

  • Easy
    • List Replication
    • Filter Array
    • Filter Positions in a List
    • Array Of N Elements
    • Reverse a List
    • Lambda Calculus - Reductions #1
    • Lambda Calculus - Reductions #2
    • Lambda Calculus - Evaluating Expressions #1
    • Lambda Calculus - Evaluating Expressions #2
    • Functions or Not?
    • Sum of Odd Elements
    • List Length
    • Update List
    • Area Under Curves and Volume of Revolving a Curve
    • Compute the Perimeter of a Polygon
    • Compute the Area of a Polygon
    • Fibonacci Numbers
    • Pascal's Triangle
    • String Mingling
    • String Compression
    • String-o-Permute
    • prefix compression
  • Medium
    • Lambda Calculus - Reductions #3
    • Lambda Calculus - Reductions #4
    • Lambda Calculus - Evaluating Expressions #3
    • Lambda Calculus - Evaluating Expressions #4
    • Lambda Calculus - Evaluating Expressions #5
    • List Replication
    • List Replication
    • List Replication
    • List Replication
    • List Replication
    • List Replication
    • List Replication
    • List Replication
    • List Replication
    • List Replication
    • List Replication
    • List Replication
    • List Replication
  • Hard
    • List Replication
    • Filter Array
    • Filter Positions in a List
    • List Replication
    • List Replication
    • List Replication
    • List Replication
    • List Replication
    • List Replication
    • List Replication
    • List Replication
    • List Replication
    • List Replication
    • List Replication
    • List Replication
    • List Replication


List Replication

f :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int]
f n arr  = -- Complete this functiocase arr of(fir:aft) -> (helper n fir) ++ (f n aft)_ -> []helper  :: Int -> Int -> [Int]
helper n fir | n > 0 = fir : helper (n-1) fir| n == 0 = []-- This part handles the Input and Output and can be used as it is. Do not modify this part.
main :: IO ()
main = getContents >>=mapM_ print. (\(n:arr) -> f n arr). map read. words

Filter Array

f :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int]
f n (fir:aft)  --Fill up this function| fir < n = fir : f n aft| otherwise = f n aft
f n [] = []-- The Input/Output section. You do not need to change or modify this part
main = do n <- readLn :: IO Int inputdata <- getContents let numbers = map read (lines inputdata) :: [Int] putStrLn . unlines $ (map show . f n) numbers

Filter Positions in a List

f :: [Int] -> [Int]
f [] = []-- Fill up this Function
f (x : (y : ys)) = y : f ys
f (x : xs) = xs-- This part deals with the Input and Output and can be used as it is. Do not modify it.
main = doinputdata <- getContentsmapM_ (putStrLn. show). f. map read. lines $ inputdata

Array Of N Elements

fn n | n > 0 = 1 : fn (n-1)| otherwise = []main = do
n <- readLn :: IO Int
print (fn(n))

Reverse a List

rev (x : xs) = (rev xs) ++ [x]
rev [] = []

Lambda Calculus - Reductions #1

((λx.(x y))(λz.z))
applicate y,得到y

Lambda Calculus - Reductions #2

((λx.((λy.(x y))x))(λz.w))
((λy.((λz.w) y))(λz.w))

Lambda Calculus - Evaluating Expressions #1


Lambda Calculus - Evaluating Expressions #2


Functions or Not?


quickSort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
quickSort [] = []
quickSort (x:xs) =   let smallSort  = quickSort [a | a <- xs, a < x]  biggerSort = quickSort [a | a <- xs, a > x]  in smallSort ++ [x] ++ biggerSortisFunc :: [(Int, Int)] -> Bool
isFunc [] = True
isFunc ((x1,x2):xs) | xs == [] = True| (x1 == (fst (head xs))) && (x2 /= (snd (head xs)))  = False| otherwise = isFunc xstuplify :: [Int] -> [(Int, Int)]
tuplify [] = []
tuplify (x:y:xs) = (x,y):(tuplify xs)solveOne :: [Int] -> String
solveOne xs | isFunc $ quickSort $ tuplify xs = "YES"| otherwise = "NO"-- splitAT 分割剩下的数组 splitAt :: Int -> [a] -> ([a], [a])solve :: [Int] -> [String]
solve [] = []
solve (n:xs) = (solveOne f):(solve s)where (f, s) = splitAt (2*n) xs-- unlines [String] -> String 转换数组为一个String
-- words 则为其反运算     String -> [String]
-- tail 用于去掉不需要的输入
-- read 用于类型转换
-- interact 从标准输入读入,处理后从标准输出写入main = interact $ unlines . solve . map read . tail . words-- main =  unlines . solve . map read . tail . words

