
  • 一、关于 pkgutil
    • reciept & bom
  • 二、使用示例
  • Receipt Database Commands
    • 查看所有 pkgs
    • 显示某软件包安装的文件列表
    • 查看 pkg 信息
    • 查看pkg 文件地址信息
  • File Commands
      • pkg 文件转文件夹
    • 文件夹转 pkg
    • 查看 pkg 中的 bom 文件
    • 查看 pkg 签名
    • 查看 pkg 内容
    • 查看签名
  • 三、manual
    • NAME
    • SEE ALSO
  • 参考资料

一、关于 pkgutil

pkgutil: Query and manipulate Mac OS X Installer packages and receipts.

reciept & bom

reciept 和 bom 文件存放在 /private/var/db/receipts 文件夹。

可以使用lsbom 命令来查看 bom 文件

lsbom : list contents of a bom file

$ plutil -p /private/var/db/receipts/com.tencent.qq.plist  # 安装包基础信息
{"InstallDate" => 2021-02-15 03:06:32 +0000"InstallPrefixPath" => "Applications/""InstallProcessName" => "appstoreagent""PackageFileName" => "com.tencent.qq.pkg""PackageIdentifier" => "com.tencent.qq""PackageVersion" => "6.7.3"
}$ lsbom -s /private/var/db/receipts/com.tencent.qq.bom   # 安装包的内容


$ pkgutil -h # pkgutil --help
Usage: pkgutil [OPTIONS] [COMMANDS] ...Options:--help                 Show this usage guide--verbose, -v          Show contextual information and format for easy reading--force, -f            Perform all operations without asking for confirmation--volume PATH          Perform all operations on the specified volume--edit-pkg PKGID       Adjust properties of package PKGID using --learn PATH--only-files           List only files (not directories) in --files listing--only-dirs            List only directories (not files) in --files listing--regexp               Try all PKGID arguments as regular expressionsReceipt Database Commands:--pkgs, --packages     List all currently installed package IDs on --volume--pkgs-plist           List all package IDs on --volume in plist format--pkgs=REGEXP          List package IDs on --volume that match REGEXP--groups               List all GROUPIDs on --volume--groups-plist         List all GROUPIDs on --volume in plist format--group-pkgs GROUPID   List all PKGIDs in GROUPID--files PKGID          List files installed by the specified package--lsbom PKGID          List files in the same format as 'lsbom -s'--pkg-groups PKGID     List all GROUPIDs that PKGID is a member of--export-plist PKGID   Print all info about PKGID in plist format--pkg-info PKGID       Show metadata about PKGID--pkg-info-plist PKGID Show metadata about PKGID in plist format--file-info PATH       Show metadata known about PATH--file-info-plist PATH Show metadata known about PATH in plist format--forget PKGID         Discard receipt data for the specified package--learn PATH           Update --edit-pkg PKGID with actual metadata from PATHFile Commands:--expand PKG DIR       Expand the flat package PKG to DIR--flatten DIR PKG      Flatten the files at DIR as PKG--bom PATH             Extract any Bom files from the pkg at PATH into /tmp--payload-files PATH   List the paths archived within the (m)pkg at PATH--check-signature PATH Validate the signature of the pkg at PATH and print certificate information

Receipt Database Commands

查看所有 pkgs

$ pkgutil --pkgs

以上内容的 plist 形式输出

$ pkgutil --pkgs-plist
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">

以下命令中带有 plist 一般都是命令的 plist 格式输出

List all GROUPIDs on --volume

$ pkgutil --groups


$ pkgutil --files com.tencent.qq
QQ.app/Contents/Library/LoginItems/QQ jietu plugin.app
QQ.app/Contents/Library/LoginItems/QQ jietu plugin.app/Contents

