
部署oneapi Base版本


  • 系列文章目录:超算HPC
  • 前言
  • 一、offline脚本获取
  • 二、开始部署
    • 2.1 查看help
    • 2.2 开始部署
    • 2.3 module模块生成
  • 三、总结


记录一下部署oneapi HPC版本的部署过程。



链接: https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/developer/tools/oneapi/hpc-toolkit-download.html


wget https://registrationcenter-download.intel.com/akdlm/irc_nas/18679/l_HPCKit_p_2022.3.0.8751_offline.sh



2.1 查看help

sh l_HPCKit_p_2022.3.0.8751_offline.sh --help
Intel® oneAPI HPC Toolkit 2022.3 2022 1.0 packageUsage: l_HPCKit_p_2022.3.0.8751_offline.sh [options] [-a <arguments>]Options:-h, --help - Show this help.-f, --extract-folder - Set extraction folder where content of package will be saved.-s, --silent - Run without printing.-x, --extract-only - This option unpacks the installation package only.  It does not launch the installer.-r, --remove-extracted-files <yes|no> - Remove extracted files after installation.  This action cleans up the temporary file location.-l, --log <log file> - Log all actions to the specified file.-a <arguments>.Arguments:--action - Supported in silent/CLI mode. Specify one of the supported values below when the installer action is needed:install (default)    Install the product. Use the --components option tospecify the list of components to be installed. If notspecified, the default set of components is installed.remove               Uninstall the product.modify               Change the current set of components installed. List all thecomponents you need using the --components option.Components that are already installed still must be in the list ifremain relevant.downloadonly         Download an offline installation package without installing it. Tocustomize the list of components to be included into a package,use the --components option.repair               Repair the currently installed product.-c, --cli - Run the installer in interactive text-based user interface (TUI) mode.--components - Supported in silent mode. Specify components to perform an action on, supported values: all, default, custom components split by ':'. If you need the default components and some extra component(s), combine 'default' with the name of the extra component(s) separated by ':'. Example: --components default:<component_name>.--config - Supported in silent/CLI mode. Point to the configuration INI file with options. You can use this file as an alternative to passing options via the command line; mixed approach is also supported. Sample content of a configuration file: s=eula=accept Use this command to run the installer with the options passed via config.txt: sh ./l_[Toolkit Name]Kit_[version].sh -a --config config.txt--download-cache - Supported in silent mode. Point to the directory where to store all downloaded and cached files.--download-dir - Supported in silent mode. Customize the download directory, which is used in download-only mode.--eula - Supported in silent mode. Required. Accept or decline End User License Agreement (EULA), supported values: accept or decline (default).-h, --help - Show the installer help.--ignore-errors - Ignore errors during installation.--install-dir - Supported in silent mode. Customize the installation directory.--instance - Installation instance identifier--intel-sw-improvement-program-consent - Supported in silent mode. Accept or decline participation in Intel Software Improvement Program, supported values: accept or decline (default). To get the program description, use the --show-intel-sw-improvement-program-consent command.--list-components - Get the list of available components of the current package or of a product specified with --product-id.--list-instances - Get the list of available installation instances.--list-products - Get the list of downloaded products, their IDs, versions and  statuses (installed/not installed).--log-dir - Supported in silent/CLI mode. Customize the directory to save the log file to.--package-path - Supported in silent/CLI mode. Specify the directory of the package to install.--product-id - Supported in silent/CLI mode. Specify an ID of a product to perform an action on. Use this option with --list-components or --action {install|remove|modify|repair}.--product-lang - Active product language--product-ver - Supported in silent/CLI mode. Specify a product version to perform an action on. Use this option with --list-components or --action {install|remove|modify|repair}.-p, --property - Supported in silent/CLI mode. Pass additional custom options. See below for details and examples.--proxy - Supported in silent/CLI mode. Specify proxy settings in the following format: http://username:password@proxy-server.mycorp.com:3128.--show-intel-sw-improvement-program-consent - Show the detailed description of the Intel Software Improvement Program.-s, --silent - Run the installer in non-interactive (silent) mode.If option requires a value, both space and '=' can be used as a delimiter.Custom options:Custom options are supported as values for the '-p' or '--property' option. For example, the string '-p=option1=value -p option2=value' will give two additional options. In case a custom option is provided twice with different values, only the latest one is used. For example, the string '-p=option=a -p=option=b' will give 'b' as a value for 'option'.IDE integration options:Integration into the following IDEs can be configured via custom options given the IDEs are supported in the product:Eclipse*.To select integration into a user-provided Eclipse instance, set the following options: -p=EclipseSource=custom -p=EclipsePath=<path-to-eclipse-executable>To select integration into the Eclipse instance provided within the installation package (if any), pass: -p=EclipseSource=embeddedIf no option is passed (default behavior), integration is set to the Eclipse instance provided within the installation package, or skipped if there is no the embedded instance.Pass command line arguments: all arguments after '-a' switch will be passed as
command line arguments into install.sh (option for launch executable).
Includes any argument which install.sh supports.To show the installer help, use the following command: l_HPCKit_p_2022.3.0.8751_offline.sh -a -h
To show the installer available products, use the following command: l_HPCKit_p_2022.3.0.8751_offline.sh -a --list-products
To run the installer in GUI mode, use the following command: l_HPCKit_p_2022.3.0.8751_offline.sh
To run the installer in CLI mode, use the following command: l_HPCKit_p_2022.3.0.8751_offline.sh -a -c
To run the installer in silent mode, use the following command: l_HPCKit_p_2022.3.0.8751_offline.sh -a -s --eula accept

