• Outline the composition of the Arduino development board                    //outline轮廓,
  • Describe what it means to program the board's firmware                            //firmware固件
  • Read board schematics//schematics                                       概要的、图解的 board schematics板电路图
  • Install Arduino IDE
  • Describe what "shields" are and how they are used
  • Specify the role of libraries in the use of shields                 //库在shields中扮演的角色
  • Compile and run a program
  • Name C Variables and Types
  • Name common C operators
  • Use conditionals and loops
  • Explain functions, their definition and invocation           //invocation调用
  • Explain the implications of global variables//                         Implication含义
  • Undertake the Arduino build process
  • Describe the role of the tools behind the IDE
  • Describe how to invoke functions in classes
  • Explain the structure of an Arduino sketch// Arduino sketch开发出来的程序的专用叫法
  • Access the pins of the Arduino   //访问Arduino的引脚
  • Differentiate between digital and analog pin
  • Debug embedded software
  • Explain the importance of controllability and observability in the debugging process
  • Describe common debugging architectures for embedded systems
  • Explain how the UART Serial communication protocol works//通用异步收发传输器(Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter),通常称作UART,是一种异步收发传输器
  • Describe how the Arduino Serial library performs serial communication

(一)Course Learning Objectives【The Arduino Platform and C Pro】相关推荐

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  2. Learning Objectives

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  3. arduino 呼吸灯_如何改善您的Arduino呼吸机:用于临时COVID-19呼吸机设计的RTS和SCS简介...

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