because of the unfavorable weather, people complain as they go home.


Having no money, the old man can't afford a new car.

Having no money, the old man can't afford to buy a new car.


My deskmate wrote a favorable composition, so the teacher praised him highly.

这个女人在街上一边走一边摆pose, 就像一个模特一样。

This lady walks as she poses in the street, like a model.

This lady walks as she poses in the street, as if she were a model.


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