CRT:阴极射线管 (CRT: Cathode Ray Tube)

CRT is an abbreviation of Cathode Ray Tube. Cathode Ray Tube is a vacuum tube that accommodates one or more than one electron filled guns and a phosphorescent screen, which is used in television and conventional computer display. It operates by transferring electrons from the back of the tube in the direction of the display screen where it comes into collision with the phosphorous. The electrons light up and are projected on the display screen when they collide with the phosphorous inside the tube during the collision.

CRT是Cathode Ray Tube的缩写阴极射线管是一种真空管,可容纳一个或多个电子填充枪和磷光屏,用于电视和常规计算机显示器。 它通过从电子管的背面沿显示屏的方向传输电子来与磷发生碰撞,从而进行操作。 在碰撞过程中,电子与管内的磷碰撞时,电子会发光并投射在显示屏上。

The three lights Red, Green, and Blue produce the color displayed on the screen and frequently alluded to as RGB.


Interference occurs, due to the Magnetic charges which are employed to show the way of electrons, when a speaker or other magnetic devices are placed near a CRT monitor. Magnetic charges are not used in LCDs and flat screens and this is the reason why they don't tackle these kinds of interference occurrence problems. In LCDs, the tube is also not present, due to which in comparison to CRT monitors their size looks much leaner. LCDs are superseding CRT monitors from both the markets of consumers as well as professionals because they very nearly match able with the standard of CRT monitors.

当扬声器或其他磁性设备放在CRT监视器附近时,由于用来显示电子方式的磁性电荷而产生干扰。 液晶显示器和平面屏幕中不使用磁性电荷,这就是它们不能解决此类干扰发生问题的原因。 在LCD中,也不存在显像管,因此与CRT显示器相比,它们的尺寸看起来更小。 LCD已取代了来自消费者和专业市场的CRT显示器,因为它们几乎可以与CRT显示器的标准相匹配。

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特征 (Features)

  • CRT has a huge physical size and a massive weight.


  • CRT has a much more effective ratio of contrast and in dark images gives more perceptible specific facts. While CRT shortfall to give blazing white intensities in the LCD.

    CRT的对比度要有效得多,而在深色图像中,CRT具有更明显的特定事实。 而CRT不足会在LCD中产生炽烈的白色强度。

  • CRT is completely at a low price and getting disappeared from the market. Almost all the manufacturers have put an end to the CRT production and it is very strenuous to find it in the market.

    CRT的价格完全低廉,并从市场上消失了。 几乎所有制造商都已停止了CRT的生产,因此在市场上找到它非常费力。

  • CRT uses a ratio of 4:3 on the display screen. In conventional televisions, on top and bottom of the screen, a black bar is situated which shows that it is not prepared to use all the space of the screen. Whereas, LCD screens have much extensive width which shows that they have bar either small or not at all.

    CRT在显示屏上使用4:3的比率。 在传统的电视中,在屏幕的顶部和底部,都有一个黑条,表明它没有准备好使用屏幕的所有空间。 而LCD屏幕的宽度要宽得多,这表明它们的条形很小或根本没有。

CRT的基本组成 (Basic Components of CRT)

  • Electron Gun: A beam of electrons is produced by an electron gun.


  • Anodes: electrons are accelerated by anodes.

    阳极 :电子被阳极加速。

  • Horizontal and Vertical Deflection Plates: To modify the regulation of beam of electrons, these plates generate the low-frequency electromagnetic field which is needed.

    水平和垂直偏转板 :要修改电子束的调节,这些板会产生所需的低频电磁场。

  • Fluorescent Screen: phosphor is used to make the fluorescent screen. When the electrons hit on it, it releases light.

    荧光屏 :磷是用来做荧光屏。 当电子撞击在它上面时,它会释放光。

  • Evacuated Glass Envelope: The whole cathode ray tube is assembled or carried by an evacuated glass envelope.

    真空玻璃外壳 :整个阴极射线管由真空玻璃外壳组装或携带。

CRT的应用 (Applications of CRT)

  • CRT is used in cathode ray oscilloscope.


  • CRT is used in radar as a display device.


  • CRT is used in televisions and monitors.




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