
import win32gui, win32api, win32con, win32ui
import time
from time import sleep
import random
from random import uniform
import logging
from logging import info, warning, error
from config import VK_CODE
import copy
import cv2 as cv
import traceback# mode为test意为调试模式,real则为实际应用
# In 'test' mode, it will print some hidden info for Debug
mode = 'test'# 模式图的存储路径
# The save path of pattern pics
pattern_path = 'yourpath\\'# 设置logging的书写格式
# Setting logging configs
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG,format='%(lineno)d : %(asctime)s : %(levelname)s : %(funcName)s : %(message)s',filename='yourpath\\log{}.txt'.format(time.strftime('-%Y-%m-%d')),filemode='w')# 用当前时间初始化随机数
# Set random seed
random.seed(time.time())def Get_PosAndHwnd(hwnd=0, ClassName=None, TitleName=None):'''接受句柄、类名、标题名,返回第一个匹配的窗口位置和句柄。Accepts Handle, ClassName or TitleName of a window, returns the rect-pos of the first window that matches.Args:hwnd: 目标句柄 target handle.ClassName: 目标窗口类名 target ClassName.TitleName: 目标窗口标题 target TitleName.Returns: x1, y1, x2, y2, hwnd前四个参数描述窗口在显示器中的位置,hwnd为句柄。x1-y2 describes the pos of the window in screen, last arg is the handle.'''try:if hwnd == 0:hwnd = win32gui.FindWindow(ClassName, TitleName)x1, y1, x2, y2 = win32gui.GetWindowRect(hwnd)info('找到窗口,句柄:{},标题名:{},类名:{},坐标:{}'.format(hwnd, win32gui.GetWindowText(hwnd), win32gui.GetClassName(hwnd),(x1, y1, x2, y2)))return x1, y1, x2, y2, hwndexcept:global modeif mode == 'test':traceback.print_exc()elif mode == 'real':error('Get_PosAndHwnd 出现错误')def Activate_Hwnd(hwnd):'''激活指定句柄的窗口。每次转换时使用。Activates the window with the matching hwnd.Args:hwnd: 目标句柄 target handle.Returns:No return.'''try:win32gui.SendMessage(hwnd, win32con.WM_ACTIVATE, win32con.WA_ACTIVE, 0)# WA_CLICKACTIVE为通过鼠标激活,WA_ACTIVE为鼠标以外的东西(如键盘)激活,WA_INACTIVE为取消激活# WA_CLICKACTIVE means activate by mouse, WA_ACTIVE means other equipments( like keyboard).WA_INACTIVE means inactivate it.info('激活句柄为 {} 标题为 {} 的窗口'.format(hwnd, win32gui.GetWindowText(hwnd)))except:global modeif mode == 'test':traceback.print_exc()elif mode == 'real':error('激活窗口 出现错误')def LeftClick(hwnd, x1, y1, times='first', platform='PC'):'''左键单击(自带延时) Left Click the window (located by hwnd) once (with human-like delay). Args:hwnd: 目标窗口的句柄 target hwnd. x1, y1: 需要点击的坐标 target pos. times: 'first'表示从其他窗口转过来点击,用于调用Activate_Hwnd(hwnd)。If 'first', means target window is inactive/unfocused, thus call Activate_Hwnd(hwnd). platform: 目前无用。'PC'表示当前操作的是桌面版,不是安卓模拟器('AM')。Useless now. 'PC' means target window is PC, not Android manipulator ('AM').Returns:No return.'''try:if platform == 'PC':  # 对于桌面版 # for PCtmp_pos = win32api.MAKELONG(x1, y1)#elif flag == 'AM': # 对于模拟器 # for Android manipulator#click_pos = win32gui.ScreenToClient(hwnd, (x1, y1))# 注意坐标是整个窗口还是客户区的,用ScreenToClient转换 # switch between screen/client pos#tmp_pos = win32api.MAKELONG(click_pos[0], click_pos[1])if times == 'first':Activate_Hwnd(hwnd)win32gui.SendMessage(hwnd, win32con.WM_LBUTTONDOWN,win32con.MK_LBUTTON, tmp_pos)# 鼠标点击格式为SendMessage(hWnd,WM_LBUTTONDOWN,fwKeys,MAKELONG(xPos,yPos));# fwKeys可以取:MK_CONTROL、MK_LBUTTON、MK_MBUTTON、MK_RBUTTON、MK_SHIFT等,多个值用|隔开sleep(uniform(0.05, 0.08))win32gui.SendMessage(hwnd, win32con.WM_LBUTTONUP, 0000, tmp_pos)# 抬起时有些电脑上fwKeys显示为0000,有些可能为MK_LBUTTON# Use spy++ for detailssleep(uniform(0.07, 0.095))info('对句柄 {} 标题 {} 的坐标 {} 进行 左键单击 动作'.format(hwnd, win32gui.GetWindowText(hwnd), (x1, y1)))except:global modeif mode == 'test':traceback.print_exc()elif mode == 'real':error('左键单击 出现错误')def LeftClick_sequence(hwnd, points, times='second', platform='PC'):'''左键依序单击(依次点击多个点) Click a sequence of points in order.Args: hwnd: 目标窗口的句柄 target hwnd. points: 需要点击的坐标 target points in the form like ((x1,y1),(x2,y2)...). times: 'first'表示从其他窗口转过来点击,用于调用Activate_Hwnd(hwnd)。