$ pkgutil --lsbom com.tencent.qq


$ lsbom -s /private/var/db/receipts/com.tencent.qq.bom

一些 pkg 卸载工具,会根据 bom 的内容地址,来删除文件。

$ pkgutil --export-plist com.tencent.qq
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
<dict><key>install-location</key><string>Applications/</string><key>install-time</key><integer>1613358392</integer><key>paths</key><dict><key>QQ.app</key><dict><key>gid</key><integer>0</integer><key>install-time</key><integer>1613358392</integer><key>mode</key><integer>16877</integer><key>pkg-version</key><string>6.7.3</string><key>pkgid</key><string>com.tencent.qq</string><key>uid</key><integer>0</integer></dict><key>QQ.app/Contents</key><dict><key>gid</key><integer>0</integer><key>install-time</key><integer>1613358392</integer><key>mode</key><integer>16877</integer><key>pkg-version</key><string>6.7.3</string><key>pkgid</key><string>com.tencent.qq</string><key>uid</key><integer>0</integer></dict><key>QQ.app/Contents/Frameworks</key><dict><key>gid</key><integer>0</integer><key>install-time</key><integer>1613358392</integer><key>mode</key><integer>16877</integer><key>pkg-version</key><string>6.7.3</string><key>pkgid</key><string>com.tencent.qq</string><key>uid</key><integer>0</integer></dict><key>QQ.app/Contents/Frameworks/FTMiniNN.framework</key><dict><key>gid</key><integer>0</integer><key>install-time</key><integer>1613358392</integer><key>mode</key><integer>16877</integer><key>pkg-version</key><string>6.7.3</string><key>pkgid</key><string>com.tencent.qq</string><key>uid</key><integer>0</integer></dict><key>QQ.app/Contents/_CodeSignature/CodeResources</key><dict><key>gid</key><integer>0</integer><key>install-time</key><integer>1613358392</integer><key>mode</key><integer>33188</integer><key>pkg-version</key><string>6.7.3</string><key>pkgid</key><string>com.tencent.qq</string><key>uid</key><integer>0</integer></dict>...</dict><key>pkg-version</key><string>6.7.3</string><key>pkgid</key>  # <string>com.tencent.qq</string> <key>receipt-plist-version</key> <real>1</real><key>volume</key><string>/</string> #

查看 pkg 信息

$ pkgutil --pkg-info com.tencent.qq
package-id: com.tencent.qq
version: 6.7.3
volume: /
location: Applications/
install-time: 1613358392

查看pkg 文件地址信息

$ pkgutil --file-info ~/Downloads/Safari/R-4.0.3.pkg
volume: /
path: ~/Downloads/Safari/R-4.0.3.pkg

$ pkgutil --learn  ~/Downloads/Safari/R-4.0.3.pkg
Error: No package ID specified.

File Commands

pkg 文件转文件夹

$ pkgutil --expand ~/Downloads/Safari/R-4.0.3.pkg ~/Downloads/Safari/001

不要先创建 001 文件夹,它会自动生成。如果已创建,执行命令时会报 Error 17: File exists


$ cd ~/Downloads/Safari/001
$ tree
├── Distribution
├── R-app.pkg
│   ├── Bom
│   ├── PackageInfo
│   └── Payload
├── R-fw.pkg
│   ├── Bom
│   ├── PackageInfo
│   ├── Payload
│   └── Scripts
│       └── postflight
├── Resources
│   ├── background.tiff
│   ├── license.rtf
│   ├── readme.rtf
│   └── welcome.rtf
├── tcltk.pkg
│   ├── Bom
│   ├── PackageInfo
│   └── Payload
└── texinfo.pkg├── Bom├── PackageInfo└── Payload

文件夹转 pkg

$ pkgutil --flatten ~/Downloads/Safari/001  ~/Downloads/Safari/MyR.pkg

查看 pkg 中的 bom 文件

$ pkgutil --bom ~/Downloads/Safari/R-4.0.3.pkg

$ pkgutil --payload-files ~/Downloads/Safari/R-4.0.3.pkg

查看 pkg 签名

$ pkgutil --check-signature ~/Downloads/Safari/R-4.0.3.pkg
Package "R-4.0.3.pkg":Status: signed by a developer certificate issued by Apple for distributionSigned with a trusted timestamp on: 2020-10-11 03:32:31 +0000Certificate Chain:1. Developer ID Installer: Simon Urbanek (VZLD955F6P)Expires: 2022-05-30 12:52:25 +0000SHA256 Fingerprint:DC 71 49 90 95 59 7F 5B 7E 61 7F 26 24 44 AE 8B A7 96 AA 11 C2 8B 0E 6D EB B9 37 2A 80 78 AF A0------------------------------------------------------------------------2. Developer ID Certification AuthorityExpires: 2027-02-01 22:12:15 +0000SHA256 Fingerprint:7A FC 9D 01 A6 2F 03 A2 DE 96 37 93 6D 4A FE 68 09 0D 2D E1 8D 03 F2 9C 88 CF B0 B1 BA 63 58 7F------------------------------------------------------------------------3. Apple Root CAExpires: 2035-02-09 21:40:36 +0000SHA256 Fingerprint:B0 B1 73 0E CB C7 FF 45 05 14 2C 49 F1 29 5E 6E DA 6B CA ED 7E 2C 68 C5 BE 91 B5 A1 10 01 F0 24

