
标题: 分数阶傅立叶变换程序汇总(个人收集自网上) [打印本页]
作者: simon21 时间: 2007-4-26 19:46
标题: 分数阶傅立叶变换程序汇总(个人收集自网上)

第二楼:the fast fractional Fourier transform
H.M. Ozaktas, M.A. Kutay, and G. Bozdagi.
Digital computation of the fractional Fourier transform.
IEEE Trans. Sig. Proc., 44:2141–2150, 1996.


C. Candan, M.A. Kutay, and H.M. Ozaktas.
The discrete Fractional Fourier Transform.
IEEE Trans. Sig. Proc., 48:1329–1337, 2000

第五楼:the discrete fractional Fourier transform,算法参考:
S.-C. Pei, M.-H. Yeh, and C.-C. Tseng.
Discrete fractional Fourier-transform based on orthogonal projections.
IEEE Trans. Sig. Proc., 47(5):1335–1348, 1999.

第六楼:a demonstration programfor the previous three routines

第七楼: the discrete fractional Cosine transform,算法参考:
S.-C. Pei, M.-H. Yeh.
Discrete fractional Cosine and Sine transforms.
IEEE Trans. Sig. Proc., 49(6):1198–1207, 2001

第八楼:the discrete fractional Sine transform,算法参考:
S.-C. Pei, M.-H. Yeh.
Discrete fractional Cosine and Sine transforms.
IEEE Trans. Sig. Proc., 49(6):1198–1207, 2001

第九楼:test for Disfrct.m,算法参考:
S.-C. Pei, M.-H. Yeh.
Discrete fractional Cosine and Sine transforms.
IEEE Trans. Sig. Proc., 49(6):1198–1207, 2001

第十楼:the rescaling preprocessing for the frft routine,详细情况参考
H.M. Ozaktas, M.A. Kutay, and G. Bozdagi.
Digital computation of the fractional Fourier transform.
IEEE Trans. Sig. Proc., 44:2141–2150, 1996.

[ 本帖最后由 simon21 于 2007-4-26 20:14 编辑 ]
作者: simon21 时间: 2007-4-26 19:48
H.M. Ozaktas, M.A. Kutay, and G. Bozdagi.
Digital computation of the fractional Fourier transform.
IEEE Trans. Sig. Proc., 44:2141–2150, 1996.

function Faf = frft(f, a)
% The fast Fractional Fourier Transform
% input: f = samples of the signal
%        a = fractional power
% output: Faf = fast Fractional Fourier transform
error(nargchk(2, 2, nargin));
f = f(:);
N = length(f);
shft = rem((0:N-1)+fix(N/2),N)+1;
sN = sqrt(N);
a = mod(a,4);
% do special cases
if (a==0), Faf = f; return; end;
if (a==2), Faf = flipud(f); return; end;
if (a==1), Faf(shft,1) = fft(f(shft))/sN; return; end
if (a==3), Faf(shft,1) = ifft(f(shft))*sN; return; end
% reduce to interval 0.5 < a < 1.5
if (a>2.0), a = a-2; f = flipud(f); end
if (a>1.5), a = a-1; f(shft,1) = fft(f(shft))/sN; end
if (a<0.5), a = a+1; f(shft,1) = ifft(f(shft))*sN; end
% the general case for 0.5 < a < 1.5
alpha = a*pi/2;
tana2 = tan(alpha/2);
sina = sin(alpha);
f = [zeros(N-1,1) ; interp(f) ; zeros(N-1,1)];
% chirp premultiplication
chrp = exp(-i*pi/N*tana2/4*(-2*N+2:2*N-2)'.^2);
f = chrp.*f;
% chirp convolution
c = pi/N/sina/4;
Faf = fconv(exp(i*c*(-(4*N-4):4*N-4)'.^2),f);
Faf = Faf(4*N-3:8*N-7)*sqrt(c/pi);
% chirp post multiplication
Faf = chrp.*Faf;
% normalizing constant
Faf = exp(-i*(1-a)*pi/4)*Faf(N:2:end-N+1);
function xint=interp(x)
% sinc interpolation
N = length(x);
y = zeros(2*N-1,1);
y(1:2:2*N-1) = x;
xint = fconv(y(1:2*N-1), sinc([-(2*N-3):(2*N-3)]'/2));
xint = xint(2*N-2:end-2*N+3);function z = fconv(x,y)
% convolution by fft
N = length([x(:);y(:)])-1;
P = 2^nextpow2(N);
z = ifft( fft(x,P) .* fft(y,P));
z = z(1:N);

