
On June 8, 2018, Rob Pedrosa, Director of Operations and Services for Hi-Rez Studios felt good. Realm Royale had gone live a few days prior and everything went silky smooth.

2018年6月8日,Hi-Rez Studios的运营和服务总监Rob Pedrosa感到很好。 皇家王国(Realm Royale )几天前上线了,一切都如丝般顺利。

He’d planned enough capacity for the launch and his liveops team was only dealing with minor issues. All was well, until he  got a call from someone on his team with words that all CEOs want to hear but Ops teams do not.

他已经计划了足够的发射能力,而他的团队仅处理一些小问题。 一切都很好,直到他接到团队中某人打来的电话,所有CEO都想听到他的话,而Ops团队却没有。

“Ninja is playing Realm Royale! This is going to be huge for us – everyone is going to download and play!”

“ 忍者在扮演 皇家王国 ! 这对于我们来说将是巨大的-每个人都将下载并播放!”

She wasn’t wrong. Within those first few hours, player numbers increased by well over 1000%, and kept rising. So how did Hi-Rez keep up with server demand, with no scaler?

她没错。 在最初的几个小时内,玩家人数增长了1000%以上,并且还在持续增长。 那么,Hi-Rez如何在没有扩展器的情况下满足服务器需求?

Hi-Rez机组人员无休止 (No rest for the Hi-Rez crew)

“I didn’t sleep for 72 hours!” recalls Rob, with a smile. He and his team called every server vendor they knew to get their hands on as many servers as possible, desperately trying to stay ahead of the skyrocketing demand curve. “My team worked miracles, but we couldn’t keep up and, ultimately, that cost us. We’ll never know how many players we lost to queues; but regardless, we vowed it wouldn’t happen again.”

“我72个小时没睡觉!” 罗伯笑着回忆。 他和他的团队召集了他们认识的每个服务器供应商,以尽可能多地使用服务器,他们拼命试图保持在需求曲线飞速增长的前面。 “我的团队创造了奇迹,但我们无法跟上,最终,这使我们付出了代价。 我们永远不会知道有多少玩家输给了队列。 但无论如何,我们发誓它不会再发生。”

Once player numbers returned to manageable levels, Rob spoke to the CEO and said they’d need 40 more people if they were going to continue to operate their server fleets using bare metal servers, as they used back then.


But after investigating a number of solutions, including scaling up the team and speaking to leading public-cloud providers, Hi-Rez settled on Unity’s Multiplay instead.

但是在研究了许多解决方案后,包括扩大团队规模并与领先的公共云提供商进行了交谈,Hi-Rez选择了Unity的 Multiplay 。

“After a few hours with the Multiplay team it was clear they weren’t just knowledgeable about servers, but also about game development, and what it takes to do both right.”


Fast forward to July 2020, and Hi-Rez has just launched its most adventurous title yet: Rogue Company. This time though, they’re ready for anything (even Ninja).

快进到2020年7月,Hi-Rez刚刚推出了迄今为止最具冒险性的头衔:Rogue Company。 不过这一次,他们已经准备好一切(甚至忍者)。

通过Multiplay 推出 Rogue Company (Launching Rogue Company with Multiplay)

Rogue Company is a third-person, tactical action shooter developed by Hi-Rez’s First Watch Games studio. As a Rogue Company mercenary, a player grabs their weapon of choice and dives into iconic locations to compete online in various PVP game modes.

Rogue Company 是由Hi-Rez的First Watch Games工作室开发的第三人称战术射击游戏。 作为 Rogue Company的 雇佣兵,玩家会抓住自己选择的武器,潜入标志性的地点,以各种PVP游戏模式在线竞争。

Launched in open beta on July 21, Rogue Company presents a number of challenges for the studio in terms of capacity planning. With a multi-million dollar marketing campaign, a hungry player base of 70M existing players across 10 titles, and a launch strategy that includes every region on the planet, how do you forecast?

Rogue Company 于7月21日公开测试版推出, 在工作室的容量规划方面给工作室带来了许多挑战。 凭借数百万美元的营销活动,拥有10个冠军的7000万现有玩家的饥饿玩家群以及涵盖地球上每个地区的发布策略,您如何预测?

“Forecasting a new venture like Rogue Company is next to impossible, but with Multiplay we’re not worried. Their Hybrid Cloud gives us the flexibility to scale up and down with demand as needed,” says Rob.

“预测像 Rogue Company 这样的新公司 几乎是不可能的,但是有了Multiplay,我们并不担心。 他们的混合云使我们可以根据需要灵活地按需扩展和缩小。” Rob说。

Multiplay Hybrid Cloud works with 150+ data centers worldwide and all major public clouds for resilience and performance at scale. As more players join, the scaler allocates more servers and, if players decline, servers are deallocated. This multi-cloud approach means no player is ever left waiting for a game.

Multiplay Hybrid Cloud与全球150多个数据中心以及所有主要公共云一起工作,可实现大规模的弹性和性能。 随着更多玩家的加入,缩放器会分配更多服务器,如果玩家人数减少,服务器将被重新分配。 这种多云方法意味着永远不会有任何玩家在等待游戏。

This, combined with the fact that the whole operation is managed 24/7 by a distributed support team, means the Hi-Rez Ops team can focus more on the quality-of-life aspects of liveops.

再加上整个操作由分散的支持团队全天候24/7管理的事实,这意味着Hi-Rez Ops团队可以将更多精力放在生存人员的生活质量方面。

让Hi-Rezzers发出超过10年的声音 (Giving Hi-Rezzers a voice for over 10 years)

When Hi-Rez launched its first game, Global Agenda, they turned to Vivox for voice comms support and haven’t looked back.

当Hi-Rez推出其首款游戏《 全球议程》时, 他们求助于Vivox寻求语音通讯的支持,并且没有回头。

“The best thing you can say about any backend service, like voice, is that you don’t even notice it’s there. Vivox has been part of our stack since we launched back in 2005 and I don’t think I’ve ever raised a ticket with them, so they must be doing something right!”

“对于任何后端服务(例如语音),您可以说的最好的事情是您甚至没有注意到它的存在。 自从我们在2005年推出以来,Vivox一直是我们产品组合的一部分,我认为我从未与他们一起出过票,所以他们一定在做正确的事!”

Vivox is the voice chat solution in all Hi-Rez games, including SMITE, Paladins and Rogue Company.

Vivox是所有Hi-Rez游戏(包括 SMITE,PaladinsRogue Company )中的语音聊天解决方案 。

学到更多 (Learn more)

The tools and services Hi-Rez use are part of Unity’s growing suite of multiplayer tools. Multiplay is a battle-tested game server hosting solution, which scales servers for Hi-Rez as needed. Vivox is a trusted voice comms solution, which delivers crystal clear comms for Rogue Company players. Learn more about both here.

Hi-Rez使用的工具和服务是Unity不断增长的多人工具套件的一部分。 Multiplay是经过战斗测试的游戏服务器托管解决方案,可根据需要扩展服务器的Hi-Rez。 Vivox是值得信赖的语音通信解决方案,可为Rogue Company播放器提供清晰的通信。 在此处了解更多有关这两者的信息 。

This interview is part of a profile of Hi-Rez Studios and their backend infrastructure for Rogue Company. Learn more about how Hi-Rez works with Unity by downloading the case study here.

这次采访是Hi-Rez Studios及其针对Rogue Company的后端基础结构的简介的一部分。 通过在此处下载案例研究,了解有关Hi-Rez如何与Unity一起工作的更多信息



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