2.2 开始部署


  • 安装模式:-a -s --eula accept
  • 安装路径:--install-dir /HPC/software/oneapi/2022.3.0.8751
mkdir -p /HPC/software/oneapi/2022.3.0.8751
sh l_HPCKit_p_2022.3.0.8751_offline.sh -a -s --eula accept  --action install  --install-dir /HPC/software/oneapi/2022.3.0.8751

2.3 module模块生成


mkdir /HPC/software/modules/modulefiles/oneapi/
cd /HPC/software/oneapi/2022.3.0.8751
sh modulefiles-setup.sh --output-dir=/HPC/software/modules/modulefiles/oneapi/2022.3.0.8751

生成完毕后,使用module ava命令获取环境信息

[root@test-python3 home]# module ava
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /HPC/software/modules/modulefiles ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
dot                                          oneapi/2022.3.0.8751/compiler-rt32/latest    oneapi/2022.3.0.8751/icc/latest            oneapi/2022.3.0.8751/mpi/latest
module-git                                   oneapi/2022.3.0.8751/compiler/2022.2.0       oneapi/2022.3.0.8751/icc32/2022.2.0        oneapi/2022.3.0.8751/oclfpga/2022.2.0
module-info                                  oneapi/2022.3.0.8751/compiler/latest         oneapi/2022.3.0.8751/icc32/latest          oneapi/2022.3.0.8751/oclfpga/latest
modules                                      oneapi/2022.3.0.8751/compiler32/2022.2.0     oneapi/2022.3.0.8751/init_opencl/2022.2.0  oneapi/2022.3.0.8751/tbb/2021.7.0
null                                         oneapi/2022.3.0.8751/compiler32/latest       oneapi/2022.3.0.8751/init_opencl/latest    oneapi/2022.3.0.8751/tbb/latest
oneapi/2022.3.0.8751/clck/2021.7.0           oneapi/2022.3.0.8751/debugger/2021.7.0       oneapi/2022.3.0.8751/inspector/2022.3.0    oneapi/2022.3.0.8751/tbb32/2021.7.0
oneapi/2022.3.0.8751/clck/latest             oneapi/2022.3.0.8751/debugger/latest         oneapi/2022.3.0.8751/inspector/latest      oneapi/2022.3.0.8751/tbb32/latest
oneapi/2022.3.0.8751/compiler-rt/2022.2.0    oneapi/2022.3.0.8751/dev-utilities/2021.7.0  oneapi/2022.3.0.8751/itac/2021.7.0         python/Python3.7.2
oneapi/2022.3.0.8751/compiler-rt/latest      oneapi/2022.3.0.8751/dev-utilities/latest    oneapi/2022.3.0.8751/itac/latest           use.own
oneapi/2022.3.0.8751/compiler-rt32/2022.2.0  oneapi/2022.3.0.8751/icc/2022.2.0            oneapi/2022.3.0.8751/mpi/2021.7.0 



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