程序来自于http://www.cs.kuleuven.ac.be/cwi … oftware/FRFT/frft.m
作者: simon21 时间: 2007-4-26 19:51

%by Cagatay Candan <[email]candan@ieee.org[/email]>, July 1998, Ankara
%Copyright 1998 Cagatay Candan
%This code may be used for scientific and educational purposes
%provided credit is given to the publications below:
%This Matlab function generates the discrete fractional
%Fourier transform matrix originally described in:
%Cagatay Candan, M. Alper Kutay, and Haldun M. Ozaktas,
%The discrete fractional Fourier Transform,
%IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 48:1329-1337, May 2000,
%(also in Proc ICASSP’99, pages 1713-1716, IEEE, 1999);
%and further described in:
%Haldun M. Ozaktas, Zeev Zalevsky, and M. Alper Kutay,
%The Fractional Fourier Transform with Applications in Optics and
%Signal Processing, Wiley, 2000, chapter 6.

function F=dFRT(N,a,ord)
%function F=dFRT(N,a,ord) returns the NxN discrete fractional
%Fourier transform matrix with fractional order 'a'.
%The optional argument 'ord' is the order of approximation
%of the S matrix (default 2).%Note: This Matlab file has some subfunctions for generating S_{2k}
%      matrices, eigenvector ordering etc. These functions are not
%      visible from the Matlab workspace.global Evec Eval ordpif nargin==2, ord=2;end;if (length(Evec)~=N | ordp~=ord),[Evec,Eval]=dis_s(N,ord);ordp=ord;
F=Evec*diag(exp(-j*pi/2*a*([0:N-2 N-1+even])))*Evec';
function M=cconvm(v);
%Generates circular Convm matrixv=v(:);N=length(v);
for k=1:N,M(:,k)=dum;dum=[dum(N); dum(1:N-1)];
function S=creates(N,ord)
%Creates S matrix of approximation order ord
%When ord=1, elementary S matrix is returnedord=ord/2;
dum=[1 -2 1];s=0;
for k=1:ord,s=(-1)^(k-1)*prod(1:(k-1))^2/prod(1:2*k)*2*[0 dum(k+2:2*k+1) zeros(1,N-1-2*k) dum(1:k)]+s;dum=conv(dum,[1 -2 1]);
function [Evec,Eval]=dis_s(N,ord)
%function [Evec,Eval]=dis_s(N)
%Returns sorted eigenvectors and eigenvalues of corresponding vectorsif nargin==1, ord=2;end;%%Construct S Matrix
S=creates(N,ord);%%%%%%%Construct P matrixp=N;
for k=1:r-even,P(k+1,k+1)=1/sqrt(2);P(k+1,p-(k+1)+2)=1/sqrt(2);
end;if (even), P(r+1,r+1)=1; end;for k=r+1:p-1,P(k+1,k+1)=-1/sqrt(2);P(k+1,p-(k+1)+2)=1/sqrt(2);
qvc=[vc ;zeros(ceil(N/2-1),floor(N/2+1))];
SC2=P*qvc;    %Even Eigenvector of Sqvs=[zeros(floor(N/2+1),ceil(N/2-1));vs];
SS2=P*qvs;    %Odd Eigenvector of Ses=diag(es);ec=diag(ec);
es=es(in);if rem(N,2)==0,S2C2=zeros(N,N+1);SS2(:,size(SS2,2)+1)=zeros(N,1);S2C2(:,[0:2:N]+1)=SC2;S2C2(:,[1:2:N]+1)=SS2;S2C2(:,N)=[];
Eval=(-j).^[ 0:N-2 (N-1)+even];%END

