(12条消息) RemoteXY:适用于PC的Arduino控制ArduinocontrolforPC-硬件开发文档类资源-CSDN文库https://download.csdn.net/download/u014331212/80934799

RemoteXY是为Arduino板和其他控制器制作和使用移动图形用户界面的简单方法。使用位于站点 http://remotexy.com 上的移动图形界面编辑器,您可以制作自己独特的图形用户界面并将其加载到控制器中。使用此移动应用程序,您将能够连接到控制器并通过图形界面使用它们进行管理。
- 按钮;
- 开关;
- 选择;
- 滑块;
- 操纵杆;
- RGB颜色;
- 发光二极管;
- 水平;
- 文本打印;
- GUI 的其他设计元素。
- 蓝牙;
- 无线网络客户端和接入点;
- 通过IP或URL以太网;
- 通过云服务器从任何地方上网。
- Arduino UNO,Arduino MEGA,Arduino Leonardo,Arduino Pro Mini,Arduino Nano,Arduino MICRO;
- WeMos D1, WeMos D1 R2, WeMos D1 mini;
- NodeMCU V2, NodeMCU V3;
- 空气板;
- 蓝牙HC-05,HC-06或兼容;
- 蓝牙BLE HM-10或兼容;
- 无线 ESP8266;
- 以太网屏蔽 W5100;
支持的 IDE:
- Arduino IDE;
- FLProg IDE;

如何安装 RemoteXY: Arduino 控件 for Windows PC 或 MAC:

RemoteXY:Arduino control是由Shemanuev Evgeny开发的Android Tools应用程序,发布在Google Play商店中。到目前为止,它已经获得了大约50000次安装,在Play商店中的平均评分为4.0分(满分5分)。

RemoteXY:Arduino控制需要具有2.2及更高操作系统版本的Android。此外,该应用程序的内容分级为"所有人",您可以从中决定它是否适合家庭,孩子或成人用户安装。RemoteXY:Arduino控件是一个Android应用程序,不能直接安装在Windows PC或MAC上。



  • 首先,将Android模拟器下载并安装到您的PC上
  • 下载遥控器XY:Arduino控制APK到您的PC
  • 打开 RemoteXY:Arduino 使用模拟器控制 APK,或将 APK 文件拖放到模拟器中以安装应用。
  • 如果您不想下载APK文件,可以通过将您的Google帐户与模拟器连接并直接从Play商店下载应用程序来安装RemoteXY:Arduino控制PC。

如果正确执行上述步骤,则应准备好 RemoteXY: Arduino 控件,以便在 Windows PC 或 MAC 上运行。此外,在安装之前,您可以在官方网站上查看模拟器的最低系统要求。这样,您可以避免任何与系统相关的技术问题。

RemoteXY is easy way to make and use a mobile graphical user interface for Arduino boards and other controllers. Using the editor of mobile graphical interfaces, located on the site http://remotexy.com , you can make your own unique graphical user interface and load it into the controller. Using this mobile app you will be able to connect to the controller and manage with them through a graphical interface.
The graphical interface supports the following elements:
- Button;
- Switch;
- Select;
- Slider;
- Joystick;
- RGB color;
- LED;
- Level;
- Text print;
- Other design elements of the GUI.
Connection between the controller and the mobile device using:
- Bluetooth;
- WiFi client and access point;
- Ethernet by IP or URL;
- Internet from anywhere through the Cloud Server.
The source code generator have support next controllers:
- Arduino UNO, Arduino MEGA, Arduino Leonardo, Arduino Pro Mini, Arduino Nano, Arduino MICRO;
- WeMos D1, WeMos D1 R2, WeMos D1 mini;
- NodeMCU V2, NodeMCU V3;
- The AirBoard;
Supported comunication modules:
- Bluetooth HC-05, HC-06 or compatible;
- Bluetooth BLE HM-10 or compatible;
- WiFi ESP8266;
- Ethernet Shield W5100;
Supported IDE:
- Arduino IDE;
- FLProg IDE;

How to Install RemoteXY: Arduino control for Windows PC or MAC:

RemoteXY: Arduino control is an Android Tools app developed by Shemanuev Evgeny and published on the Google play store. It has gained around 50000 installs so far, with an average rating of 4.0 out of 5 in the play store.

RemoteXY: Arduino control requires Android with an OS version of 2.2 and up. In addition, the app has a content rating of Everyone, from which you can decide if it is suitable to install for family, kids, or adult users. RemoteXY: Arduino control is an Android app and cannot be installed on Windows PC or MAC directly.

Android Emulator is a software application that enables you to run Android apps and games on a PC by emulating Android OS. There are many free Android emulators available on the internet. However, emulators consume many system resources to emulate an OS and run apps on it. So it is advised that you check the minimum and required system requirements of an Android emulator before you download and install it on your PC.

Below you will find how to install and run RemoteXY: Arduino control on PC:

  • Firstly, download and install an Android emulator to your PC
  • Download RemoteXY: Arduino control APK to your PC
  • Open RemoteXY: Arduino control APK using the emulator or drag and drop the APK file into the emulator to install the app.
  • If you do not want to download the APK file, you can install RemoteXY: Arduino control PC by connecting your Google account with the emulator and downloading the app from the play store directly.

If you follow the above steps correctly, you should have the RemoteXY: Arduino control ready to run on your Windows PC or MAC. In addition, you can check the minimum system requirements of the emulator on the official website before installing it. This way, you can avoid any system-related technical issues.


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