Sum of Odd Elements

f ::[Int] -> Int
f [] = 0
f arr  -- Fill up this function body| odd $ head $ arr = (head arr) + (f $ tail arr)| otherwise = f $ tail arr-- This part handles the Input/Output and can be used as it is. Do not change or modify it.
main = doinputdata <- getContentsputStrLn $ show $ f $ map (read :: String -> Int) $ lines inputdata

List Length

len :: [a] -> Int
len lst = length lst

Update List

-- Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT
f [] = []
f (x:xs)  -- Complete this function here| x < 0 = (-x):(f xs)| otherwise = x : (f xs)
-- This section handles the Input/Output and can be used as it is. Do not modify it.
main = doinputdata <- getContentsmapM_ putStrLn $ map show $ f $ map (read :: String -> Int) $ lines inputdata

Area Under Curves and Volume of Revolving a Curve

import Text.Printf (printf)-- This function should return a list [area, volume].
solve :: Double -> Double -> [Double] -> [Double] -> [Double]
solve left right coeffs expnts = [area, volume]wherestep = 0.001domain = [left, left+step..right]bigF x = sum $ zipWith (\c e -> c*x**e) coeffs expntsarea = sum . map (*step) . map bigF $ domainvolume = sum . map (*step) . map (\r -> pi*r**2) . map bigF $ domain
main :: IO ()
main = getContents >>= mapM_ (printf "%.1f\n"). (\[a, b, [l, r]] -> solve l r a b). map (map read. words). lines

Compute the Perimeter of a Polygon

-- Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUTsolvehandler (a:b:xs) = solve ([a,b] ++ xs ++ [a,b])solve :: [Int] -> Double
solve [] = 0.0
solve [a,b] = 0.0
solve (a:b:c:d:xs) = (solve $ c:d:xs) +  (sqrt $ fromIntegral $ x'*x' + y'*y')wherex' = c - ay' = d - bmain = interact $ show . solvehandler . map read . tail . words

Compute the Area of a Polygon

多边形计算面积 —— 但是是函数式

-- 适合凸多边形的面积计算
-- Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT
import Data.List
import Data.Ord
solvehandler (a:b:xs) = solve ([a,b] ++ xs ++ [a,b])abs a| a > 0 = a| otherwise = -aintToTuple :: [Int] -> [(Int, Int)]
intToTuple [] = []
intToTuple [a,b] = [(a,b)]
intToTuple (a:b:c) = (a,b):(intToTuple c)calcuteBlankArea :: [Int] -> Double
calcuteBlankArea [] = 0.0
calcuteBlankArea [a,b] = 0.0
calcuteBlankArea (a:b:c:d:xs) = (calcuteBlankArea $ c:d:xs) +  (Main.abs $ fromIntegral $ (div (x*y)  2))wherex = c - ay = d - bsolve :: [Int] -> Double
solve [] = 0.0
solve ls =  (fromIntegral total) - (calcuteBlankArea ls)wheretransTuple = intToTuple lsminx = snd $ (maximumBy (comparing snd) transTuple)maxx = snd $ minimumBy (comparing snd) transTupleminy = fst $ maximumBy (comparing fst) transTuplemaxy = fst $ minimumBy (comparing fst) transTupletotal = ((maxx - minx) * (maxy - miny))main = interact $ show . solvehandler . map read . tail . words


main = interact $ show . solve . linessolve :: [String] -> Double
solve (x:xs) = abs . fst $ foldl accFun (0, last points) pointswheren = read x :: Intpoints = map ((\[a,b] -> (read a, read b)) . words ) $ take n xs :: [(Double, Double)]areaUnder (a,b) (c,d) = (a-c) * abs (b+d) / 2accFun = \(accVal, lastPoint) currPoint -> (accVal + (areaUnder lastPoint currPoint), currPoint)

