AWS 的SAA认证考试题库,与考试时题目一致,英文题库与考试时题目一致,中文题库与考试题目有翻译文字的差异,考试题目类型有单选和多选两种。






Q1.解决方案架构师正在Amazon API Gateway背后设计一项新服务.服务的请求模式将是不可预测的,并且可能会突然从每秒0个请求更改为每秒超过500个.当前需要保留在后端数据库中的数据总大小小于1 GB,并且未来增长无法预测.可以使用简单的键值请求查询数据.哪种AWS服务组合可以满足这些要求?(选择两个)

A.AWS Fargate

B.AWS Lambda

C.Amazon DynamoDB

D.Amazon EC2自动扩展

E.与MySQL兼容的Amazon Aurora

答案 B,C

在这种情况下,AWS Lambda可以执行计算并将数据存储在Amazon DynamoDB表中.Lambda可以扩展并发执行以轻松满足需求,而DynamoDB是为满足键值数据存储需求而构建的,并且无服务器且易于扩展.因此,对于无法预测的工作负载,这是一种经济高效的解决方案. 正确:" AWS Lambda"是正确答案. 正确:" Amazon DynamoDB"也是正确的答案. 错误:" AWS Fargate"不正确,因为容器不断运行,因此即使没有提出请求也要承担费用. 不正确:" Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling"不正确,因为它使用EC2实例,即使没有请求,这也会产生费用. 不正确:" Amazon RDS"不正确,因为这是关系数据库而不是No-SQL数据库.因此,它不适合键值数据存储要求. 参考:

Q2.解决方案架构师需要为公司的应用程序设计一个托管的存储解决方案,其中包括高性能的机器学习. 该应用程序在AWS Fargate上运行,并且连接的存储需要同时访问文件并提供高性能. 解决方案架构师应建议哪种存储选项?

A.为该应用程序创建一个Amazon S3存储桶,并建立一个IAM角色,以使Fargate与Amazon S3进行通信.

B.创建用于Luster文件共享的Amazon FSx并建立一个允许Fargate与FSx for Lustre通信的IAM角色.

C.创建一个Amazon Elastic File System(Amazon EFS)文件共享,并建立一个允许Fargate与Amazon EFS通信的IAM角色.

D.为应用程序创建一个Amazon Elastic Block Store(Amazon EBS)卷,并建立一个允许Fargate与Amazon EBS进行通信的IAM角色.

答案 B 关键字:并发访问文件+交付高性能Amazon FSx-为快速处理工作负载而优化的高性能文件系统.Lustre是一种流行的开源并行文件系统. 还支持从数千个计算实例并发访问同一文件或目录. 带有FSx的Amazon IAM- Amazon FSx与AWS Identity and Access Management(IAM)集成在一起.?这种集成意味着您可以控制您的AWS IAM用户和组可以采取的管理文件系统的操作(例如创建和删除文件系统).您还可以标记您的Amazon FSx资源,并根据这些标记控制IAM用户和组可以执行的操作.Fargate启动类型-因此,根据Neal David Fargate的要求,答案C和D被排除在外 Fargate设置和管理计算 负责执行任务 没有EFS和EBS集成 Fargate处理集群优化 有限的控制,基础设施是自动化的


Q1.A solutions architect is designing a new service behind Amazon API Gateway. The request patterns for the service will be unpredictable and can change suddenly from 0 requests to over 500 per second. The total size of the data that needs to be persisted in a backend database is currently less than 1 GB with unpredictable future growth Data can be queried using simple key-value requests. Which combination of AWS services would meet these requirements? (Select TWO )

A.AWS Fargate

B.AWS Lambda

C.Amazon DynamoDB

D.Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling

E.MySQL-compatible Amazon Aurora

答案 B,C

In this case AWS Lambda can perform the computation and store the data in an Amazon DynamoDB table. Lambda can scale concurrent executions to meet demand easily and DynamoDB is built for key-value data storage requirements and is also serverless and easily scalable. This is therefore a cost effective solution for unpredictable workloads. CORRECT: "AWS Lambda" is a correct answer. CORRECT: "Amazon DynamoDB" is also a correct answer. INCORRECT: "AWS Fargate" is incorrect as containers run constantly and therefore incur costs even when no requests are being made. INCORRECT: "Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling" is incorrect as this uses EC2 instances which will incur costs even when no requests are being made. INCORRECT: "Amazon RDS" is incorrect as this is a relational database not a No-SQL database. It is therefore not suitable for key-value data storage requirements. References:

Q2.A solutions architect needs to design a managed storage solution for a company's application that includes high-performance machine learning. This application runs on AWS Fargate and the connected storage needs to have concurrent access to files and deliver high performance. Which storage option should the solutions architect recommend?

A.Create an Amazon S3 bucket for the application and establish an IAM role for Fargate to communicate with Amazon S3.

B.Create an Amazon FSx for Lustre file share and establish an IAM role that allows Fargate to communicate with FSx for Lustre.

C.Create an Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS) file share and establish an IAM role that allows Fargate to communicate with Amazon EFS.

D.Create an Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) volume for the application and establish an IAM role that allows Fargate to communicate with Amazon EBS.

答案 B Keyword: Concurrent Access to files + Deliver High Performance Amazon FSx - A high-performance file system optimized for fast processing of workloads. Lustre is a popular open-source parallel file system. Also supports concurrent access to the same file or directory from thousands of compute instances. Amazon IAM with FSx - ?Amazon FSx is integrated with AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM). ?This integration means that you can control the actions your AWS IAM users and groups can take to manage your file systems (such as creating and deleting file systems). ?You can also tag your Amazon FSx resources and control the actions that your IAM users and groups can take based on those tags. Fargate Launch Type - So, Answer C & D Ruled-out as per Neal David Fargate automatically provisions resources Fargate provisions and manages compute Charged for running tasks No EFS and EBS integration Fargate handles cluster optimization Limited control, infrastructure is automated

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