$ pkgutil --pkgs-plist
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">

查看 pkg 内容

$ pkgutil --files com.netease.pkg.ITVideoConnectMac


$ pkgutil --check-signature .../a.pkg
Package "a.pkg":Status: signed by a developer certificate issued by Apple for distributionCertificate Chain:1. Developer ID Installer: NetEase (Hangzhou) Network Co., Ltd. (CF44QJESLS)SHA256 Fingerprint:
73 30 A3 4F DB CE 22 F0 9E A4 DC 83 8D DC 4B 38 F7 A3 07 85 8F 25
B1 D7 70 64 9D 9A 75 B8 5F E5------------------------------------------------------------------------2. Developer ID Certification AuthoritySHA256 Fingerprint:
7A FC 9D 01 A6 2F 03 A2 DE 96 37 93 6D 4A FE 68 09 0D 2D E1 8D 03
F2 9C 88 CF B0 B1 BA 63 58 7F------------------------------------------------------------------------3. Apple Root CASHA256 Fingerprint:
B0 B1 73 0E CB C7 FF 45 05 14 2C 49 F1 29 5E 6E DA 6B CA ED 7E 2C
68 C5 BE 91 B5 A1 10 01 F0 24



pkgutil – Query and manipulate Mac OS X Installer packages and receipts.


pkgutil [options] [commands]


pkgutil reads and manipulates Mac OS X Installer flat packages, and provides access to the receipt database used by the Installer.
Options are processed first, and affect the operation of all commands. Multiple commands are performed sequentially in the given order.

The files and directories where receipts are stored are subject to change. Always use pkgutil to query or modify them.


--help, -h
A brief summary of commands and usage.

--force, -f
Don’t ask for confirmation before performing a potentially destructive or ambiguous operation.

--verbose, -v
Output in a “human-readable” format with extra headers, footers, indentation, and other contextual information.

--volume path
Perform all operations on the specified volume or home directory. The root volume ‘/’ will be used if unspecified.

--edit-pkg package-id
Specifies an existing receipt to be modified in-place by --learn.

List only files (not directories) in --files listing.

List only directories (not files) in --files listing.

Try to match package-id arguments as a regular expression if an exact match isn’t found. See egrep(1) and re_format(7) for syntax.


--packages, --pkgs
List all installed package IDs on the specified --volume.


List all installed package IDs on the specified --volume in Mac OS X plist(5) format.

List all installed package IDs matching REGEXP on the specified --volume.
The equal sign (=) is required or the search string will be ignored and all package IDs will be returned.
Be mindful of escaping characters in both your shell and the regular expression. (Eg, pkgutil --pkgs=\\.D searches for package IDs matching the literal ‘.D’ after escaping the backslash from your shell and then the dot from the regex to make it literal.)
Regular expressions are more complex than simple shell globbing. A dot (.) matches any character, while * matches zero or more of the previous character. See re_format(7) for a complete description of the syntax.

--files package-id
List all of the files installed under the package-id.

--export-plist package-id
Print all receipt information about the specified package-id in the standard Mac OS X plist(5) format.

--pkg-info package-id
Print extended information about the specified package-id.

--pkg-info-plist package-id
Print extended information about the specified package-id in Mac OS X plist(5) format.

--forget package-id
Discard all receipt data about package-id, but do not touch the installed files. DO NOT use this command from an installer package script to fix broken package design.


--learn path
Update the ACLs of the given path in the receipt identified by --edit-pkg. This affects subsequent repair operations on the package. This command cannot be used from package postinstall scripts, but if a postinstall script changes the ACLs on the installed files, the receipt is automatically be updated to reflect those changes. This command will not update the filesystem permissions in the receipt.

--pkg-groups package-id
List all of the package groups this package-id is a member of.

List all of the package groups on the specified --volume.

List all of the package groups on the specified --volume in Mac OS X plist(5) format.

--group-pkgs group-id
List all of the packages that are members of this group-id.

--file-info path
Show the metadata known about path.

--file-info-plist path
Show the metadata known about path in Mac OS X plist(5) format.


--expand pkg-path dir-path
Expand the flat package at pkg-path into a new directory specified by dir-path.

--flatten dir-path pkg-path
Flatten the dir-path into a new flat package created at pkg-path. The directory to be flattened must have the proper contents and layout for a flat package. This is not intended as a substitute for pkgbuild(1).

--bom path
Extract any BOM files from the flat pkg at path into /tmp and return the filename(s). Suggested use is as an argument to lsbom(8). Eg, "lsbom pkgutil --bom path". Note that some flat package archives may contain no BOM, one BOM, or several BOMs.

--payload-files path
List the files archived within the payload of the uninstalled flat package(s) contained at path. This should be equivalent to "lsbom -s pkgutil --bom path". Note that flat package archives may contain more than one package, and the destination location for the uninstalled package(s) is unknown to this command.

--check-signature pkg-path
Check the validity and trust of the signature on the package at pkg-path. In addition to the status of the signature, the associated certificate chain will be shown.


  • installer(8)
  • pkgbuild(1)
  • productbuild(1)



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