
Hi Jerry,

I’m a Business Solutions Architect from Portugal and we have a Utilities Customer (EDA) that is implementing S/4HANA for Utilities with UCE (Utilities Customer Engagement).

I saw a very interesting blog [S/4HANA for Customer Management 1.0 introduction from technical point of view](S/4HANA for Customer Management 1.0 introduction from technical point of view | SAP Blogs) written by you. Besides, there is a SAP message that refers that Marketing Functionality is not supported in S/4 for Customer Management “Thus, you cannot create campaigns, target groups, or trade promotions”.

In CRM I used call list/e-mail generation for target groups. Now at S/4HANA-UCE we don’t have the possibility to create call lists for target groups, however these transactions are available:

  • CRMD_TM_CLDIST – Call List Maintenance
  • CRMD_CALL_LIST – Generation of Call lists


  • Can we use those two transactions to generate Call Lists to integrate with CTI application (blended call list)?
  • Do we have in S4 any transaction to generate e-mails/SMS in mass?

as I understood these transactions are not are not officially supported in S4HANA:

  • CRMD_TM_CLDIST – Call List Maintenance
  • CRMD_CALL_LIST – Generation of Call lists

However the customer and a Partner that is already in customer are asking SAP if they can use.

As they exist in S4/HANA I have no courage to say that they are not working.

I can say that call list generated by Marketing campaign doesn’t work according to the Note 2692798, but I think I can’t say that SAP has two transactions in S4 that they shouldn’t use. Can you help me in this type of answer/ clarify better this topic?


call list maintenance is definitely not supported. Transaction code CRMD_CALL_LIST has been removed in the meantime from the system, it will not be contained any longer in the 2021 OP delivery. Transaction CRMD_TM_CLDIST still exists, but it will not work. Not every object that you find in the system represents supported functionality, there are still some left-overs from areas that we brought over to S/4 with the code merge, but which were never meant to be released. We have cleaned up most of the stuff in the last two years, but some obsolete objects still remain.
Oliver might want to comment on the roadmap and alternatives to the call list object.

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