
__author__ = 'Jared Reabow'

__name__ = 'Assignment 2 Dice game'

#Date created: 14/11/2014

#Date modified 17/11/2014

#Purpose: A game to get the highest score by rolling 5 virtual dice.

import random

#pre defined variables

NumberOfDice = 5 #this variable defined how many dice are to be rolled

def rollDice(NumberOfDice):

dice = [] #this is the creation of an unlimited array (list), it containes the values of the 5 rolled dice.

RunCount1 = 1 #This defines the number of times the first while loop has run

while RunCount1 <= NumberOfDice:

#print("this loop has run " , RunCount1 , " cycles.") #this is some debugging to make sure how many time the loop has run

TempArrayHolder = random.randint(1,6) #This holds the random digit one at a time for each of the dice in the dice Array.

dice.append(TempArrayHolder) #this takes the TempArrayHolder value and feeds it into the array called dice.

RunCount1 += 1 #this counts up each time the while loop is run.

return dice


dice = rollDice(NumberOfDice)

print(dice,"debug") #Debug to output dice array in order to confirm it is functioning

def countVals(dice,NumberOfDice):

totals = [0]*6 #this is the creation of a array(list) to count the number of times, number 1-6 are rolled

#print(dice, "debug CountVals function")

SubRunCount = 0

while SubRunCount < NumberOfDice:

totals[dice[SubRunCount -1] -1] += 1 #this is the key line for totals, it takes the dice value -1(to d eal with starting at 0) and uses it

#to define the array position in totals where 1 is then added.


SubRunCount += 1

return totals


totals = countVals(dice,NumberOfDice)

print("totals = ",totals)





所以就是这样dice = rollDice


如果我这样做,它会输出 debug






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