What is 802.11r?or what is Fast BSS Transition?

Fast roaming,if you search this keyword on searching engine you can find many terminology of it,the most spreading version is as follow.

“Fast roaming,also known as IEEE 802.11r or Fast BSS Transition (FT), allows a client device to roam quickly in environments implementing the WPA2 Enterprise security, by ensuring that the client device does not need to re-authenticate to the RADIUS server every time it roams from one access point to another”.

Simply put,fast transition roaming is an amendment to the IEEE 802.11 standard that permits continuous connectivity aboard wireless devices in motion, with fast and secure hand-offs from an AP to another managed AP in a seamless manner. For ensure voice quality and network security, a portable station must be able to maintain a secure, low-latency voice call while roaming between APs that are handling other traffic.

The situation of apply fast roaming?

As stated above,when you have a high density WiFi network, use 802.1X (Radius Authentication), voice over IP, and your WiFi clients move around a lot,you definitely should be using 802.11r (Fast Roaming).But In a home network with multiple Access Points NOT using Radius Authentication, 803.11r Fast Roaming is NOT necessary,like if you only have 4 or 5 clients,in other word you do not have a high density network,you deserve have other better solution.

Wallys router board DR40x9 can be a hardware solution for fast roaming.Below are some main features for a quick knowledge.This board has 2 versions intergrated with different chipset for your choice.If you have project will need wallys product,you can sending email to wallystech for further inquiry.


  • Industrial-grade IPQ4019/IPQ4029 chipset

  • High power radio module 2x2 5G and 2x2 2.4G

  • Support 4.940GHz to 5.825GHz,2.400GHz to 2.482GHz frequency range

  • Support 2 x 5G and 2x2.4G MMCX connectors

  • Support 5MHz/10MHz/20MHz/40MHz/80MHz Bandwidth

  • Support 11ABGN/AC

  • Support fixed data rate

  • RoHS

Wallys firmware supports all the modules of Quectel

For more information you can click the link below for DR40x9.


Wallys Communications(Suzhou) Co.,Ltd,known as a specialist in researching and developing and producing of wireless communication products,have main product as Routerboard,Network Card,Industrial Wireless AP,Antenna etc,is one of the suppliers of the Facebook.

With the professional R&D teams which possess over 15 years experience,we could not only providing wifi modules OEM/ODM/JDM services,but also have the ability to supporting customization service for you.From idea design to manufacture to put the product into market.

Email us by sales1@wallystech.com

Visit our website:https://www.wallystech.com/

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