亚马逊推送 ios

One of the most significant benefits of Amazon Prime has long been the free two-day shipping on almost everything. But that time may be coming to an end—Amazon is talking about transitioning to free one-day shipping. Oh yeah.

长期以来,Amazon Prime的最重要的好处之一就是几乎所有产品的免费两天送货服务。 但是,这段时间可能即将结束—亚马逊正在谈论过渡到免费的一日运送。 哦耶。

In a call to investors yesterday, Amazon CFO Brian Olsavsky said the company is working on setting the Prime shipping default to one-day. He said that they have been “working on evolving the Prime shipping program” with one-day shipping, going on to say that they’ll “be building most of this capacity through the year in 2019.”

昨天,亚马逊首席财务官布莱恩·奥尔萨夫斯基(Brian Olsavsky)在给投资者的电话中说,该公司正在努力将Prime出厂默认设置为一日。 他说,他们一直在“致力于发展一日游的主要运输计划”,并表示他们“将在2019年之前建立大部分这种能力”。

The word on the street is that Amazon will spend upwards of $800 million for the required infrastructure changes to make the change happen. They’ll also be expanding partnerships with USPS, UPS, and FedEx—alongside its own delivery service, of course—to make the one-day dream a reality.

俗话说,亚马逊将花费超过8亿美元用于所需的基础设施变更,以使变更发生。 他们还将扩大与USPS,UPS和FedEx的合作伙伴关系(当然,除了其自己的送货服务之外),以使一日梦想成真。

While it’s probably unlikely we’ll see one-day shipping hit all items before the end of 2019, Amazon is already making moves to get this shindig started earlier. For example, it dropped the $35 minimum for the current one-day shipping option and expanded eligible zip codes just last month. So the plan is already in motion.

虽然我们不太可能在2019年底之前看到一日出货会影响所有商品,但亚马逊已经在采取行动使这种shindig更早开始。 例如,它在上个月降低了当前一日运送选项的最低费用$ 35,扩展了符合条件的邮政编码。 因此,该计划已经启动。

This is a smart move from Amazon, because many competing retailers, like Wal-Mart and Target, are now offering free two-day shipping on most items. This makes buying from Amazon less compelling to users, especially when you consider the fact that you don’t have to shell out $120 a year to the other guys to leverage the two-day option. Moving to one-day shipping will once again give Amazon the shipping advantage.

这是亚马逊的明智之举,因为许多竞争对手的零售商,例如沃尔玛和塔吉特,现在都提供大多数商品的免费两天送货服务。 这使得从亚马逊购买商品对用户的吸引力降低,尤其是当您考虑到您不必每年向其他人支付120美元以利用为期两天的选择的事实时。 转为一日运送将再次为亚马逊带来运送优势。

The big question, however, is one that hasn’t yet been addressed: will this raise Prime membership costs? If I were a betting man, I’d put a healthy sum on “yeah, probably”—even if an increase doesn’t happen immediately, it’s inevitably going to happen.

但是,最大的问题是尚未解决的问题:这会增加主要会员的费用吗? 如果我是一个博彩业者,我会在“可能的”上加上一笔可观的数目—即使没有立即增加,也不可避免地会发生。

In other news, people aren’t upgrading smartphones as often, Disney looks to take control of Hulu, Walmart opened the “store of the future,” and a lot more. Let’s talk about it.

在其他消息中,人们没有那么频繁地升级智能手机,迪斯尼希望控制Hulu,沃尔玛开设了“未来商店”,等等。 让我们来谈谈它。

  • Smartphone upgrades slow: According to recent reports from Verizon and AT&T, consumers aren’t upgrading their smartphone as often. Both companies reported record low upgrades from a year ago. Smartphones are just too good now! [The Verge]

    智能手机的升级速度很慢:根据Verizon和AT&T的最新报告,消费者升级智能手机的频率并不高。 两家公司报告的升级记录均低于去年同期。 智能手机现在太好了! [边缘]

  • Disney may take 90% control of Hulu: Disney currently owns 60% stake in Hulu, but it’s in talks to buy Comcast’s 30% stake as well. That will give Disney 90% ownership of Hulu. There are a lot of unanswered questions about what this will mean for Hulu’s content, but those will likely get answered if the deal goes through. [CNBC]

