最近使用 Nginx 比较多,对 Nginx 的配置文件看的不是很明白,所以最近花了点时间,对 Nginx 相关文档进行了一番学习。

什么是 Nginx?

Nginx 是一个http和反向代理服务器,一个邮件代理服务器一个通用的 TCP/UDP 代理服务器。它可以搭建静态资源服务器、php web 应用,代理站点、反向代理站点。




授人予鱼,不如授人予渔。其实,官方文档已经写得很详细了,只是因为我们很多人看到是英文文档没有耐心去仔细看而已。官方文档中有两个很重要的部分,一个是介绍参考文档,另一个是各模块的参考文档:介绍文档部分,主要介绍怎么安装、怎么开始使用 Nginx、命令行使用、配置文件的文档结构;模块的参考文档,主要是对 Nginx 的各个模块进行详细的介绍,比如:核心模(ngx_http_core_module)、重写模块(ngx_http_rewrite_module)、代理模块(ngx_http_proxy_module)、各种变量(host,host,host,hostname)

  • 如果只是想简单的使用一下 Nginx,那么我建议先读一下 Beginner’s Guide,通过这个文档你可以初步了解 Nginx 常用的命令,配置文件的结构及一些常用的配置指令。
  • 如果你想更进一步的了解,我建议除了阅读 Beginner’s Guide 外,还强烈建议读一下核心模块(ngx_http_core_module),常用的配置指令都是在这个核模块文档里,比如:server、location、root、alias。




# 语法
Syntax: location [ = | ~ | ~* | ^~ ] uri { ... }location @name { ... }
Default:    — # 默认值
Context:    server, location # 该指令可以出现在哪里

Sets configuration depending on a request URI.

The matching is performed against a normalized URI, after decoding the text encoded in the “%XX” form, resolving references to relative path components “.” and “…”, and possible compression of two or more adjacent slashes into a single slash.

A location can either be defined by a prefix string, or by a regular expression. Regular expressions are specified with the preceding “~*” modifier (for case-insensitive matching), or the “~” modifier (for case-sensitive matching). To find location matching a given request, nginx first checks locations defined using the prefix strings (prefix locations). Among them, the location with the longest matching prefix is selected and remembered. Then regular expressions are checked, in the order of their appearance in the configuration file. The search of regular expressions terminates on the first match, and the corresponding configuration is used. If no match with a regular expression is found then the configuration of the prefix location remembered earlier is used.

location blocks can be nested, with some exceptions mentioned below.

For case-insensitive operating systems such as macOS and Cygwin, matching with prefix strings ignores a case (0.7.7). However, comparison is limited to one-byte locales.

Regular expressions can contain captures (0.7.40) that can later be used in other directives.

If the longest matching prefix location has the “^~” modifier then regular expressions are not checked.

Also, using the “=” modifier it is possible to define an exact match of URI and location. If an exact match is found, the search terminates. For example, if a “/” request happens frequently, defining “location = /” will speed up the processing of these requests, as search terminates right after the first comparison. Such a location cannot obviously contain nested locations.

In versions from 0.7.1 to 0.8.41, if a request matched the prefix location without the “=” and “^~” modifiers, the search also terminated and regular expressions were not checked.


  • 01.location 指令主要由修饰符(modifier)和 uri 组成;

  • 02.uri 不包括参数,比如:/a/b.html?id=1 的uri 为/a/b.html;

  • 03.uri 是 url 解码后的值,如果包含...、多个连续斜杠会被合并成一个斜杠;

  • 04.location uri 部分可以是前缀字符串(prefix string)也可以是正则表达式(regular expression)(人话就是: uri 可以是普通字符串或者是正则表达式),怎么知道它是正则表达式还是前缀字符串(prefix string)呢?主要通过修饰符来判断,修饰符为~~* 则为正则表达式,否则为前缀字符串(prefix string);

  • 05.执行过程:首先搜索前缀字符串(prefix string),并且暂存最长的匹配;然后(如果有正则表达式的话),继续按配正则表达式出现的顺序进行正则匹配(regular expression),如果正则全部无法匹配,就使用暂存的那个前缀匹配,一旦有正则匹配成功,就结束整个匹配过程并使用此正则匹配,所以正则匹配在配置文件中的顺序是要注意的。如果命中的最长的前缀字符串(prefix string)的修饰符为^~ 的,则不再进行正则匹配;如果是使用 = 修饰符的表示精确匹配,一旦配置就终止查找;

    • a. 首先检查使用前缀字符串定义的 location,其中,匹配的最长前缀 location 被选择同时被记住;
    • b. 其次,检查正则表达式 location ,按照它们出现的顺序进行检查,一旦命中终止检查;
    • c. 如果正则没有匹配到,返回之前被记住的前缀 location;
    • b. 如果匹配的最长前缀 location 的修饰符是 ^~ ,则不再进行正则匹配,并终止检查;
    • e. 如果匹配的最长前缀 location 的修饰符是 =,则进行精确匹配,如果匹配成功,终止查找;
  • 06.综上,修饰符的优先级为 = > ^~ > ~|~* >

  • 07.uri 的优先级只与长度有关于与位置无关;

  • 08.= 为精确匹配;

  • 09.~ 为区分大小写的正则表达式;

  • 10.~* 为不区分大小写的正则表达式。


Syntax:  root path;
Default:    root html;
Context:    http, server, location, if in location


location /user/ {root /data/w3;

当请求URL 为 /user 时,返回 /data/w3/user 的内容。


Syntax:  alias path;
Default:    —
Context:    location

给 location 指定一个别名并用别名替换 location,比如:

location /user/ {alias /data/w3;

当请求URL 为 /user 时,返回 /data/w3 的内容。
所以 alias 与 root 的区别在于:root 返回的是 root+location,alias 返回的只有 alias。



location = / {[ configuration A ]
}location / {[ configuration B ]
}location /documents/ {[ configuration C ]
}location ^~ /images/ {[ configuration D ]
}location ~* \.(gif|jpg|jpeg)$ {[ configuration E ]
  • 1 “/” 请求会匹配 configuration A ,因为它精确匹配了;
  • 2 “/index.html” 请求会匹配 configuration B,因为符合最长匹配,并且没有命中任何正则表达式;
  • 3 “/documents/document.html” 请求会匹配 configuration C,同2;
  • 4 “/documents/1.jpg” 请求会匹配 configuration E,虽然最长匹配符合C,但命中了E的正则表达式,所以返回E;
  • 5 “/images/1.gif” 请求会匹配 configuration D, 符合最长匹配 D,修饰符为^~,不再进行正则表达式匹配,匹配终止,故符合D;
  • 6 如果想让“/documents/1.jpg”符合D怎么办?D 的规则改为:
location ^~ /documents/ {[ configuration C ]




第二种:通过 Nginx 代理后给 response 头部添加支持跨域标识

server {listen 7111;server_name;location / {proxy_pass http://api.example.com;proxy_set_header Host $proxy_host;proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;proxy_hide_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin;add_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin $http_origin;# 指定允许跨域的方法,*代表所有add_header Access-Control-Allow-Methods *;# 检查请求的类型是不是预检命令if ($request_method = OPTIONS) {return 200;}}

第三种:通过 Nginx 反向代理,把后端请求代理到站点的某个虚拟路径下

server{listen 6111;location /api {proxy_pass http://api.example.com;}

[1] Nginx

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