If 'first', means target window is inactive/unfocused, thus call Activate_Hwnd(hwnd). platform: 目前无用。'PC'表示当前操作的是桌面版,不是安卓模拟器('AM')。Useless now. 'PC' means target window is PC, not Android manipulator ('AM').Returns:No return.'''try:if times == 'first':Activate_Hwnd(hwnd)for point in points:LeftClick(hwnd, point[0], point[1], 'second', platform)info('对句柄 {} 标题 {} 的坐标 {} 进行 左键依序单击 动作'.format(hwnd, win32gui.GetWindowText(hwnd), points))except:global modeif mode == 'test':traceback.print_exc()elif mode == 'real':error('左键单击 出现错误')def LeftDoubleClick(hwnd, x1, y1, times='first', platform='PC'):'''左键同一位置双击 Click the same pos twice.Args:hwnd: 目标窗口的句柄 target hwnd. x1, y1: 需要点击的坐标 target pos. times: 'first'表示从其他窗口转过来点击,用于调用Activate_Hwnd(hwnd)。If 'first', means target window is inactive/unfocused, thus call Activate_Hwnd(hwnd). platform: 目前无用。'PC'表示当前操作的是桌面版,不是安卓模拟器('AM')。Useless now. 'PC' means target window is PC, not Android manipulator ('AM').Returns:No return.'''try:if times == 'first':Activate_Hwnd(hwnd)info('左键同一位置双击--第一次点击')LeftClick(hwnd, x1, y1, 'second', platform)info('左键同一位置双击--第二次点击')LeftClick(hwnd, x1, y1, 'second', platform)except:global modeif mode == 'test':traceback.print_exc()elif mode == 'real':error('左键同一位置双击 出现错误')def LeftDifDoubleClick_Rect(hwnd,x1,y1,times='first',platform='PC',delta=(0, 4)):'''左键不同位置双击,范围为双正方形 Left click 2 pos, in a double-square-like area._________|  ___  || |   | || |___| ||_______|(x1, y1) is at the center, (x2, y2) between the squares (borders included).Args:hwnd: 目标窗口的句柄 target hwnd. x1, y1: 第一次点击的坐标 first pos to click. times: 'first'表示从其他窗口转过来点击,用于调用Activate_Hwnd(hwnd)。If 'first', means target window is inactive/unfocused, thus call Activate_Hwnd(hwnd). platform: 目前无用。'PC'表示当前操作的是桌面版,不是安卓模拟器('AM')。Useless now. 'PC' means target window is PC, not Android manipulator ('AM').delta: 第二个点的横坐标在x1+delta[0] 到 x1+delta[1]间(包括端点),纵坐标同样。x2 varies between x1+delta[0] to x1+delta[1], y2 the same (both ends included). Returns:No return.'''try:if times == 'first':Activate_Hwnd(hwnd)info('左键正方形双击--第一次点击')LeftClick(hwnd, x1, y1, 'second', platform)point_list = []for delta_x in range(delta[0], delta[1] + 1):for delta_y in range(delta[0], delta[1] + 1):point_list.append((x1 + delta_x, y1 + delta_y))point_list.append((x1 + delta_x, y1 - delta_y))point_list.append((x1 - delta_x, y1 + delta_y))point_list.append((x1 - delta_x, y1 - delta_y))point_list = list(set(point_list))point_list.remove((x1, y1))x1, y1 = random.sample(point_list, 1)[0]info('左键正方形双击--第二次点击')LeftClick(hwnd, x1, y1, 'second', platform)except:global modeif mode == 'test':traceback.print_exc()elif mode == 'real':error('左键正方形双击 出现错误')def LeftDifDoubleClick_Cir(hwnd, x1, y1, times='first', platform='PC', r=4):'''左键不同位置双击,范围为圆形。 Left Click 2 pos in a circle.(x1, y1)为圆心,r为半径,(x2, y2)在圆内及圆上。(x1, y1) is the center, r the radius. Generates (x2, y2) in the circle (or on the border).Args:hwnd: 目标窗口的句柄 target hwnd. x1, y1: 第一次点击的坐标 first pos to click. times: 'first'表示从其他窗口转过来点击,用于调用Activate_Hwnd(hwnd)。