作者: simon21 时间: 2007-4-26 19:56
离散分数阶傅立叶变换- Separate score step Fourier transforms
C. Candan, M.A. Kutay, and H.M. Ozaktas.
The discrete Fractional Fourier Transform.
IEEE Trans. Sig. Proc., 48:1329–1337, 2000

function Fa=DFPei(f,a)% Compute discrete fractional Fourier transform
% of order a of vector f according to Pei/Yeh/TsengN=length(f); f=f(:);
shft = rem((0:N-1)+fix(N/2),N)+1;global hn_saved p_saved
if (nargin==2), p = 2; end;
p = min(max(2,p),N-1);if (length(hn_saved) ~= N | p_saved ~= p),hn = make_hn(N,p);hn_saved = hn; p_saved = p;
elsehn = hn_saved;
function hn = make_hn(N,p)
even = rem(N,2)==0;
shft = rem((0:N-1)+fix(N/2),N)+1;
% Gauss-Hermite samples
u = (-N/2:(N/2)-1)'/sqrt(N/2/pi);
ex = exp(-u.^2/2);
hn(:,1) = ex; r = norm(hn(:,1)); hn(:,1) = hn(:,1)/r;
hn(:,2)=2*u.*ex; s = norm(hn(:,2)); hn(:,2) = hn(:,2)/s;
r = s/r;
for k = 3:N+1hn(:,k)=2*r*u.*hn(:,k-1)-2*(k-2)*hn(:,k-2);s = norm(hn(:,k)); hn(:,k) = hn(:,k)/s;r=s/r;
if (even), hn(:,N)=[]; else, hn(:,N+1)=[]; end
hn(shft,:) = hn;% eigenvectors of DFT matrix
E = make_E(N,N/2);for k = 1:4
if even % N evenswitch kcase {1,3}indx = k:4:N+1;if (rem(N,4) ~= 0 && k==3) || (rem(N,4) == 0 && k==1),indx(end) = indx(end)-1;endcase {2,4}indx = k:4:N-1;end
else % N oddindx = k:4:N;
hn(:,k:4:N) = orth(E(:,indx)*E(:,indx)'*hn(:,indx));
function E = make_E(N,p)
%Returns sorted eigenvectors and eigenvalues of corresponding vectors%Construct matrix H, use approx order ordd2 = [1 -2 1]; d_p = 1; s = 0; st = zeros(1,N);
for k = 1:p/2,d_p = conv(d2,d_p);st([N-k+1:N,1:k+1]) = d_p; st(1) = 0;s = s + (-1)^(k-1)*prod(1:(k-1))^2/prod(1:2*k)*2*st;
% H = circulant + diagonal
col = (0:N-1)'; row = (N:-1:1);
idx = col(:,ones(N,1)) + row(ones(N,1),:);
st = [s(N:-1:2).';s(:)];
H = st(idx)+diag(real(fft(s)));%Construct transformation matrix Vr = floor(N/2);
even = ~rem(N,2);
V1 = (eye(N-1)+flipud(eye(N-1)))/sqrt(2);
V1(N-r:end,N-r:end) = -V1(N-r:end,N-r:end);
if (even), V1(r,r)=1; end
V = eye(N); V(2:N,2:N) = V1;% Compute eigenvectorsVHV = V*H*V';
E = zeros(N);
Ev = VHV(1:r+1,1:r+1);           Od = VHV(r+2:N,r+2:N);
[ve,ee]=eig(Ev);                 [vo,eo]=eig(Od);
%malab eig returns sorted eigenvalues
%if different routine gives unsorted eigvals, then sort first
%[d,inde] = sort(diag(ee));      [d,indo] = sort(diag(eo));
%ve = ve(:,inde');               vo = vo(:,indo');
E(1:r+1,1:r+1) = fliplr(ve);     E(r+2:N,r+2:N) = fliplr(vo);
E = V*E;
%shuffle eigenvectors
ind = [1:r+1;r+2:2*r+2]; ind = ind(:);
if (even), ind([N,N+2])=[]; else ind(N+1)=[]; end
E = E(:,ind');

