c 运算符##

Relational operators are used to compare the values and returns Boolean values, if condition is true – they return True, otherwise they return False.

关系运算符用于比较值并返回布尔值(如果condition为true)-它们返回True ,否则返回False 。

Here is the list of relation operators,


  1. "==" (Equal To) – it returns true, if both operand’s values are equal

    “ ==”(等于) –如果两个操作数的值相等,则返回true

  2. "!=" (Not Equal To) – it returns true, if both operand’s values are not equal

    “!=”(不等于) –如果两个操作数的值都不相等,则返回true

  3. " – it returns true if first, operand is less than second operand

    “ –如果第一个操作数小于第二个操作数,则返回true

  4. "<=" (Less Than or Equal To) – it returns true, if either first operand is less than or equal to second operand

    “ <=”(小于或等于) –如果第一个操作数小于或等于第二个操作数,则返回true

  5. ">" (Greater Than) – it returns true, if first operand is greater than second operand

    “>”(大于) –如果第一个操作数大于第二个操作数,则返回true

  6. ">=" (Greater Than or Equal To) – it returns true, if either first operand is greater than or equal to second operand

    “> =”(大于或等于) –如果第一个操作数大于或等于第二个操作数,则返回true



    Operand1 == Operand2
Operand1 != Operand2
Operand1 < Operand2
Operand1 <= Operand2
Operand1 > Operand2
Operand1 >= Operand2



int a = 10;
int b = 3;
Console.WriteLine("a==b: {0}", (a == b));
Console.WriteLine("a!=b: {0}", (a != b));
Console.WriteLine("a>b : {0}", (a > b));
Console.WriteLine("a>=b: {0}", (a >= b));
Console.WriteLine("a<b : {0}", (a < b));
Console.WriteLine("a<=b: {0}", (a <= b));
a==b: False
a!=b: True
a>b : True
a>=b: True
a<b : False
a<=b: False

C# code to demonstrate example of relational operators


// C# program to demonstrate example of
// relational operators
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
namespace IncludeHelp
{class Test
{// Main Method
static void Main(string[] args)
{int a = 10;
int b = 3;
//printing return type
Console.WriteLine("Return type of == operator: {0}", (a == b).GetType());
Console.WriteLine("Return type of != operator: {0}", (a != b).GetType());
Console.WriteLine("Return type of > operator : {0}", (a > b).GetType());
Console.WriteLine("Return type of >= operator: {0}", (a >= b).GetType());
Console.WriteLine("Return type of < operator : {0}", (a < b).GetType());
Console.WriteLine("Return type of <= operator: {0}", (a <= b).GetType());
//printing return values
Console.WriteLine("a==b: {0}", (a == b));
Console.WriteLine("a!=b: {0}", (a != b));
Console.WriteLine("a>b : {0}", (a > b));
Console.WriteLine("a>=b: {0}", (a >= b));
Console.WriteLine("a<b : {0}", (a < b));
Console.WriteLine("a<=b: {0}", (a <= b));
//checking conditions
if (a == b)
Console.WriteLine("a is equal to b");
Console.WriteLine("a is not equal to b");
if (a != b)
Console.WriteLine("a is not equal to b");
Console.WriteLine("a is equal to b");
if (a > b)
Console.WriteLine("a is greater than b");
Console.WriteLine("a is not greater than b");
if (a >= b)
Console.WriteLine("a is greater than or equal to b");
Console.WriteLine("a is not greater than or equal to b");
if (a < b)
Console.WriteLine("a is less than b");
Console.WriteLine("a is not less than b");
if (a <= b)
Console.WriteLine("a is less than or equal to b");
Console.WriteLine("a is not less than or equal to b");
//checking conditions in another way
if ((a == b) == true)
Console.WriteLine("a is equal to b");
Console.WriteLine("a is not equal to b");
if ((a != b) == true)
Console.WriteLine("a is not equal to b");
Console.WriteLine("a is equal to b");
if ((a > b) == true)
Console.WriteLine("a is greater than b");
Console.WriteLine("a is not greater than b");
if ((a >= b) == true)
Console.WriteLine("a is greater than or equal to b");
Console.WriteLine("a is not greater than or equal to b");
if ((a < b) == true)
Console.WriteLine("a is less than b");
Console.WriteLine("a is not less than b");
if ((a <= b) == true)
Console.WriteLine("a is less than or equal to b");
Console.WriteLine("a is not less than or equal to b");
//hit ENTER to exit the program



Return type of == operator: System.Boolean
Return type of != operator: System.Boolean
Return type of > operator : System.Boolean
Return type of >= operator: System.Boolean
Return type of < operator : System.Boolean
Return type of <= operator: System.Boolean
a==b: False
a!=b: True
a>b : True
a>=b: True
a<b : False
a<=b: False
a is not equal to b
a is not equal to b
a is greater than b
a is greater than or equal to b
a is not less than b
a is not less than or equal to b
a is not equal to b
a is not equal to b
a is greater than b
a is greater than or equal to b
a is not less than b
a is not less than or equal to b

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/dot-net/relational-operators-example-in-c-sharp.aspx

c 运算符##

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