If 'first', means target window is inactive/unfocused, thus call Activate_Hwnd(hwnd). platform: 目前无用。'PC'表示当前操作的是桌面版,不是安卓模拟器('AM')。Useless now. 'PC' means target window is PC, not Android manipulator ('AM').r: 圆的半径。radius. Returns:返回两次点击的坐标(x1,y1,x2,y2)。Returns 2 clicked pos in (x1,y1,x2,y2). '''try:if times == 'first':Activate_Hwnd(hwnd)info('左键圆形双击--第一次点击')LeftClick(hwnd, x1, y1, 'second', platform)m, n = x1, y1point_list = []final_point_list = []for delta_x in range(r + 1):for delta_y in range(r + 1):point_list.append((delta_x, delta_y))point_list.remove((0, 0))for i in range(len(point_list)):x = point_list[i][0]y = point_list[i][1]if x * x + y * y <= r * r:final_point_list.append((x1 + x, y1 + y))final_point_list.append((x1 + x, y1 - y))final_point_list.append((x1 - x, y1 + y))final_point_list.append((x1 - x, y1 - y))final_point_list = list(set(final_point_list))x1, y1 = random.sample(final_point_list, 1)[0]info('左键圆形双击--第二次点击')LeftClick(hwnd, x1, y1, 'second', platform)return (m, n, x1, y1)except:global modeif mode == 'test':traceback.print_exc()elif mode == 'real':error('左键圆形双击 出现错误')def Random_Areas_LeftClicks(hwnd,click_areas,times='first',platform='PC',r=4,click_strategy=1):'''从几种点击策略中选一种执行,在一定范围对目标窗口进行点击。Select a click strategy/combination, click the window in some given areas.  ---------   单个点击区域如右。A single click_area looks like left. |  ---- |   如果只点击一次或者点击两次中的第一个坐标,该坐标位于小矩形中(包括边界)。|  |  | |   If only click once, or the first click in 2 clicks, it locates in the minor rect (borders included).|  |  | |   小矩形的每条边距大矩形距离为r个像素点。|  |  | |   Each border of the minor rect is r-pixel far from the outside rect.|  ---- |---------第二次点击的区域不会超出大矩形的范围(包括边界))。对于一个点击区域[x1,y1,x2,y2],其中的小矩形为[x1+r,y1+r,x2-r,y2-r]。The second is in the big rect (borders included). For a click_area like (x1,y1,x2,y2), the minor rect is [x1+r,y1+r,x2-r,y2-r]. Args:hwnd: 目标窗口的句柄 target hwnd. click_areas: 可选的点击范围(矩形)。格式为[[x1,y1,x2,y2],[x3,y3,x4,y4]...],只有一个区域则可以写成[x1,y1,x2,y2]。Possible rect-areas to click, given in the form of [[x1,y1,x2,y2],[x3,y3,x4,y4]...]. If only one area, [x1,y1,x2,y2] is also acceptable. times: 'first'表示从其他窗口转过来点击,用于调用Activate_Hwnd(hwnd)。If 'first', means target window is inactive/unfocused, thus call Activate_Hwnd(hwnd). platform: 目前无用。'PC'表示当前操作的是桌面版,不是安卓模拟器('AM')。Useless now. 'PC' means target window is PC, not Android manipulator ('AM').r: 圆的半径。radius. click_strategy: 选择的点击策略。看看源码,很容易写自己的策略。主要包括点击方式和概率。A strategy for clicking, includes combination of clicking functions and its weights. Look at the src code, easy to construct your own click_strategy. Returns:返回两次点击的坐标(x1,y1,x2,y2)。如果只点击一次,返回(x1, y1, -1, -1)Returns 2 clicked pos in (x1,y1,x2,y2). If only clicked once, return (x1, y1, -1, -1). '''try:# 缩小边界,并加上一个值,表示区域点的坐标个数(包含边界)total = 0areas = copy.deepcopy(click_areas)  # python中传列表参是浅拷贝,为了防止改变原click_areas需要写这一句。传字符串、数字是深拷贝if isinstance(areas[0], int):areas = [areas]for i in range(len(areas)):areas[i][0] = areas[i][0] + rareas[i][1] = areas[i][1] + rareas[i][2] = areas[i][2] - rareas[i][3] = areas[i][3] - rareas[i].append((areas[i][2] - areas[i][0] + 1) *(areas[i][3] - areas[i][1] + 1))total = total + areas[i][4]rand = random.randint(0, total - 1)# 找出第一次点击位置落在哪个区域,并找出具体坐标# find out the first click is in which area, and the exact pos.x = 0y = 0for i in range(len(areas)):rand = rand - areas[i][4]if rand < 0:rand = rand + areas[i][4]w = areas[i][2] - areas[i][0] + 1x = rand % w + areas[i][0]y = rand // w + areas[i][1]  # 现在python中整型之间用/也会得到floatbreakif click_strategy == 1:  # 1号策略,包括左键单击、左键同一位置双击、左键圆形双击三种#总结果数为173,左键单击:左键同一位置双击:左键圆形双击 的比例为 131:29:13rand = random.randint(1, 173)if times == 'first':Activate_Hwnd(hwnd)if rand <= 131:  # weighs 131info('随机区域左键 选择 左键单击,坐标{}'.format((x, y)))LeftClick(hwnd, x, y, 'second', platform)return (x, y, -1, -1)elif rand >= 161:  # weighs 13info('随机区域左键 选择 左键圆形双击,第一次点击坐标{}'.format((x, y)))return LeftDifDoubleClick_Cir(hwnd, x, y, 'second', platform,r)else:  # weighs 29info('随机区域左键 选择 左键同位置双击,坐标{}'.format((x, y)))LeftDoubleClick(hwnd, x, y, 'second', platform)return (x, y, x, y)elif click_strategy == 2:  # 2号策略,仅包括左键单击,用于只能单击的情况if times == 'first':Activate_Hwnd(hwnd)info('随机区域左键 选择 左键单击,坐标{}'.format((x, y)))LeftClick(hwnd, x, y, 'second', platform)return (x, y, -1, -1)except:global modeif mode == 'test':traceback.print_exc()elif mode == 'real':error('随机区域左键 出现错误')def press_key(hwnd, key='esc', times='second'):'''单次按键(自带延时) Press a key once (with human-like delay).Args:hwnd: 目标窗口的句柄 target hwnd. key: 需要按的键,详见config.VK_CODE。The key to press, see also in config.VK_CODE.times: 'first'表示从其他窗口转过来点击,用于调用Activate_Hwnd(hwnd)。If 'first', means target window is inactive/unfocused, thus call Activate_Hwnd(hwnd). Returns:No return. '''try:if times == 'first':Activate_Hwnd(hwnd)win32api.SendMessage(hwnd, win32con.WM_KEYDOWN, VK_CODE[key],0)  # 暂时将lParam写为0# 这里不知道是否要暂停# I don't konw whether to pause here.time.sleep(0.01)win32api.SendMessage(hwnd, win32con.WM_CHAR, VK_CODE[key], 0)sleep(uniform(0.05, 0.08))win32api.SendMessage(hwnd, win32con.WM_KEYUP, VK_CODE[key], 0)sleep(uniform(0.07, 0.095))info('对句柄 {} 标题 {} 的窗口 按 {} 键一次'.format(hwnd,win32gui.GetWindowText(hwnd),key))except:global modeif mode == 'test':traceback.print_exc()elif mode == 'real':error('单次按键 出现错误')def press_keys(hwnd, keys, times='second'):'''依序按键 Press a sequence of keys in order.Args:hwnd: 目标窗口的句柄 target hwnd. keys: 需要按的键,详见config.VK_CODE。Keys to press, see also in config.VK_CODE.times: 'first'表示从其他窗口转过来点击,用于调用Activate_Hwnd(hwnd)。If 'first', means target window is inactive/unfocused, thus call Activate_Hwnd(hwnd). Returns:No return. '''try:if times == 'first':Activate_Hwnd(hwnd)for key in keys:press_key(hwnd, key, 'second')info('对句柄 {} 标题 {} 的窗口 依序按 {} 键'.format(hwnd,win32gui.GetWindowText(hwnd),keys))except:global modeif mode == 'test':traceback.print_exc()elif mode == 'real':error('依序按键 出现错误')def ClientRect_PrtSc(hwnd, area=None, filename=''):'''根据句柄、截图位置和图片路径,对窗口的客户区截图并存到指定位置。Press PrtSc for a window's client area, save the pic in the indicated path. 从https://blog.csdn.net/zhuisui_woxin/article/details/84345036和https://www.cnblogs.com/Evan-fanfan/p/11097850.html改编Made some changes and corrected some errors from 2 links above (took me some time to figure the errors).Args:hwnd: 目标窗口的句柄 target hwnd. area: 需要的区域。为None时表示整个客户区。Needed area. If None, means get the whole client area. filename: 指定路径。为''时表示文件名根据hwnd生成。Indicate the path. If '', means 'path\{}.bmp'.format.  Returns:No return. '''try:hwnd = hwndif filename == '':filename = 'yourpath\\{}.bmp'.format(hwnd)hwndDC = win32gui.GetDC(hwnd)  # 获取窗口的设备上下文Device Context。