
;;;;global variables for the players and monsters(defparameter *player-health* nil)
(defparameter *player-agility* nil)
(defparameter *player-strength* nil)(defparameter *monsters* nil)
(defparameter *monster-builders* nil)
(defparameter *monster-num* 12);;;;main game function(defun orc-battle ()(init-monsters)(init-player)(game-loop)(when (player-dead)(princ "You have been killed. Game Over."))(when (monsters-dead)(princ "Congratulations! You have vanquished all of your foes.")))(defun game-loop ()(unless (or (player-dead) (monsters-dead))(show-player)(dotimes (k (1+ (truncate (/ (max 0 *player-agility*) 15))))(unless (monsters-dead)(show-monsters)(player-attack)))(fresh-line)(map 'list (lambda (m)(or (monster-dead m) (monster-attack m)))*monsters*)(game-loop)));;;;player management functions(defun init-player ()(setf *player-health* 30)(setf *player-agility* 30)(setf *player-strength* 30))(defun player-dead ()(<= *player-health* 0))(defun show-player ()(fresh-line)(princ "You are a valiant knight with a health of ")(princ *player-health*)(princ ", an agility of ")(princ *player-agility*)(princ ", and a strength of ")(princ *player-strength*))(defun player-attack ()(fresh-line)(princ "Attack style: [s]tabe [d]ouble swing [r]oundhouse:")(case (read)(s (monster-hit (pick-monster)(+ 2 (randval (ash *player-strength* -1)))))(d (let ((x (randval (truncate (/ *player-strength* 6)))))(princ "Your double swing has a strength of ")(princ x)(fresh-line )(monster-hit (pick-monster) x)(unless (monsters-dead)(monster-hit (pick-monster) x))))(otherwise (dotimes (x (1+ (randval (truncate (/ *player-strength* 3)))))(unless (monsters-dead)(monster-hit (random-monster) 1))))))(defun randval (n)(1+ (random (max 1 n))));;;;helper functions for player attcks(defun random-monster ()(let ((m (aref *monsters* (random (length *monsters*)))))(if (monster-dead m)(random-monster)m)))(defun pick-monster ()(fresh-line)(princ "Monster #:")(let ((x (read)))(if (not (and (integerp x) (>= x 1) (<= x *monster-num*)))(progn (princ "That is not a valid monster number.")(pick-monster))(let ((m (aref *monsters* (1- x))))(if (monster-dead m)(progn (princ "That monster is alread dead.")(pick-monster))m)))));;;;monster management functions(defun init-monsters ()(setf *monsters*(map 'vector (lambda (x)(funcall (nth (random (length *monster-builders*))*monster-builders*)))(make-array *monster-num*))))(defun monster-dead (m)(<= (monster-health m) 0))(defun monsters-dead ()(every #'monster-dead *monsters*))(defun show-monsters ()(fresh-line)(princ "Your foes:")(let ((x 0))(map 'list (lambda (m)(fresh-line)(princ " ")(princ (incf x))(princ ". ")(if (monster-dead m)(princ "**dead**")(progn (princ "(Health=")(princ (monster-health m))(princ ") ")(monster-show m))))*monsters*)));;;;the monsters(defstruct monster (health (randval 10)))(defmethod monster-hit (m x)(decf (monster-health m) x)(if (monster-dead m)(progn (princ "You killed the ")(princ (type-of m))(princ "! "))(progn (princ "You hit the ")(princ (type-of m))(princ ", knocking off ")(princ x)(princ " health points! "))))(defmethod monster-show (m)(princ "A firce ")(princ (type-of m)))(defmethod monster-attack (m));;;;the wicked orc(defstruct (orc (:include monster)) (club-level (randval 8)))
(push #'make-orc *monster-builders*)(defmethod monster-show ((m orc))(princ "A wicked orc with a level")(princ (orc-club-level m))(princ " club"))(defmethod monster-attack ((m orc))(let ((x (randval (orc-club-level m))))(princ "An orc swings his club at you and knocks off ")(princ x)(princ " of your health points. ")(decf *player-health* x)));;;;the malicious hydra (defstruct (hydra (:include monster)))
(push #'make-hydra *monster-builders*)(defmethod monster-show ((m hydra))(princ "A malicious hydra with ")(princ (monster-health m))(princ " heads."))(defmethod monster-hit ((m hydra) x)(decf (monster-health m) x)(if (monster-dead m)(princ "The corpse of the fully decapitated and decapacitated hydra falls to the floor!")(progn (princ "You lop off ")(princ x)(princ " of the hydra's heads! "))))(defmethod monster-attack ((m hydra))(let ((x (randval (ash (monster-health m) -1))))(princ "A hydra attacks you with ")(princ x)(princ " of its heads! It also grows back one more head! ")(incf (monster-health m))(decf *player-health* x)));;;;slime(defstruct (slime-mold (:include monster)) (sliminess (randval 5)))
(push #'make-slime-mold *monster-builders*)
(defmethod monster-show ((m slime-mold))(princ "A slime mold with a sliminess of ")(princ (slime-mold-sliminess m)))(defmethod monster-attack ((m slime-mold))(let ((x (randval (slime-mold-sliminess m))))(princ "A slime mold wraps around your legs and decreases your agility by ")(princ x)(princ "! ")(decf *player-agility* x)(when (zerop (random 2))(princ "It also squirts in your face, taking away a health point! ")(decf *player-health*))));;;;the cunning brigand(defstruct (brigand (:include monster)))
(push #'make-brigand *monster-builders*)(defmethod monster-attack ((m brigand))(let ((x (max *player-health* *player-agility* *player-strength*)))(cond ((= x *player-health*)(princ "A brigand hits you with his slingshot, taking off 2 health points! ")(decf *player-health* 2))((= x *player-agility*)(princ "A brigand catches your leg with his whip, taking off 2 agility points! ")(decf *player-agility* 2))((= x *player-strength*)(princ "A brigand cuts your arm with his whip, taking off 2 strength points! ")(decf *player-strength* 2)))))



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