
1.The table below shows the value of a country’s currencyagainst other currencies, in index number form.

All other things being equal, the most likely consequenceof the changes in the exchange rate index for the period shown in the table is that

A. inflationary pressures eased.

B. the price of imports increased.

C. the balance of payments on current account improved.

D. there was growth in employment in manufacturing.

2.All other things being equal, a large rise in interestrates is most likely to lead to an increase in

A. economic growth.

B. investment.

C. unemployment.

D. aggregate supply

3.The diagram below shows the aggregate demand (AD) andshort-run aggregate supply (SRAS) curves for an economy. The economy is inequilibrium at point E.

Which one of the following would be likely to lead to anew equilibrium position, with a fall in the price level?

A. A fall in exports

B. An increase in government spending

C. A fall in productivity

D. An increase in wage rates

4.Foreign companies build new factories in a country totake advantage of cheap labour and cheap land. All other things being equal,the result of this investment for that country’s economy would be

A. a movement along both its aggregate demand curve andlong-run aggregate supply curve.

B. a movement along its aggregate demand curve and a shiftin its long-run aggregate supply curve.

C. a shift in its aggregate demand curve and a movementalong its long-run aggregate supply curve.

D. a shift in both its aggregate demand curve and long-run aggregate supplycurve.

5.The aggregate demand (AD) and short-run aggregatesupply (SRAS) diagram above represents the Indian economy in equilibrium atreal output Y and average price level P. Which of the following is likely tohappen to the position of the curves following a 23% depreciation of the Indiancurrency from May to September 2013?

A. Shift ofAD curve to the right and SRAS curve to the left

B. Shift ofAD curve to the left and SRAS curve to the right

C. No shiftof the AD or SRAS curves

D. Both AD and SRAS curves shift to theleft   


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