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Believe it or not, the most important thing about the website of your business is not what’s on it but how fast it loads. Yes, that’s right!

信不信由你,您企业网站最重要的不是它上的内容,而是它加载的速度。 是的,这是对的!

As you can see on this infographic (an oldie but goodie!), there is a clear relationship between web load speed and customer conversions. And unless you have money to burn, the assumption is that you’re in business to earn revenue (rather than just having a fancy looking website!).

正如您在此信息图表中看到的(老歌可是好东西!),Web加载速度和客户转化之间有着明显的关系。 而且,除非您有钱要燃烧,否则假设是您在从事业务以赚取收入(而不是仅仅拥有漂亮的网站!)。

Let’s say this another way. The faster a page loads the more likely customers will be to visit and do business on your site. The inverse is also true. The slower a page the less likely customers will be willing to wait around and engage with your brand.

让我们说另一种方式。 页面加载的速度越快,客户访问您的网站并开展业务的可能性就越大。 反之亦然。 网页越慢,客户愿意等待与您的品牌互动的可能性就越小。

While this seems fairly straightforward, it’s surprising how few business owners really get the importance of website performance and the role it plays in their overall strategy. It might be nice to have a trendy looking website, but if it takes 10 seconds to load visitors won’t hang around long enough to appreciate all the bells and whistles anyway.

尽管这似乎很简单,但令人惊讶的是,很少有企业主真正了解网站性能的重要性及其在整体策略中的作用。 拥有一个外观时尚的网站可能会很好,但是如果加载需要10秒钟,访问者就不会流连忘返,无法欣赏所有风吹草动。

It’s important that small businesses leverage the latest web performance insights to ensure that things are running as optimally as possible and that your customers are happy. At the end of the day, this is really all that matters!

小型企业必须利用最新的Web性能见解,以确保一切以最佳状态运行,并使您的客户满意,这一点很重要。 归根结底,这真的很重要!

In order to help keep your business in check, we list out below the top 10 things you should know about website performance today.


网站速度影响转化和销售 (Website Speed Impacts Conversions & Sales )

There’s a direct connection between web load speed and sales conversions. Consider this metric: 1 in 4 visitors would abandon the website if it takes more than 4 seconds to load. And this one: A 2-second delay during a transaction results in shopping cart abandonment rates of up to 87%.

Web加载速度与销售转化之间有着直接的联系。 请考虑以下指标 :如果加载时间超过4秒,那么四分之一的访问者就会放弃该网站。 这就是 :交易过程中延迟2秒会导致购物车放弃率高达87%。

A few years ago e-commerce giant Amazon calculated that a webpage load slowdown of just one second could cost it $1.6 billion in sales each year. Any questions?

几年前,电子商务巨头亚马逊计算出 ,网页加载速度仅降低一秒,每年可能要花费16亿美元。 任何问题?

“开始渲染时间”是关键指标 (“Start Render Time” is a Key Metric )

Start Render Time has emerged as a key metric in web performance and is the first visual cue that something is happening on a website. The following statement gives some words of wisdom on this topic:

开始渲染时间已成为Web性能的关键指标,并且是在网站上发生某些事情的第一个视觉提示。 以下语句对此主题提供了一些智慧之词:

The median for Time to Start Render across the web is 2.5 seconds. Shoot for better.  The top 10% of sites on the web start render in less than 900 milliseconds — fast enough that the visitor doesn’t have time to think about the fact that he or she is waiting to see content.  That should be the goal.

网络上开始渲染时间的中位数为2.5秒。 拍摄更好。 Web上排名靠前的10%网站在不到900毫秒的时间内即可呈现-足够快,以至于访客没有时间去思考他或她正在等待看内容的事实。 那应该是目标。


设计最佳实践可能会成为您最糟糕的敌人 (Design Best Practices Can Become Your Worst Enemy)

Increasing the size of your website’s size, images, third-party scripts, and style sheets come with a heavy price and can adversely affect performance. This is especially true in the world of mobile. Over 50% of all time consumers spend on retails site is on mobile devices, and more than 50% of consumers multiscreen during the purchasing.

网站大小的增加,图像,第三方脚本和样式表的价格高昂,可能会对性能产生不利影响。 在移动世界中尤其如此。 消费者在零售网站上花费的所有时间中,有超过50%的时间是在移动设备上,而在购买过程中,超过50%的消费者使用多屏。

Some of the worst design practices are evident when web pages are initially blank and then populate, the CTA is the last thing to render, popups block the rest of the page, or when you fail to adopt user experience into your design strategy.



绩效影响购物行为 (Performance Impacts Shopping Behavior )

We get the importance of website speed on customer conversions and sales. But this impact is more systemic than you might think. Kissmetrics shows that 44% of online shoppers will tell their friends about a bad experience online. And 79% of shoppers dissatisfied with a website performance are less likely to buy from that site again.

