No matter how much research you do, there is always the chance of getting something that doesn’t work as advertised. That’s when you’re likely to need a refund, and even though Apple doesn’t advertise this, you can indeed get refunds from the App Store.

无论您进行了多少研究,总有机会得到与广告不符的东西。 那时候您很可能需要退款,即使Apple不做广告,您实际上也可以从App Store获得退款。

While Apple might not make a big deal about it, getting a refund from the App Store is not only possible, it’s pretty easy to do. Whether you’re requesting a refund for an in-app purchase or a whole app, the process is the same. It’s worth remembering that even though refunds are possible, this is not a means to get a free trial—Apple still doesn’t offer trials for apps—and it’s likely Apple will clamp down if that’s the route you take. If you bought an app that simply doesn’t work, or is broken in some way, however, a refund is possible.

尽管Apple可能对此并不重要,但从App Store获得退款不仅是可能的,而且很容易做到。 无论您是为应用内购买还是整个应用要求退款,过程都是一样的。 值得记住的是,即使可以退款,但这也不是获得免费试用的方式-Apple仍不提供应用程序试用版-如果您这样做,Apple可能会采取严厉措施。 但是,如果您购买的应用根本无法使用或以某种方式损坏,则可以退款。

You can request a refund from the App Store in two ways: via Apple’s website or by using iTunes. It’s safe to say that nobody enjoys venturing into iTunes at this point, so we’re going to focus on the web here. It’s easier, quicker, and doesn’t involve stepping back in time, either.

您可以通过两种方式从App Store申请退款:通过Apple网站或使用iTunes。 可以肯定地说,目前没有人喜欢进入iTunes,因此我们将在这里重点介绍网络。 它更容易,更快捷,并且不涉及时间倒退。

Let’s get started. To begin the process, open a web browser and head over to Apple’s “report a problem” page. This works on mobile and desktop.

让我们开始吧。 要开始此过程,请打开Web浏览器并转到Apple的“报告问题”页面。 这适用于移动设备和台式机。

Once the web page has loaded, you’ll need to log in using your Apple ID username and password (and 2FA code if this is the first time logging in from that particular browser). Enter those and hit the arrow to complete the process.

加载网页后,您将需要使用Apple ID用户名和密码(如果是第一次从该特定浏览器登录,请使用2FA代码)登录。 输入这些内容,然后按箭头以完成该过程。

Once logged in, you can see every app you have downloaded, even if they were free. Apps will be intermixed with other content available from Apple, so if you need to see just your downloaded apps, click the “Apps” tab at the top of the page.

登录后,您可以查看已下载的每个应用程序,即使它们是免费的。 应用程序将与Apple提供的其他内容混合在一起,因此,如果您只需要查看已下载的应用程序,请单击页面顶部的“应用程序”选项卡。

After identifying the app for which you want a refund, click the “Report a Problem” button next to it.


At this point, a new drop-down menu will appear. Select the reason you are requesting a refund. There are multiple options from which to choose:

此时,将出现一个新的下拉菜单。 选择您要求退款的原因。 有多个选项可供选择:

  • I didn’t authorize this purchase (this selection prompts you to contact iTunes Store support)我没有授权购买(此选择会提示您联系iTunes Store支持)
  • I didn’t mean to purchase this item (or didn’t mean to renew a subscription)我不是要购买该商品(或不是要续订)
  • I meant to purchase a different item我打算购买其他商品
  • The app fails to load or won’t download (this selection prompts you to contact the developer)该应用无法加载或无法下载(此选择提示您联系开发人员)
  • The app doesn’t work or doesn’t behave as expected (this selection also prompts you to contact the developer)该应用程序无法正常运行或运行异常(此选择还会提示您与开发人员联系)

You’ll see slightly different options if it’s a subscription rather than a one-time purchase. If you indicate that you purchased the app accidentally, or purchased the wrong app, the option to describe the problem will appear below. Enter a brief explanation for your refund request and click the “Submit” button.

如果是订阅而非一次性购买,您会看到略有不同的选项。 如果您指示意外购买了该应用程序,或者购买了错误的应用程序,则描述问题的选项将显示在下面。 输入退款说明的简要说明,然后点击“提交”按钮。

At this point, it’s a waiting game. Apple should email you within a few hours and at the very longest a few days, confirming your refund is being processed. Depending on how you funded the purchase, it may take longer to get your money back.

此时,这是一个等待的游戏。 Apple应该在几小时之内(最长几天)给您发送电子邮件,确认您的退款正在处理中。 根据您资助购买的方式,可能需要更长的时间才能收回您的钱。


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