GetWindowDC包括了非客户区,而GetDC仅为客户区# GetWindowDC also gets the non-client area, while GetDC only gets the client area.mfcDC = win32ui.CreateDCFromHandle(hwndDC)  # 获取mfcDCsaveDC = mfcDC.CreateCompatibleDC()  # 创建可兼容DCsaveBitMap = win32ui.CreateBitmap()  # 创建bitmap以保存图片'''MonitorDev = win32api.EnumDisplayMonitors(None, None)  # 获取显示器信息,枚举显示器,笔记本据说可能有问题'''x1, y1, x2, y2 = win32gui.GetClientRect(hwnd)  #GetClientRect获取客户区窗口位置,GetWindowRect获取整个窗口的位置信息x, y, w, h = (0, 0, 0, 0)if area == None:x = 0y = 0w = x2 - x1h = y2 - y1else:x, y, m, n = areaw = m - xh = n - ysaveBitMap.CreateCompatibleBitmap(mfcDC, w, h)  # 为bitmap开辟空间# 对saveBitMap.CreateCompatibleBitmap(mfcDC, w, h)的理解:# 1.mfc相当于一个虚拟屏幕。这里的参数w和h决定了这个屏幕的大小。# 2.屏幕的初始状态是黑色,每个坐标都是#000000# 3.之前有mfcDC = win32ui.CreateDCFromHandle(hwndDC),又有hwndDC = win32gui.GetDC(hwnd)#   mfcDC和hwnd窗口之间建立了某种关联,可以将hwnd窗口中的图像放到虚拟屏幕上saveDC.SelectObject(saveBitMap)  # 将截图保存到saveBitMap中saveDC.BitBlt((0, 0), (w, h), mfcDC, (x, y), win32con.SRCCOPY)# 对saveDC.BitBlt(坐标1, (w, h), mfcDC, 坐标2, win32con.SRCCOPY)的理解:# BitBlt的功能大概是把从hwnd窗口截到的图放到虚拟屏幕上,信息转入saveDC。# 1.坐标1是针对窗口截图的,指定截图放在黑色背景上的位置(指定左上角)# 2.w和h窗口截图的长宽,而坐标2指定了开始截图的位置#   这两个参数决定了从hwnd窗口的哪里截图、截多大的图# 3.mfcDC已经和hwnd窗口建立了关联,所以不需要指定虚拟屏幕从哪个窗口获得截图# 4.SRCCOPY意为将截图直接拷贝到虚拟屏幕中# 接下来的saveBitMap.SaveBitmapFile(saveDC, filename)则是对虚拟屏幕截图并保存到指定位置# Google for more info.saveBitMap.SaveBitmapFile(saveDC, filename)# 清除数据# GetDC一类的需要用ReleaseDC释放,CreateDC一类的用DeleteDC释放,DeleteObject则删除一个逻辑笔、画笔、字体、位图、区域或者调色板win32gui.DeleteObject(saveBitMap.GetHandle())saveDC.DeleteDC()mfcDC.DeleteDC()win32gui.ReleaseDC(hwnd, hwndDC)info('对句柄 {} 标题 {} 的窗口截图并保存'.format(hwnd,win32gui.GetWindowText(hwnd)))except:global modeif mode == 'test':traceback.print_exc()elif mode == 'real':error('客户区截图 出现错误')def G(pattern_filename):'''将pattern的文件名加上路径前缀与类型后缀并返回Add path prefix and '.bmp' for a pattern pic file and return it. Args:pattern_filename: 模式图片名。Pattern pic file name. Returns: opencv2 可用的路径。The usable path for opencv2. '''try:global pattern_path  # 在全局变量中 # a global variable.return pattern_path + pattern_filename + '.bmp'except:global modeif mode == 'test':traceback.print_exc()elif mode == 'real':error('加模式图路径 出现错误')def Find_Pic(hwnd,pattern,return_pos='l',find_pattern_in_area=None,filename=''):'''寻找图片,找到则返回小图在大图中的位置坐标及模板图大小,否则返回(-1,-1,tw,th)。Find the pattern pic in the target pic. Return the location and pattern's size if found, or (-1,-1,pattern-weight,pattern-height) if not.https://blog.csdn.net/wz2671/article/details/102751549和https://www.cnblogs.com/ssyfj/p/9271883.html很有帮助。Above 2 links help. Args:hwnd: 目标窗口的句柄 target hwnd. pattern: 模式图,小图。The pic to be found, pattern pic, smaller pic. return_pos: 为'l'时返回找到的左上角坐标,'c'则返回中心(偏左上)。If 'l', return the left-top corner, 'c' the centor pos (if odd, lefter and topper). find_pattern_in_area: 指定在大图的哪个区域查找。None表示在全部区域中找。In which area of the bigger pic to find. None means the whole area. filename: 指定路径。为''时表示文件名根据hwnd生成。Indicate the bigger-pic's path. If '', means 'path\{}.bmp'.format.  Returns:如果找到,以(x, y, pat_w, pat_h)形式返回小图在大图中的位置;没找到则返回(-1, -1, pat_w, pat_h)。The location and pattern's size in the form of (x, y, pat_w, pat_h) if found, or (x, y, pat_w, pat_h) if not.'''try:hwnd = hwndClientRect_PrtSc(hwnd, find_pattern_in_area, filename)if filename == '':  # 没有提供文件名则需要改成默认文件名filename = 'youpath\\{}.bmp'.format(hwnd)pat = cv.imread(pattern)  # patternsrc = cv.imread(filename)  # source# imread的文件名必须带上格式后缀theight, twidth = pat.shape[:2]# 获取pattern的高和宽result = cv.matchTemplate(src, pat, cv.TM_SQDIFF_NORMED)# 执行模板匹配,采用的匹配方式cv2.TM_SQDIFF_NORMED# matchTemplate(大图像, 小图像(子图像、模式图像)m, 匹配方式, result 和 mask 可选)# 返回一个矩阵result,大小为(W-w+1)*(H-h+1),比大图像少了右、下一圈,是子图像左上顶点在大图像中可能出现的位置# result矩阵中的每个位置,其值表示子图像左上顶点放在该位置时,子图像与大图像上相应区域的匹配度# result中的点位置和大图像保持一致。