You’re no doubt reading this article because you’re wondering what those two processes are doing cluttering up Task Manager, and also wondering why they are in capital letters. You’ve come to the right place.

毫无疑问,您阅读本文是因为您想知道这两个进程在使Task Manager变得混乱不堪,还想知道为什么它们用大写字母表示。 您来对地方了。

This article is part of our series explaining various processes found in Task Manager, including: svchost.exe, jusched.exe, dwm.exe, ctfmon.exe, wmpnetwk.exe, wmpnscfg.exe, mDNSResponder.exe, conhost.exe, rundll32.exe, Dpupdchk.exe, and Adobe_Updater.exe.

本文是我们的系列文章的一部分,解释了在任务管理器中找到的各种过程,包括: svchost.exe , jusched.exe , dwm.exe , ctfmon.exe , wmpnetwk.exe , wmpnscfg.exe , mDNSResponder.exe , conhost.exe , rundll32 .exe , Dpupdchk.exe和Adobe_Updater.exe 。

Do you know what those services are? Better start reading!

您知道这些服务是什么吗? 最好开始阅读!

那么这些过程是什么? (So What Are These Processes?)

These two processes work together to form the Windows Live Sign-In Assistant service, which helps you stay logged into Windows Live. The WLIDSVC.EXE is the actual Windows Service, and the WLIDSVCM.EXE is the “Service Monitor”.

这两个过程共同构成Windows Live登录助手服务,可帮助您保持登录Windows Live的状态。 WLIDSVC.EXE是实际的Windows服务,而WLIDSVCM.EXE是“服务监视器”。

This service provides a number of benefits, including easier sign-in for multiple accounts when using Windows Live (screenshot from Microsoft’s site).

该服务提供了许多好处,包括使用Windows Live时更容易登录多个帐户(来自Microsoft网站的截图)。

It’s also absolutely required if you’re using Windows Live Messenger. In fact, if you disable the services, you’ll get the error message “Signing in to Windows Live Messenger Beta failed because the service is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later. Error code 800706ba”.

如果您使用的是Windows Live Messenger,则也是绝对必需的。 实际上,如果禁用服务,则会收到错误消息“由于服务暂时不可用,因此登录Windows Live Messenger Beta失败。 请稍后再试。 错误代码800706ba”。

但是,等等,我不使用Windows Live Messenger吗? (But Wait, I’m Not Using Windows Live Messenger?)

That’s exactly the problem that I ran into and which prompted this article. I’m using Pidgin for all my instant messenger needs, and the only Windows Live application that I’ve got installed is Windows Live Writer, which I’m using to write this post.

这正是我遇到的问题,并促使了这篇文章。 我正在使用Pidgin满足我的所有即时通讯程序需求,并且我安装的唯一Windows Live应用程序是Windows Live Writer,我正在用它编写这篇文章。

You can see in the installer that there’s no way to de-select the Sign-In Assistant:


让我们深入研究流程 (Let’s Delve Into the Processes)

If you’re looking at Task Manager, you should see the two processes at the bottom of the window. You can right-click on the processes and either choose “Go to Services” or you can “Open File Location”, which is what we’ll do here.

如果您正在查看任务管理器,则应该在窗口底部看到两个过程。 您可以右键单击流程,然后选择“转到服务”或“打开文件位置”,这就是我们将在此处进行的操作。

Once you’re there, you can either view the properties or hover over the file name to see what it is. You’ll see the full name of the service in the tooltip.

到那里后,您可以查看属性或将鼠标悬停在文件名上以查看其名称。 您将在工具提示中看到服务的全名。

If you had selected Go to Services, you’ll see that this is a Windows Service, and you can immediately identify which one it is.



If you want to disable the service, simply open up Services.msc through the Start Menu search or Run box, or search in Control Panel for services. Once you’re there, you can find the Windows Live Sign-in Assistant in the list.

如果要禁用该服务,只需通过“开始”菜单搜索或“运行”框打开Services.msc,或在“控制面板”中搜索服务。 在那里,您可以在列表中找到Windows Live登录助手。

Important Note: if you are using a Windows Live application that requires sign-in, like Windows Live Messenger, you should NOT disable this service.

重要说明:如果使用的是需要登录的Windows Live应用程序(例如Windows Live Messenger),则不应禁用此服务。

Once you’ve double-clicked on the service, you can set it to Disabled in here.


第二步:禁用IE加载项 (Second Step: Disable the IE Add-on)

If you aren’t using Windows Live, but you do use Internet Explorer, you should probably get rid of the Sign-in helper plugin that’s installed into Internet Explorer. Head into Tools –> Manage Add-ons and change the dropdown to say “All add-ons”, and then find Windows Live ID Sign-in Helper in the list and click the Disable button.

如果您不是使用Windows Live,而是使用Internet Explorer,则可能应该摆脱安装在Internet Explorer中的登录帮助插件。 进入“工具”->“管理加载项”,然后将下拉菜单更改为“所有加载项”,然后在列表中找到Windows Live ID登录帮助器,然后单击“禁用”按钮。

你学到了什么吗? 回顾一下 (Did You Learn Anything? Let’s Recap)

This service is used to provide helpers for Windows Live Sign-in, and if you are using Windows Live Messenger or another Windows Live application that requires sign-in to Windows Live, you need to leave it alone.

该服务用于为Windows Live登录提供帮助,如果您使用的是Windows Live Messenger或其他需要登录Windows Live的Windows Live应用程序,则需要保留它。

Also, we’ve got no clue why they are named in capital letters. Lazy programmers?

此外,我们不知道为什么要使用大写字母命名。 懒惰的程序员?



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