本程序来自http://www.cs.kuleuven.ac.be/cwi … ftware/FRFT/cdpei.m

[ 本帖最后由 simon21 于 2007-4-26 19:57 编辑 ]
作者: simon21 时间: 2007-4-26 20:00
S.-C. Pei, M.-H. Yeh, and C.-C. Tseng.
Discrete fractional Fourier-transform based on orthogonal projections.
IEEE Trans. Sig. Proc., 47(5):1335–1348, 1999.

function y=Disfrft(f,a,p)
% Computes discrete fractional Fourier transform
% of order a of vector x
% p (optional) is order of approximation, default N/2
N = length(f); even = ~rem(N,2);
shft = rem((0:N-1)+fix(N/2),N)+1;
f = f(:);
if (nargin==2), p = N/2; end;
p = min(max(2,p),N-1);
E = dFRFT(N,p);
y(shft,1)=E*(exp(-j*pi/2*a*([0:N-2 N-1+even])).'.*(E'*f(shft)));
function E=dFRFT(N,p)
%function E=dFRFT(N,a,p) returns the NxN eigenvectors of the
%Fourier transform matrix
%The optional argument p is the order of approximation
global E_saved p_saved
if (length(E_saved) ~= N | p_saved ~= p),E = make_E(N,p);E_saved = E; p_saved = p;
elseE = E_saved;
function E = make_E(N,p)
%Returns sorted eigenvectors and eigenvalues of corresponding vectors%Construct matrix H, use approx order ord
d2 = [1 -2 1]; d_p = 1; s = 0; st = zeros(1,N);
for k = 1:p/2,d_p = conv(d2,d_p);st([N-k+1:N,1:k+1]) = d_p; st(1) = 0;temp = [1:k;1:k]; temp=temp(:)'./[1:2*k];s = s + (-1)^(k-1)*prod(temp)*2*st;
% H = circulant + diagonal
col = (0:N-1)'; row = (N:-1:1);
idx = col(:,ones(N,1)) + row(ones(N,1),:);
st = [s(N:-1:2).';s(:)];
H = st(idx)+diag(real(fft(s)));
%Construct transformation matrix V
r = floor(N/2);
even = ~rem(N,2);
V1 = (eye(N-1)+flipud(eye(N-1)))/sqrt(2);
V1(N-r:end,N-r:end) = -V1(N-r:end,N-r:end);
if (even), V1(r,r)=1; end
V = eye(N); V(2:N,2:N) = V1;
% Compute eigenvectors
VHV = V*H*V';
E = zeros(N);
Ev = VHV(1:r+1,1:r+1);           Od = VHV(r+2:N,r+2:N);
[ve,ee]=eig(Ev);                 [vo,eo]=eig(Od);
%malab eig returns sorted eigenvalues
%if different routine gives unsorted eigvals, then sort first
%[d,inde] = sort(diag(ee));      [d,indo] = sort(diag(eo));
%ve = ve(:,inde');               vo = vo(:,indo');
E(1:r+1,1:r+1) = fliplr(ve);     E(r+2:N,r+2:N) = fliplr(vo);
E = V*E;
%shuffle eigenvectors
ind = [1:r+1;r+2:2*r+2]; ind = ind(:);
if (even), ind([N,N+2])=[]; else ind(N+1)=[]; end
E = E(:,ind');


[ 本帖最后由 simon21 于 2007-4-26 20:08 编辑 ]
作者: simon21 时间: 2007-4-26 20:09
a demonstration programfor the previous three routines

x=0.0:0.02:2*pi; y =cos(x);
clear p_saved hn_saved E_saved
for a=0:0.05:4fy=Disfrft(y,a);fys=cdpei(y,a);fyss=frft(y,a);% blue,green,red,cyanfigure(1)subplot(311);plot(x,real([fy,fys,fyss]));title(['a = ',num2str(a)]);subplot(312);plot(x,imag([fy,fys,fyss]));subplot(313);plot(x,abs([fy,fys,fyss]));pause(0.7);

