
chkconfig --add oracle

service oracle does not support chkconfig


Make sure the rc script has a chkconfig-conforming header.

Citing the manual page:


Each service which should be manageable by chkconfig needs two or more

commented lines added to its init.d script. The first line tells

chkconfig what runlevels the service should be started in by default,

as well as the start and stop priority levels. If the service should

not, by default, be started in any runlevels, a - should be used in place

of the runlevels list. The second line contains a description for the

service, and may be extended across multiple lines with backslash


For example, random.init has these three lines:

# chkconfig: 2345 20 80

# description: Saves and restores system entropy pool for

# higher quality random number generation.

This says that the random script should be started in levels 2, 3, 4, and 5,

that its start priority should be 20, and that its stop priority

should be 80. You should be able to figure out what the description says;

the causes the line to be continued. The extra space in front of

the line is ignored.

仔细检查我写的oracle脚本,发现description 我少写一个冒号,加入后,在执行

chkconfig --add oracle



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