
  • 1.出现问题
  • 2.解决方法
    • 2.1确定报错位置
    • 2.2对症修改

Cesium实战系列文章总目录: 传送门


背景:在进行Cesium项目开发时,将Cesium.js版本从压缩版本转换为未压缩版本(便于开发调试)时就会出现DeveloperError报错Expected longitude to be typeof number, actual type of was string







let positionArray = [];
// 将字符串数组polyonArray转换为数字数组positionArray
for (element of polygonArray) {positionArray.push(Number(element));

(2)将字符串转换为数字后,WallGeometry.js又报错options.positions and options.maximumHeights must have the same length


const geometry = new Cesium.WallGeometry({positions: Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegreesArray(positionArray),// 设置高度maximumHeights: new Array(positionArray.length / 2).fill(50),minimunHeights: new Array(positionArray.length / 2).fill(0),})


// 使用primitive方式加载geojson
let urlPath = './data/park/parks.geojson';
// 使用jQuery异步加载json数据
$.get(urlPath, function(data) {const features = data.features;addDataToGlobe(features);
})function addDataToGlobe(features) {const instances = [];for (let i = 0; i < features.length; i++) {for (let j = 0; j < features[i].geometry.coordinates.length; j++) {// 将字符串按照","拆分为数组polygonArray = features[i].geometry.coordinates[j].toString().split(',');}let positionArray = [];// 将字符串数组转换为数字数组for (element of polygonArray) {positionArray.push(Number(element));}const geometry = new Cesium.WallGeometry({positions: Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegreesArray(positionArray),// 设置高度maximumHeights: new Array(positionArray.length / 2).fill(50),minimunHeights: new Array(positionArray.length / 2).fill(0),})instances.push(new Cesium.GeometryInstance({geometry: geometry,attributes: {color: Cesium.ColorGeometryInstanceAttribute.fromColor(Cesium.Color.GREEN),},}));}// 合并单个geometry,提高渲染效率const primitive = new Cesium.Primitive({geometryInstances: instances,// PerInstanceColorAppearance:使用每个实例自定义的颜色着色appearance: new Cesium.PerInstanceColorAppearance(),});this.viewer.scene.primitives.add(primitive);


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