If your car supports Apple CarPlay and you’re not a fan of Apple Maps, it’s easy to use Google Maps for detailed turn-by-turn directions and navigation in your car instead. Here’s how to use it.

如果您的汽车支持Apple CarPlay,而不是您不喜欢Apple Maps,则可以轻松地使用Google Maps来获取详细的转弯路线和汽车导航。 这是使用方法。

First, make sure you have Google Maps installed on your iPhone. It’s available free of charge on the App Store. After that, activate CarPlay by connecting your iPhone to your CarPlay-compatible vehicle. Locate Google Maps on your CarPlay screen and launch it with a tap. What you do next depends on where you’d like to go.

首先,请确保在iPhone上安装了Google Maps。 它可以在App Store上免费获得 。 之后,通过将iPhone连接到兼容CarPlay的车辆来激活CarPlay。 在您的CarPlay屏幕上找到Google Maps,然后轻按以启动它。 接下来的操作取决于您要去的地方。

如何通过CarPlay获取Google地图中的转弯路线 (How to Get Turn-by-Turn Directions in Google Maps Through CarPlay)

Once Google Maps is running, it can provide turn-by-turn directions by voice to almost any location. First, tap the screen until you see an “Add Destination” button across the top. Once it appears, tap it.

Google地图运行后,它可以通过语音向几乎任何位置提供转弯路线。 首先,点击屏幕,直到顶部看到“添加目标”按钮。 出现后,点击它。

Next, you will see a menu that lets you choose how you’d like to add a destination. Although there are six buttons here (plus a keyboard button), there are really only four basic ways to enter a destination.

接下来,您将看到一个菜单,您可以通过该菜单选择添加目的地的方式。 尽管这里有六个按钮(加上键盘按钮),但实际上只有四种输入目的地的基本方法。

  • Recent searches: This shows a list of recently searched destinations you can pick from.


  • Gas stations, Restaurants, Grocery stores, Coffee shops: Tapping one of these shows you to a list of nearby businesses that match the category description. You’ll be able to tap the one you’d like to visit.

    加油站,餐馆,杂货店,咖啡店:点按其中之一,即可向您显示与类别描述匹配的附近企业的列表。 您将可以点击想要访问的那个。

  • Voice search: This allows you to search for a destination using your voice.


  • Keyboard search: Tapping the keyboard icon in the upper-right corner of the screen allows you to search by typing in a destination name using an on-screen touch keyboard.


For example, if you tap the “Voice Search” button, you’ll be asked where you’d like to go.


Say the name of a destination out loud. It can be an address (i.e., “4403 Denmark St. in Tampa”), the name of a landmark (such as a park, monument, or famous building), or a business.

大声说出目的地的名称。 它可以是地址(即“坦帕市丹麦街4403号”),地标名称(例如公园,纪念碑或著名建筑物)或企业名称。

For example, if you say “McDonalds,” Google Maps will provide a list of the closest McDonalds restaurant locations. You will see a similar search result list if you search by keyboard or browse by category type as well. Tap the listed location that you’d like to visit.

例如,如果您说“麦当劳”,则Google Maps将提供最近的麦当劳餐厅位置的列表。 如果您通过键盘搜索或按类别类型浏览,也会看到类似的搜索结果列表。 点击您要访问的列出的位置。

After that, Google Maps will show you an overview of the route path on the map as well as how long it will take to get there. To begin the route, press “Start.”

之后,Google Maps将为您显示地图上路线的概述以及到达目的地的时间。 要开始路线,请按“开始”。

As you’re driving, Google Maps will give you vocal turn-by-turn directions through your car’s speaker system. You will also be able to see your location as you move along on the map. Your vehicle is represented by the blue triangle-shaped icon inside a circle.

在您开车时,Google Maps会通过汽车的扬声器系统为您提供语音提示。 在地图上移动时,您还将能够看到您的位置。 您的车辆由圆圈内的蓝色三角形图标表示。

While you’re driving, you will see an estimated arrival time, the time remaining until you reach the destination, and remaining distance in the lower left corner of the screen.


