

class Solution:def isValid(self, s):""":type s: str:rtype: bool"""if not s:return Truelength = len(s)if length%2 != 0: #奇数个return FalseL = [s[0]]i = 1while i<length:if s[i]==')' and L[-1]=='(':L.pop()elif s[i]==']' and L[-1]=='[':L.pop()elif s[i]=='}' and L[-1]=='{':L.pop()elif s[i]=='(' or s[i]=='[' or s[i]=='{':L.append(s[i])else:return Falsei += 1if not L:return Trueelse:return False


paren = {'[':']', '(':')', '{':'}'}
valid = []for i in s:if i not in paren:if not valid or i!=paren[valid[-1]]:return Falsevalid.pop()else:valid.append(i)
return valid == []

23/100. Valid Parentheses相关推荐

  1. LeetCode Longest Valid Parentheses

    原题链接在这里:https://leetcode.com/problems/longest-valid-parentheses/ 题目: Given a string containing just ...

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  3. LeetCode 之 JavaScript 解答第20题 —— 有效的括号(Valid Parentheses)

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  4. LeetCode 32. Longest Valid Parentheses

    问题链接 LeetCode 32. Longest Valid Parentheses 题目解析 给出只包含左右括号的字符串,返回最长的括号匹配字符串长度. 解题思路 括号匹配问题一般借助 栈,便于理 ...

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  6. LeetCode算法入门- Valid Parentheses -day11

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  8. Leetcode: Longest Valid Parentheses

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  9. LeetCode --- Valid Parentheses

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