# 关于匹配方式:()# 1.TM_SQDIFF是平方差匹配;TM_SQDIFF_NORMED是标准平方差匹配。利用平方差来进行匹配,最好匹配为0;匹配越差,匹配值越大。# 2.TM_CCORR是相关性匹配;TM_CCORR_NORMED是标准相关性匹配。采用模板和图像间的乘法操作,数越大表示匹配程度较高, 0表示最坏的匹配效果。# 3.TM_CCOEFF是相关性系数匹配;TM_CCOEFF_NORMED是标准相关性系数匹配。将模版对其均值的相对值与图像对其均值的相关值进行匹配,1表示完美匹配,-1表示糟糕的匹配,0表示没有任何相关性(随机序列)。# 总结:随着从简单的测量(平方差)到更复杂的测量(相关系数),我们可获得越来越准确的匹配(同时也意味着越来越大的计算代价)。min_val, max_val, min_loc, max_loc = cv.minMaxLoc(result)# minMaxLoc(矩阵Mat),在一个矩阵中找出最大值、最小值、对应序号# 对于TM_SQDIFF_NORMED模式下最匹配的位置,如果不匹配值大于1%,就认为没有找到。if min_val > 0.01:return (-1, -1, twidth, theight)global modeif mode == 'test':# 以下代码绘制矩形边框,并将匹配区域标注出来,用于调试# codes after are used for debug, draw the big/small pic and the location.cv.rectangle(src, min_loc,(min_loc[0] + twidth, min_loc[1] + theight),(0, 0, 225), 1)  # 在src图像矩阵中加上矩形,范围是模板图的范围# rectangle(目标图像, 矩形的一个顶点, 矩形对角线上的另一个顶点, 矩形线条颜色, 线条粗细)返回空值strmin_val = str(min_val)print('\n匹配度' + strmin_val)cv.imshow("MatchResult----MatchingValue=" + strmin_val,src)  # 将画上了矩形的图像在窗口中显示出来cv.imshow('pattern pic', pat)# imshow(窗口名称, 图像矩阵),在窗口中显示图像,窗口自动调整到图像大小# cv.imwrite('1.png', template, [int(cv.IMWRITE_PNG_COMPRESSION), 9])# imwrite(文件名, 图像矩阵, 格式编码) 将图像矩阵以特定编码保存,暂时用不到# IMWRITE_PNG_COMPRESSION为png格式,0-9为压缩级别,9为不压缩,消耗时间最少cv.waitKey(0)  # 等待键盘输入任意值,参数表示等待时间(ms),0表示一直等cv.destroyAllWindows()  # 关闭所有窗口if return_pos == 'c':x = min_loc[0] + twidth // 2y = min_loc[1] + theight // 2elif return_pos == 'l':x = min_loc[0]y = min_loc[1]info('在句柄 {} 标题 {} 的窗口找到模式{}'.format(hwnd,win32gui.GetWindowText(hwnd),pattern))return (x, y, twidth, theight)except:if mode == 'test':traceback.print_exc()elif mode == 'real':error('找图 出现错误')def print_hitted_points(hitted_points, hwnd, deltas):'''测试用函数,根据hwnd找到截图文件(不要重新截图)并标注出点击过的点。Used for debug, find the big pic by hwnd (No PrtSc again) and mark the clicked pos.Args:hitted_points: 点击过的点。clicked points. hwnd: 用于找到大图。Used to find the big pic.deltas: 如果大图是客户区的一部分截图,该变量可描述大图左上角顶点在整个客户区中的位置。If the big pic is only part of the window, deltas would help describe big-pic's location (deltas is the left-top corner pos). Returns:No return. '''try:x1, y1, x2, y2 = hitted_pointsx1, x2 = x1 - deltas[0], x2 - deltas[0]y1, y2 = y1 - deltas[1], y2 - deltas[1]print('deltas = {}, '.format(deltas))print('hitted_points = ({},{})  ({},{})'.format(x1, y1, x2, y2))# 这样就得到了应该标注的坐标filename = 'yourpath\\{}.bmp'.format(hwnd)src = cv.imread(filename)if x2 < 0 and y2 < 0:cv.circle(src, (x1, y1), 1, (0, 0, 225), 4)# cv.circle(img, point, point_size, point_color, thickness)本来用来画圆的# 参数分别是图像矩阵、圆心、半径、线的颜色、稠度# 稠度可以取0、4、8,画出来点的大小不同cv.imshow('single one----hitted points', src)elif x1 == x2 and y1 == y2:cv.circle(src, (x1, y1), 1, (0, 0, 225), 4)cv.imshow('double same----hitted points', src)else:cv.circle(src, (x1, y1), 1, (0, 0, 225), 4)cv.circle(src, (x2, y2), 1, (0, 0, 225), 4)cv.imshow('double diff----hitted points', src)cv.waitKey(0)cv.destroyAllWindows()except:traceback.print_exc()def FindPic_RandomLeftClick(hwnd,pattern,max_try=20,time_interval=0.5,click_strategy=1,times='first',click_areas=None,find_pattern_in_area=None,r=4,platform='PC',click_pos='l',filename=''):'''从指定的句柄窗口寻找图片,若最大次数内找到则执行随机区域左键点击,否则返回False。返回点击的坐标(x1,y1,x2,y2),若只点击了一次则返回(x1,y1,-1,-1)。这是一个整合程度高函数,可能要看一下其中用到的其他函数。