

In the past, owning a private car was a luxury (expensive) for most Chinese people.


Nowadays, private cars are everywhere in China.


Cars have become an indispensable/essential/necessary part of people's lives in China. They are not only used for commuting to work(drive to work) but also frequently for leisure travel (often drive for travel ).


n some cities, the growth rate is too fast, which has led to increasingly serious problems of traffic congestion and insufficient parking spaces (not enough parking). As a result, the municipal government of these cities has had to introduce new regulations to limit the number of cars on the road.


Due to the increasingly severe air pollution, more and more people now choose to buy new energy vehicles. The Chinese government has also taken some measures to support the development of new energy vehicles.


Bicycles used to be the most common means of transportation in both urban and rural areas of China. China was once known as the "kingdom of bicycles."


Nowadays, with the increasing traffic congestion and air pollution in cities, riding bicycles is becoming popular again.


Recently, Chinese entrepreneurs(businessman) have combined mobile internet technology with traditional bicycles to create a business model called "shared bikes"


The emergence of shared bicycles has made cycling more convenient for transportation(Shared bikes make riding more convenient for people), and people can now easily use shared bikes anytime with just a mobile phone.


Many cities have built bike lanes to encourage people to ride bicycles.


Nowadays, more and more Chinese people enjoy cycling for exercise.


China currently has the world's largest and fastest high-speed railway network.


The operating speed of high-speed trains will continue to increase, and more cities will build high-speed rail stations.


The high-speed railway significantly reduces people's travel time.


Compared to airplanes, the outstanding advantage of high-speed trains is their punctuality, as they are not heavily affected by weather or traffic control.


The high-speed rail has greatly changed the lifestyle of Chinese people.


Nowadays, it has become the preferred transportation for many people on business trips.


More and more people are also traveling by high-speed rail for holidays.


Many young people choose to work in one city and live in a nearby city, commuting to work every day by high-speed rail.

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