    迪士尼可能会控制Hulu的90%的股份迪士尼目前拥有Hulu的60%的股份,但也正在谈判购买Comcast的30%的股份。 这将使迪士尼拥有Hulu 90%的所有权。 关于这对Hulu的内容意味着什么有很多未解决的问题,但是如果交易达成,这些问题很可能会得到解答。 [ CNBC ]

  • Walmart’s “store of the future”: Walmart recently opened a concept store with AI-enabled cameras to monitor stock and interactive displays. Walmart is calling the Levittown, NY store “Intelligent Retail Lab”—or “IRL” for short. Cheeky. [Techcrunch]

    沃尔玛的“未来商店”:沃尔玛最近开设了一家概念店,配备支持AI的摄像头,可以监控库存和交互式显示。 沃尔玛称纽约州Levittown商店为“智能零售实验室”,简称为“ IRL”。 厚脸皮。 [ Techcrunch ]

  • Hackers can remotely kill cars: In slightly (or incredibly?) terrifying news, a hacker opened up to Motherboard with a crazy story about how he can remotely kill car engines by leveraging vulnerabilities in GPS tracking apps. What a world. [Motherboard]

    黑客可以远程杀死汽车:在一个令人震惊的消息中,一个黑客向主板敞开了一个疯狂的故事,讲述了他如何利用GPS跟踪应用程序中的漏洞远程杀死汽车引擎。 真是个世界。 [主板]

  • GoDaddy acts against scams: The company reportedly took down 15,000 domains used for scams, as well as resetting “several hundred” compromised account passwords. [ZDNet]

    GoDaddy打击欺诈行为:据报道,该公司删除了用于欺诈的15,000个域,并重置了“数百”个受骗帐户密码。 [ ZDNet ]

  • Samsung orders Fold teardown takedown: iFixit has removed its teardown of the Galaxy Fold at Samsung’s request. It’s still up on The Internet Archive, but who knows for how long. [Android Police]

    三星下令对Fold进行拆解: iFixit应三星的要求删除了对Galaxy Fold的拆解。 它仍在Internet Archive上,但谁知道会持续多久。 [ Android警察]

  • Amazon is building a high-def music service: While Amazon is offering free ad-based music to Echo users, the company is also reportedly working on a high-quality music streaming service a la Tidal. Interesting choice—we all know how well Tidal is doing. [The Next Web]

    亚马逊正在构建高清音乐服务:尽管亚马逊正在为Echo用户提供免费的基于广告的音乐,但据报道该公司还致力于提供la Tidal的高质量音乐流媒体服务。 有趣的选择-我们都知道Tidal做得如何。 [下一个网站]

  • Xiaomi patented a phone with a reverse notch: You know how to combat notches? Put the camera above the phone! That’s Xiaomi’s idea, anyway, and it’s so laughably bad I want you all to see it too. Seriously, lol. [TechRadar]

    小米为具有反向缺口的手机申请了专利:您知道如何应对缺口吗? 将相机放在手机上方! 无论如何,那是小米的主意,真是可笑的糟糕,我希望你们所有人也能看到。 说真的,大声笑。 [ TechRadar ]

  • Apple is fixing a serious App Store bug: Some users can’t buy or install anything because they can’t get past the Terms & Conditions. Fortunately, Apple has already fixed this issue. What a stupid problem to have. [9to5Mac]

    苹果正在修复一个严重的App Store错误:某些用户无法购买或安装任何东西,因为他们无法遵守条款和条件。 幸运的是,Apple已经解决了此问题。 多么愚蠢的问题。 [ 9to5Mac ]

  • The PS5 is more than a year away: Sony says the PlayStation 5 will not be coming between now and April 2020. At least I know I won’t have to buy one within the next 12 months. Yay? [Engadget]

    PS5距离现在已经一年多了:索尼表示PlayStation 5从现在到2020年4月之间将不会上市。至少我知道我在接下来的12个月内不必购买它。 好极了? [ Engadget ]

In a bit of fun news, Google has a new Avengers: Endgame-themed easter egg. Go to Google, search for “Thanos,” then click the gauntlet on the right side. It’s not a one-night stay in a giant potato, but it’s still pretty cool. Enjoy.

有趣的消息是,Google推出了新的《复仇者联盟:残局》主题的复活节彩蛋。 转到Google,搜索“ Thanos”,然后单击右侧的手套。 这不是在一个巨大的马铃薯中住一晚,但仍然很酷。 请享用。


亚马逊推送 ios

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