If at any time you’d like to add a stop to your route, you can tap the “Add Stop” button at the top of the screen. To cancel the route, tap the “Exit” button in the upper-right corner.

如果您想随时在路线上添加一个站点,则可以点击屏幕顶部的“添加站点”按钮。 要取消路线,请点击右上角的“退出”按钮。

The three buttons in the lower right corner of the display do the following (from top to bottom):


  • Browse map: Tapping this allows you freely move your viewpoint of the map up, down, left, or right so that you can get a look at the surrounding area without having to drive there.


  • Mute audio: This mutes the voice giving the turn-by-turn directions.


  • See route overview: This allows you to see an overview of the entire route in progress on the map.


Once you’ve arrived, Google Maps will alert you by voice, and the screen will change. Tap “End Trip” to clear the trip from Google Maps.

到达后,Google地图将通过语音提醒您,并且屏幕将发生变化。 点按“结束旅行”以从Google地图清除旅行。

After that, you’re free to enter a new destination and start again (or simply get out of your car and eat a cheeseburger).


如何在CarPlay上更改Google Maps中的设置 (How to Change Settings in Google Maps on CarPlay)

If you’d like to change settings in Google Maps while using CarPlay, tap your car’s touch screen until you see a blue gear icon, then tap the “gear” icon.

如果您想在使用CarPlay时更改Google Maps中的设置,请点击汽车的触摸屏,直到看到蓝色的齿轮图标,然后点击“齿轮”图标。

After that, a “Settings” menu will appear.


We’ll briefly go over what each option in the Settings menu does.


  • Route options: This allows you to specify that you’d like to avoid highways, toll roads, or ferries while Google Maps suggests potential routes.

    路线选项:当Google Maps建议可能的路线时,您可以指定要避开高速公路,收费公路或渡轮。

  • Map colors: This changes the color of the Google Maps interface. The options are “Day” (a white theme), “Night” (a dark theme), or “Automatic,” which automatically changes from Day or Night theme depending on time of day.

    地图颜色:更改Google Maps界面的颜色。 选项是“日”(白色主题),“夜”(黑色主题)或“自动”,它们会根据一天中的时间自动从日或夜主题更改。

  • Satellite map: This option toggles (turns on or off) satellite map imagery. This imagery shows real overhead photography of the world around you, but it consumes extra cellular data while in use and may be potentially slower to load in some locations where your cell signal is weak.

    卫星地图:此选项可切换(打开或关闭)卫星地图图像。 该图像显示了您周围世界的真实开销摄影,但是在使用时会消耗额外的蜂窝数据,并且在细胞信号较弱的某些位置加载可能会更慢。

  • Traffic: This toggles the traffic status overlay. When enabled, you will see local traffic conditions overlaid onto the roads using colored lines. Green means traffic is flowing smoothly, orange means somewhat congested, and red means that traffic is moving very slowly in that area.

    交通:这会切换交通状态叠加层。 启用后,您会看到使用彩色线条将当地交通状况叠加在道路上。 绿色表示交通顺畅,橙色表示交通拥堵,红色表示该地区的交通非常缓慢。

  • North up: This changes map orientation from a “behind the car” orientation where the map rotates around your vehicle to a “North up” orientation where the map is always oriented with north facing up.


  • Volume: This allows you to adjust the volume of the voice that gives turn-by-turn directions and route warnings.


If you’d like to change any of these settings, tap the corresponding button in the menu. After you’re finished in Settings, tap the “Back” button, and your changes will be saved. Safe travels!

如果您想更改任何这些设置,请点击菜单中的相应按钮。 在“设置”中完成操作后,点击“返回”按钮,您的更改将被保存。 安全旅行!

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/685322/how-to-use-google-maps-for-navigation-in-apple-carplay/

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