Find a pattern pic in the hwnd window, if not found after max_try, return False; if found, operate a click_strategy, and return clicked pos. If clicked only once, return (x1,y1,-1,-1). This func is highly intergrated. Turn to some called sub-funcs if confused. Args in detail:hwnd: 要截图并点击的窗口句柄。The window to PrtSc and click. pattern: 要寻找的模式小图。The pattern-pic's path to be found. max_try: 指定最多寻找的次数。If not found, after max_try, it will let go. time_interval指定每次寻找的间隔时间(实际查找间隔比该时间多一点)。Interval between each try (a little longer than given, in fact).click_strategy表示点击策略,详见Random_Areas_LeftClicks函数。Indicate the click strategy, see also in Random_Areas_LeftClicks(). times: 'first'表示从其他窗口转过来点击,用于调用Activate_Hwnd(hwnd)。If 'first', means target window is inactive/unfocused, thus call Activate_Hwnd(hwnd). click_areas: 可选的点击范围(矩形)。格式为[[x1,y1,x2,y2],[x3,y3,x4,y4]...],只有一个区域则可以写成[x1,y1,x2,y2]。为None时表示就点模式小图所在的区域。Possible rect-areas to click, given in the form of [[x1,y1,x2,y2],[x3,y3,x4,y4]...]. If only one area, [x1,y1,x2,y2] is also acceptable. If None, means to click the area where pattern pic is found. find_pattern_in_area: 指定在窗口客户区的哪个区域寻找模式图,为None时表示在整个客户区寻找。Which rect-area of the client area of the window to find the pattern pic. If None, means find in the whole area of the client area.find_pattern_in_area从技术上是只截取客户区该区域的图实现的。If not None, technically, it works by only PrtSc the partly area of the window's client area. r: 指示对指定的点击区域,应该内收多少个像素点。对于高或宽<4的模式图,可能需要自己把r设置成更小的值。Shrink r pixels for each click_area. For pat-pic smaller than 4 pixels, adjust r to a smaller value. platform: 目前无用。'PC'表示当前操作的是桌面版,不是安卓模拟器('AM')。Useless now. 'PC' means target window is PC, not Android manipulator ('AM').click_pos: 可取值'l'或'c',l表示left_top,后者表示center。详见Find_Pic()。Possible values are 'l' and 'c'. See also in Find_Pic(). 用于指示在窗口中找到模式图后,是返回其左上坐标还是中心点坐标(模式图长宽为奇数时返回值偏左上)。'l' means left-top corner pos, 'c' means center pos, used by Find_Pic(). 现在暂时只用'l'模式,'c'模式可能用于以后功能拓展。For now 'l' is enough, 'c' may help expand furthur functions. filename: 手动指定大图文件,从该文件中查找模式图。一般用不到。Indicate the big-pic's path manually, not used in ordinary applications.  Returns:若最大次数后仍未找到模式图则返回False。若找到模式图,返回点击的坐标(x1,y1,x2,y2),若只点击了一次则返回(x1,y1,-1,-1)。If pattern pic not found after max_try, return False;if found, return clicked pos in (x1,y1,x2,y2). Return (x1,y1,-1,-1) if only clicked once. '''try:global modex, y = -1, -1deltas = (-1, -1)  # 这是截图区域与整个客户区的左上顶点的相对位置。用于测试 # Used for debug, in print_hitted_points().for i in range(max_try):x, y, twidth, theight = Find_Pic(hwnd, pattern, 'l',find_pattern_in_area, filename)if x == -1 and y == -1:if mode == 'test':print('\r第{}次没找到'.format(i + 1), end='')sleep(time_interval)continueelse:if find_pattern_in_area == None:  # 若使用默认的全客户区查找,返回的坐标是相对于整个客户区的delta_x, delta_y = 0, 0else:  # 指定了查找区域,则返回的坐标是相对于查找区域的,需要转换一下delta_x, delta_y = find_pattern_in_area[0], find_pattern_in_area[1]if click_areas == None:  # 不给出点击区域,则默认点击区域是窗口找到模式图片的区域click_areas = [[x + delta_x, y + delta_y, x + twidth + delta_x,y + theight + delta_y]]if mode == 'test':deltas = (delta_x, delta_y)breakif x == -1 and y == -1:info('未能找到并随机点击:对句柄 {} 标题 {} 的窗口未找到模式{},等待了{}次*{}秒'.format(hwnd, win32gui.GetWindowText(hwnd), pattern, max_try,time_interval))return Falseelse:if mode == 'test':  # 在测试模式下,画出点击了窗口上的哪些点hitted_points = Random_Areas_LeftClicks(hwnd, click_areas, times, platform, r, click_strategy)print_hitted_points(hitted_points, hwnd, deltas)return hitted_pointselif mode == 'real':return Random_Areas_LeftClicks(hwnd, click_areas, times,platform, r, click_strategy)except:if mode == 'test':traceback.print_exc()elif mode == 'real':error('找图并随机左键点击 出现错误')if __name__ == '__main__':try:click_areas = [292, 175, 314, 192]find_pattern_in_area = [44, 82, 245, 313]  # [44, 82, 100, 150]print(FindPic_RandomLeftClick(3212840, G('pattern1'),click_strategy=2))except:traceback.print_exc()