作者: simon21 时间: 2007-4-26 20:10
the discrete fractional Cosine

S.-C. Pei, M.-H. Yeh.
Discrete fractional Cosine and Sine transforms.
IEEE Trans. Sig. Proc., 49(6):1198–1207, 2001

function y = Disfrct(f,a,p)
% Computes discrete fractional cosine transform
% of order a of vector f
% p (optional) is order of approximation, default N/2
% S-C Pei, M-H Yeh, IEEE Tr SP 49(6)2001, pp.1198-1207
N = length(f);
shft = rem((0:N-1)+fix(N/2),N)+1;
f = f(:);
if (nargin==2), p = N/2; end;
p = min(max(2,p),N-1);
E = dFRCT(N,p);
y=E*(exp(-j*pi*a*([0:N-1])).'.*(E'*f));function E=dFRCT(N,p)
%function E=dFRCT(N,p) returns the NxN eigenvectors of the
%Fourier Cosine transform matrixglobal EC_saved pC_savedif (length(EC_saved) ~= N | pC_saved ~= p),E = make_EC(N,p);EC_saved = E; pC_saved = p;
elseE = EC_saved;
function E = make_EC(N,p)
% Returns sorted eigenvectors and eigenvalues of corresponding vectors
% Construct matrix H, use approx order p
d2 = [1 -2 1]; d_p = 1; s = 0; st = zeros(1,N1);
for k = 1:p/2,d_p = conv(d2,d_p);st([N1-k+1:N1,1:k+1]) = d_p; st(1) = 0;temp = [1:k;1:k]; temp = temp(:)'./[1:2*k];s = s + (-1)^(k-1)*prod(temp)*2*st;
H = toeplitz(s(:),s)+diag(real(fft(s)));
% Construct transformation matrix V
V = [zeros(N-2,1),eye(N-2),zeros(N-2,1),flipud(eye(N-2))]/sqrt(2);
V = [1,zeros(1,N1-1);V;zeros(1,N-1),1,zeros(1,N-2)];
% Compute eigenvectors
Ev = V*H*V';
% malab eig returns sorted eigenvalues
% if different routine gives unsorted eigvals, then sort first
% [d,inde] = sort(diag(ee));
% ve = ve(:,inde');
E = fliplr(ve);
E(end,:) = E(end,:)/sqrt(2);


[ 本帖最后由 simon21 于 2007-4-26 20:11 编辑 ]
作者: simon21 时间: 2007-4-26 20:11
the discrete fractional Sine transform
S.-C. Pei, M.-H. Yeh.
Discrete fractional Cosine and Sine transforms.
IEEE Trans. Sig. Proc., 49(6):1198–1207, 2001

function y = Disfrst(f,a,p)
% Computes discrete fractional sine transform
% of order a of vector f
% p (optional) is order of approximation, default N/2
% S-C Pei, M-H Yeh, IEEE Tr SP 49(6)2001, pp.1198-1207
N = length(f);
shft = rem((0:N-1)+fix(N/2),N)+1;
f = f(:);
if (nargin==2), p = N/2; end;
p = min(max(2,p),N-1);
E = dFRST(N,p);
function E=dFRST(N,p)
%function E=dFRST(N,p) returns the NxN eigenvectors of the
%Fourier Sine transform matrixglobal ES_saved pS_savedif (length(ES_saved) ~= N | pS_saved ~= p),E = make_ES(N,p);ES_saved = E; pS_saved = p;
elseE = ES_saved;
function E = make_ES(N,p)
% Returns sorted eigenvectors and eigenvalues of corresponding vectors
% Construct matrix H, use approx order p
d2 = [1 -2 1]; d_p = 1; s = 0; st = zeros(1,N1);
for k = 1:p/2,d_p = conv(d2,d_p);st([N1-k+1:N1,1:k+1]) = d_p; st(1) = 0;temp = [1:k;1:k]; temp = temp(:)'./[1:2*k];s = s + (-1)^(k-1)*prod(temp)*2*st;
H = toeplitz(s(:),s)+diag(real(fft(s)));
% Construct transformation matrix V
r = N;
V = [zeros(N,1),flipud(eye(N)),zeros(N,1),-eye(N)]/sqrt(2);
% Compute eigenvectors
Od = V*H*V';
% malab eig returns sorted eigenvalues
% if different routine gives unsorted eigvals, then sort first
% [d,inde] = sort(diag(eo));
% vo = vo(:,inde');
E = flipud(fliplr(vo));