Fibonacci Numbers

--Contributed by Ron Watkins
module Main wherefib n  -- Enter your code here to complete this function| n == 1 = 0| n == 2 = 1| otherwise = fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)-- This part is related to the Input/Output and can be used as it is
-- Do not modify it
main = doinput <- getLineprint . fib . (read :: String -> Int) $ input

Pascal’s Triangle


solve :: Int -> [[Int]]
solve 1 = [[1]]
solve 2 = solve 1 ++ [[1,1]]
solve n = solve (n-1) ++ [zipWith (+) (0:(last . solve $ (n-1))) ((last . solve $ (n-1)) ++ [0])]main = interact $ unlines . map unwords . map (\xs -> [ show x | x <- xs ]) . solve . read

String Mingling

-- Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUTsolve :: [String] ->  [String]
solve [f,s] = zipWith (\a b ->  [a,b]) f smain = interact $ filter (\a -> a/=' ') . unwords . solve  . words

String Compression

-- Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUTimport Data.Listsolve :: [String] ->  String
solve  []  = []
solve  (x:xs) | length x > 1 =  [head x] ++ (show (length x)) ++ solve xs| otherwise = [head x]  ++ solve xsmain = interact $  solve . group


-- Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUTsolve :: String -> String
solve [] = []
solve (x:y:xs) = [y,x] ++ solve xsmain = interact $  unlines . map solve . tail . words

prefix compression

showLen :: [Char] -> String
showLen = unwords . sequence [show . length, id]prefixLength :: Eq a => ([a], [a]) -> Int
prefixLength = length . takeWhile id . uncurry (zipWith (==))prefixCompression :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> ([a], [a], [a])
prefixCompression xs ys = let p = prefixLength (xs, ys) in (take p xs, drop p xs, drop p ys)main = dox <- getLiney <- getLinelet (p, x', y') = prefixCompression x y in doputStrLn $ showLen pputStrLn $ showLen x'putStrLn $ showLen y'


先是练习α β η 规约的几道题目(貌似没η)η就是point-free了

Lambda Calculus - Reductions #3

((λx.(x x))(λx.(x x)))

Lambda Calculus - Reductions #4

(λg.((λf.((λx.(f (x x)))(λx.(f (x x))))) g))
λg.(((((g (λx.(g (x x) λx.(g (x x)))))))

Lambda Calculus - Evaluating Expressions #3

Church数0, 1, 2, ...在lambda演算中被定义如下:
0 ≡ λf.λx. x
1 ≡ λf.λx. f x
2 ≡ λf.λx. f (f x)
3 ≡ λf.λx. f (f (f x))所以这题是47

Lambda Calculus - Evaluating Expressions #4

Compute the value of λx.λy.x(xy).

Lambda Calculus - Evaluating Expressions #5

Compute the value of λx.λy.x(xy).

List Replication

List Replication

List Replication

List Replication

List Replication

List Replication

List Replication

List Replication

List Replication

List Replication

List Replication

List Replication

List Replication


List Replication

f :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int]
f n arr  = -- Complete this functiocase arr of(fir:aft) -> (helper n fir) ++ (f n aft)_ -> []helper  :: Int -> Int -> [Int]
helper n fir | n > 0 = fir : helper (n-1) fir| n == 0 = []-- This part handles the Input and Output and can be used as it is. Do not modify this part.
main :: IO ()
main = getContents >>=mapM_ print. (\(n:arr) -> f n arr). map read. words

Filter Array

f :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int]
f n (fir:aft)  --Fill up this function| fir < n = fir : f n aft| otherwise = f n aft
f n [] = []-- The Input/Output section. You do not need to change or modify this part
main = do n <- readLn :: IO Int inputdata <- getContents let numbers = map read (lines inputdata) :: [Int] putStrLn . unlines $ (map show . f n) numbers

Filter Positions in a List

f :: [Int] -> [Int]
f [] = []-- Fill up this Function
f (x : (y : ys)) = y : f ys
f (x : xs) = xs-- This part deals with the Input and Output and can be used as it is. Do not modify it.
main = doinputdata <- getContentsmapM_ (putStrLn. show). f. map read. lines $ inputdata

List Replication

List Replication

List Replication

List Replication

List Replication

List Replication

List Replication

List Replication

List Replication

List Replication

List Replication

List Replication

List Replication

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