# 键盘码
VK_CODE = {'backspace': 0x08,'tab': 0x09,'clear': 0x0C,'enter': 0x0D,'shift': 0x10,'ctrl': 0x11,'alt': 0x12,'pause': 0x13,'caps_lock': 0x14,'esc': 0x1B,'spacebar': 0x20,'page_up': 0x21,'page_down': 0x22,'end': 0x23,'home': 0x24,'left_arrow': 0x25,'up_arrow': 0x26,'right_arrow': 0x27,'down_arrow': 0x28,'select': 0x29,'print': 0x2A,'execute': 0x2B,'print_screen': 0x2C,'ins': 0x2D,'del': 0x2E,'help': 0x2F,'0': 0x30,'1': 0x31,'2': 0x32,'3': 0x33,'4': 0x34,'5': 0x35,'6': 0x36,'7': 0x37,'8': 0x38,'9': 0x39,'a': 0x41,'b': 0x42,'c': 0x43,'d': 0x44,'e': 0x45,'f': 0x46,'g': 0x47,'h': 0x48,'i': 0x49,'j': 0x4A,'k': 0x4B,'l': 0x4C,'m': 0x4D,'n': 0x4E,'o': 0x4F,'p': 0x50,'q': 0x51,'r': 0x52,'s': 0x53,'t': 0x54,'u': 0x55,'v': 0x56,'w': 0x57,'x': 0x58,'y': 0x59,'z': 0x5A,'numpad_0': 0x60,'numpad_1': 0x61,'numpad_2': 0x62,'numpad_3': 0x63,'numpad_4': 0x64,'numpad_5': 0x65,'numpad_6': 0x66,'numpad_7': 0x67,'numpad_8': 0x68,'numpad_9': 0x69,'multiply_key': 0x6A,'add_key': 0x6B,'separator_key': 0x6C,'subtract_key': 0x6D,'decimal_key': 0x6E,'divide_key': 0x6F,'F1': 0x70,'F2': 0x71,'F3': 0x72,'F4': 0x73,'F5': 0x74,'F6': 0x75,'F7': 0x76,'F8': 0x77,'F9': 0x78,'F10': 0x79,'F11': 0x7A,'F12': 0x7B,'F13': 0x7C,'F14': 0x7D,'F15': 0x7E,'F16': 0x7F,'F17': 0x80,'F18': 0x81,'F19': 0x82,'F20': 0x83,'F21': 0x84,'F22': 0x85,'F23': 0x86,'F24': 0x87,'num_lock': 0x90,'scroll_lock': 0x91,'left_shift': 0xA0,'right_shift ': 0xA1,'left_control': 0xA2,'right_control': 0xA3,'left_menu': 0xA4,'right_menu': 0xA5,'browser_back': 0xA6,'browser_forward': 0xA7,'browser_refresh': 0xA8,'browser_stop': 0xA9,'browser_search': 0xAA,'browser_favorites': 0xAB,'browser_start_and_home': 0xAC,'volume_mute': 0xAD,'volume_Down': 0xAE,'volume_up': 0xAF,'next_track': 0xB0,'previous_track': 0xB1,'stop_media': 0xB2,'play/pause_media': 0xB3,'start_mail': 0xB4,'select_media': 0xB5,'start_application_1': 0xB6,'start_application_2': 0xB7,'attn_key': 0xF6,'crsel_key': 0xF7,'exsel_key': 0xF8,'play_key': 0xFA,'zoom_key': 0xFB,'clear_key': 0xFE,'+': 0xBB,',': 0xBC,'-': 0xBD,'.': 0xBE,'/': 0xBF,'`': 0xC0,';': 0xBA,'[': 0xDB,'\\': 0xDC,']': 0xDD,"'": 0xDE,'`': 0xC0

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    Python图片处理模块PIL(pillow) pywin32的主要作用 1.捕获窗口: 2.模拟鼠标键盘动作: 3.自动获取某路径下文件列表: 4.PIL截屏功能 找色点击功能思路: 抓取当前屏幕快 ...

  5. python 定时器_按键精灵定时器介绍和使用,不会的小伙伴速速看看精辟

    金猪脚本(原飞猪脚本)以按键精灵教学为主,涉及UiBot,Python,Lua等脚本编程语言,教学包括全自动办公脚本,游戏辅助脚本,引流脚本,网页脚本,安卓脚本,IOS脚本,注册脚本,点赞脚本,阅读脚 ...

  6. python 按键精灵 离线_(番外篇)Python操纵网盘客户端批量离线下载电影

    上回(Python实现电影排行榜自动网盘下载(4)Cookies免登录+抓包下载)说到,一段时间内能进行多少次离线下载还是受限于验证码的输入. 在此有两个解决方案, 见招拆招 通过GUI优化验证码输入 ...

  7. Python 实现按键精灵的功能,超简单详细(Windows版)

    Python 实现按键精灵的功能,超简单详细 前言: 实现步骤 一.安装三个库 二.试运行简单的功能 三.根据需求自己写代码 注明 前言: 最近公司的同事让我帮他点点点,懒得亲自点,便在网上查找了相关 ...

  8. Python按键精灵自动化

    最近在项目中需要进行软件的自动化操作. 本博文以两种方式介绍如何自动化打开软件(Windows下),对其进行最大化最小化关闭等操作. Python操作: 第一次接触自动化.相对比较熟悉Python自然 ...

  9. python 游戏按键精灵 PyDirectInput介绍

    前言: 在python关于按键精灵得操作中常用的有PyAutoGUI,但在使用的过程中,针对一些游戏就直接失灵了,特别是一些以DirectX来开发的游戏或软件.我通过收索相关资料了解到之所以会这样,是 ...


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