
Navigation:HRMS Management Responsibility -> HRMS Manager -> People -> Enter and Maintain

Type People:1)Employee 2)Applicant(申请人,请求者) 3)Contingent Worker(临时工)

PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F is the DateTracked table that holds personal information for employees, applicants, ex-employees, ex-applicants, contacts and other people.
The columns START_DATE,EFFECTIVE_START_DATE and EFFECTIVE_END_DATE are all maintained by DateTrack. The START_DATE is the date when the first record for this person was created. The earliest EFFECTIVE_START_DATE for a person is equal to the START_DATE.

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Navigation:System Administrator Responsibility > Security > User

FND_USER stores information about application users. Each row includes the user's username (what a user types in at the sign-on screen), password, and information on when the user should change the password.
Each row also contains information on when the user last signed on, start and end dates for when a username is valid and a description of the user.
Oracle Application Object Library does not use the USER_PASSWORD and LOCAL_PRINTER columns.
You need one row for each application user at your site. Oracle Application Object Library uses this information to allow users to sign on to an application.

User Table <--Relationship--> People Table

fnd_user.employee_id <--> PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F.PERSON_ID


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