作者: simon21 时间: 2007-4-26 20:13
test for Disfrct.m
S.-C. Pei, M.-H. Yeh.
Discrete fractional Cosine and Sine transforms.
IEEE Trans. Sig. Proc., 49(6):1198–1207, 2001

% Disfrftfunction testfrct(x)
y = zeros(size(x));
title('symmetric delta')yf=Disfrft(y,5/6);
title('FrFT for a = 5/6 of symmetric delta')
% Disfrctx=[0:35];
title('half delta')yc=Disfrct(y1,5/6);
title('FrCT for a = 5/6 of half delta')
% Disfrcstx=[-35:0];
title('half delta')ys=Disfrst(y1,5/6);
title('FrST for a = 5/6 of half delta')

作者: simon21 时间: 2007-4-26 20:14
the rescaling preprocessing for the frft routine

H.M. Ozaktas, M.A. Kutay, and G. Bozdagi.
Digital computation of the fractional Fourier transform.
IEEE Trans. Sig. Proc., 44:2141–2150, 1996.

% This routine calculates the parameters to transform the input for the
% fractional Fourier transform when the support of the input
% input is not N^2 with N=sqrt(length(signal))
% Parameters: signal   = the signal to be transformed
%             a        = the order of the transform
%             delta_x1 = the length of the support of the input signal.
% To compute the frft with these data use
% Output:     signal = possibly flipped signal to avoid infinite factor
%             a_new = compute the frft of order a_new
%             fact = and elementwise multiply the result with fact
N = length(signal);
delta_x2 = sqrt(N);
k = delta_x2/delta_x1;a_new =  mod(a,4);if k == 1 || a == 0a_new = a;fact = 1;return
elseif a == 2signal = flipud(signal)
elsephi = a*pi/2;psi = acot(cot(phi)/k^2);c = csc(phi)/(k*csc(psi));x = linspace(-delta_x1/2,delta_x1/2,N);u = x;nu = c*u;a_new = 2*psi/pi;A_phi = exp(-i*(pi*sign(sin(phi))/4-phi/2))/sqrt(abs(sin(phi)));A_psi = exp(-i*(pi*sign(sin(psi))/4-psi/2))/sqrt(abs(sin(psi)));fact = A_phi/(k*A_psi)*exp(i*pi*(cot(phi)/c^2-cot(psi))*(nu.^2))';


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  5. 数字图像处理 线性系统、卷积、傅立叶变换

    第九章 线性系统.卷积.傅立叶变换 目录 1.    线性系统 2.    二维卷积 3.    Fourier变换 作业 1. 线性系统 线性系统理论在"系统分析与控制"及&qu ...

  6. 论文总结2:分数阶傅里叶变换在信号检测与图像处理中的应用研究

    分数阶傅里叶变换在信号检测与图像处理中的应用研究(李琼) 发展历史 特性 二维分数阶傅里叶变换 基于分数阶傅里叶变换的图像分析 分数阶变换域中图像的能量分布 分数阶傅里叶变换域中的图像的幅度和相位信息 ...

  7. dsp实现快速傅里叶的C语言程序,DSP-快速傅立叶变换(FFT)算法实验

    <DSP-快速傅立叶变换(FFT)算法实验>由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关<DSP-快速傅立叶变换(FFT)算法实验(10页珍藏版)>请在人人文库网上搜索. 1.中 南 大 ...

  8. 分数傅立叶变换的性质

    主要内容: 回顾--分数傅立叶变换基于积分核形式的推导 当P=1的时候,可以把分数傅里叶变换的积分核退化为傅里叶变换的积分核形式. 在坐标系当中,当旋转角度到90°的时候就退化为傅里叶变换,当旋转角度 ...

  9. [转载]傅立叶变换在图像处理中的作用

    原文地址:傅立叶变换在图像处理中的作用作者:白屋顶黑乌鸦 从现代数学的眼光来看,傅里叶变换是一种特殊的积分变换.它能将满足一定条件的某个函数表示成正弦基函数的线性组合或者积分.在不同的研究领域,傅里叶 ...


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