
pip install celluloid


from celluloid import Camera
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3Dfig = plt.figure()
ax4 = plt.axes(projection='3d')
camera = Camera(fig)
t = np.linspace(0, 5 * np.pi, 128, endpoint=False)
for i in t2:ax4.plot(t, np.cos(t/2 + i), np.sin(t/2 +i), color='b')camera.snap()animation = camera.animate()
animation.save('celluloid_example.gif', writer = 'imagemagick')


import math
import random
import numpy as np
from celluloid import Camera
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from math import *def getlength(k):return np.exp(-20.0*(k-0.16))+6.0def getspeed(l):return np.sqrt(l*5.0)-2.0def recursive(control_points, T, B0=0, B1=0, dB0=0, dB1=0, ddB0=0, ddB1=0):if len(control_points) == 1:return control_points[0], -B0+(1-T)*dB0+B1+T*dB1, -2*dB0+(1-T)*ddB0+2*dB1+T*ddB1else:B0, dB0, ddB0 = recursive(control_points[0:-1], T)B1, dB1, ddB1 = recursive(control_points[1:], T)return (1-T)*B0 + T*B1 , -B0+(1-T)*dB0+B1+T*dB1, -2*dB0+(1-T)*ddB0+2*dB1+T*ddB1    roadcpx = [1., 1., 20., 40., 60]
roadcpy = [1., 20., 20., 1., 60]T = np.linspace(0, 1, 300)
x, dx, ddx = recursive(roadcpx, T)
y, dy, ddy = recursive(roadcpy, T)
theta = np.arctan2(dy, dx)
curvature = np.abs((dx*ddy-dy*ddx)/(dx**2+dy**2)**(3./2.))
def getArcLength(x, y):x0 = x[0]y0 = y[0]s = [0]for i in range(len(x)-1):x1 = x[i+1]y1 = y[i+1]dx = x1 - x0dy = y1 - y0ds = np.sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy)s.append(ds+s[-1])x0 = x1y0 = y1return ss = getArcLength(x,y)def frenet_to_cartesian1D(rs, rx, ry, rtheta, s_condition, d_condition):if fabs(rs - s_condition[0])>= 1.0e-6:print("The reference point s and s_condition[0] don't match")cos_theta_r = cos(rtheta)sin_theta_r = sin(rtheta)x = rx - sin_theta_r * d_condition[0]y = ry + cos_theta_r * d_condition[0]    return x, yleft_bound = []
right_bound = []for i in range(300):rs = s[i]rx = x[i]ry = y[i]rtheta = theta[i]l_s_condition = np.array([rs])l_d_condition = np.array([1.5])lx, ly = frenet_to_cartesian1D(rs, rx, ry, rtheta, l_s_condition, l_d_condition)left_bound.append(np.array([lx, ly]))r_s_condition = np.array([rs])r_d_condition = np.array([-1.5])rx, ry = frenet_to_cartesian1D(rs, rx, ry, rtheta, r_s_condition, r_d_condition)   right_bound.append(np.array([rx, ry]))
left_bound = np.array(left_bound)
right_bound = np.array(right_bound)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8),facecolor='lightyellow')
camera = Camera(fig)
for i in range(300): plt.plot(x, y, '--y')plt.plot(left_bound[:,0],left_bound[:,1], 'b')plt.plot(right_bound[:,0],right_bound[:,1], 'b')    plt.scatter(x[i], y[i], marker='o', color='g')length = round(getlength(curvature[i]), 2)speed = round(getspeed(length), 2)for j in range(i, 300):if s[j] > s[i]+length:plt.plot(x[i:j], y[i:j], 'r')breakplt.text(1, 56, 'trajectory length: '+str(length)+'m', fontsize=16)plt.text(1, 52, 'desired speed: '+str(speed)+'m/s', fontsize=16)plt.text(1, 60, 'lane curvature: '+str(curvature[i]), fontsize=16)#     plt.show()camera.snap()   animation = camera.animate()
animation.save('celluloid_example.gif', writer = 'imagemagick')

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