我们了解网站速度对客户转化和销售的重要性。 但是,这种影响比您想象的更系统。 Kissmetrics显示,有44%的在线购物者会告诉他们的朋友在线体验不好。 而对网站性能不满意的购物者中有79%不太可能再次从该网站购买商品。


移动不友好的网站以其他方式吸引客户 (Mobile Unfriendly Sites Drive Customers the Other Way )

M-commerce is huge, which is why having a “mobile first” website is critical to success. Mobile commerce transactions in the United States are expected to total $123 billion in 2016. $76 billion will be from tablets, while the remainder will be from smartphones. These same numbers are replicating themselves globally.

移动商务庞大,这就是为什么拥有“移动优先”网站对成功至关重要的原因。 2016年,美国的移动商务交易总额有望达到1230亿美元 。 760亿美元将来自平板电脑,其余将来自智能手机。 这些相同的数字正在全球复制。

A study from Google several years ago showed that mobile-friendliness was a key factor in purchase decisions, with 67% indicating that a mobile-friendly website made them more likely to buy a product or use a service. In addition, 61% indicated that a bad mobile experience made them more likely to leave.

谷歌几年前的一项研究表明,移动友好性是购买决策的关键因素,有67%的人表示,移动友好型网站使他们更有可能购买产品或使用服务。 此外,有61%的人表示糟糕的移动体验使他们更有可能离开。


您可以通过网站分析获胜 (You Can Win with Website Analytics )

Web analytics can make all the difference in how you relate to your customers. The ability to track a single customer across your site and across multiple devices will ensure that you can tailor your brand to their needs.

Web分析可以使您与客户之间的联系方式发生变化。 在整个站点和多个设备上跟踪单个客户的能力将确保您可以根据自己的需求定制品牌。

For instance, you want to learn more about when and where they’re visiting from, what devices they’re using, what are their online activities, and other key demographics such as age. Gaining these insights will help your organization better understand what’s important to your visitors and how to personalize their experience.

例如,您想了解更多有关他们何时何地访问,他们正在使用什么设备,他们的在线活动是什么以及其他关键人口统计信息(例如年龄)的信息。 获得这些见解将帮助您的组织更好地了解什么对访问者很重要以及如何个性化他们的体验。

速度增加SEO (Speed Increases SEO )

In April 2010 Google started using page speed as a ranking factor, meaning that faster pages would earn higher SEO rankings than slow ones. More recently, Google also announced that it’s moving in this same direction for mobile web pages. The point here is that you get rewarded for offering your customers a better overall experience; faster load time means higher SEO rankings.

在2010年4月,Google开始使用页面速度作为排名因素,这意味着速度较快的页面将比慢速页面获得更高的SEO排名。 最近,谷歌还宣布,它正在朝着移动网页的方向发展。 关键是要为客户提供更好的整体体验而获得回报; 更快的加载时间意味着更高的SEO排名。

平庸的虚拟主机可以增加停机时间 (Mediocre Web Hosting Can Increase Downtime )

When reviewing web performance, it’s important not to forget your web hosting service. Even though your provider may offer you unlimited bandwidth, does that mean shared service with other sites that ends up affecting your own web performance?

查看网络性能时,请不要忘记您的网络托管服务,这一点很重要。 即使您的提供商可能为您提供无限带宽,这是否意味着与其他站点的共享服务最终会影响您自己的Web性能?

Are you experiencing downtime or bandwidth issues? If so, it’s worthwhile to review your hosting options to ensure you’re getting the most efficient service. Don’t be afraid to insist on 99.99% uptime.

您是否遇到停机或带宽问题? 如果是这样,则值得检查您的托管选项,以确保获得最有效的服务。 不要害怕坚持99.99%的正常运行时间。


过多的联盟代码和广告流失性能 (Too Many Affiliate Codes & Ads Drain Performance )

Becoming an affiliate reseller and pushing ads to bring folks in is great, but too much of a good thing can also become bad . . . especially for performance. When you go overboard on ads and affiliate code, this can lead to high bounce rates and, in turn, can adversely impact your overall website performance.

成为会员转销商并推销广告以吸引人们进入是很棒的,但是太多的好事也会变坏。 。 。 特别是为了表现。 当您过度使用广告和联属代码时,这可能会导致跳出率较高,进而对您的整体网站性能产生不利影响。


网站监控是关键! (Website Monitoring Is Key! )

There are significant advantages to adopting website monitoring – cost, scalability, efficiency, to name a few. Not to mention, this frees you up to focus on growing your business, which matters the most anyway.

采用网站监视具有显着的优势-成本,可伸缩性,效率等等。 更不用说,这使您可以腾出精力专注于发展业务,这反而是最重要的。

When it comes to monitoring your website, you don’t want to shortchange yourself. Get the peace of mind you deserve by entrusting your business to a proven industry leader.

当涉及到监视您的网站时,您不希望自己变短。 通过将您的业务委托给经过验证的行业领导者来获得应有的安心。

Sign up for Monitis FREE 15-day full-featured trial! Premium plan starting from $12/month only!

免费注册Monitis 15天全功能试用! 高级计划仅从$ 12 /月开始!

翻译自: https://www.experts-exchange.com/articles/29506/Top-10-Things-You-Need-to-Know-About-Website-Performance.html



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