
本人启动spring boot项目后,访问接口,报错信息如下:

{"timestamp": 1537234637805,"status": 500,"error": "Internal Server Error","exception": "javax.servlet.ServletException","message": "Could not resolve view with name 'api/company/info' in servlet with name 'dispatcherServlet'","path": "/api/company/info"









@RestController is a stereotype annotation that combines @ResponseBody and @Controller.
@RestController注解相当于@ResponseBody + @Controller合在一起的作用。

1)如果只是使用@RestController注解Controller,则Controller中的方法无法返回jsp页面,配置的视图解析器InternalResourceViewResolver不起作用,返回的内容就是Return 里的内容。


2)如果需要返回到指定页面,则需要用 @Controller配合视图解析器InternalResourceViewResolver才行。

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