





1 def log[A](prompt: String): Pipe[Task,A,A] = _.evalMap { a => Task.delay{ println(s"$prompt>"); a }}
2                                                   //> log: [A](prompt: String)fs2.Pipe[fs2.Task,A,A]
3 def randomDelay[A](max: FiniteDuration): Pipe[Task,A,A] = _.evalMap { a =>
4   val delay: Task[Int] = Task.delay { scala.util.Random.nextInt(max.toMillis.toInt) }
5   delay.flatMap {d => Task.now(a).schedule(d.millis) }
6 }                                                 //> randomDelay: [A](max: scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration)fs2.Pipe[fs2.



1 val s1 = io.file.readAll[Task](java.nio.file.Paths.get("/Users/tiger-macpro/basic/BasicBackend.scala"),1024)
2   //> s1  : fs2.Stream[fs2.Task,Byte] = evalScope(Scope(Bind(Eval(Snapshot),<function1>))).flatMap(<function1>)
3 val s2 = io.file.readAll[Task](java.nio.file.Paths.get("/Users/tiger-macpro/basic/DatabaseConfig.scala"),1024)
4   //> s2  : fs2.Stream[fs2.Task,Byte] = evalScope(Scope(Bind(Eval(Snapshot),<function1>))).flatMap(<function1>)
5 val s3 = io.file.readAll[Task](java.nio.file.Paths.get("/Users/tiger-macpro/basic/BasicProfile.scala"),1024)
6   //> s3  : fs2.Stream[fs2.Task,Byte] = evalScope(Scope(Bind(Eval(Snapshot),<function1>))).flatMap(<function1>)


def readAll[F[_]](path: Path, chunkSize: Int)(implicit F: Effect[F]): Stream[F, Byte] ={...}

readAll分批(by chunks)从文件中读取Byte类型数据(当返回数据量小于chunkSize代表完成读取),返回结果类型是Stream[F,Byte]。我们需要进行Byte>>>String转换及分行等处理。fs2在text对象里提供了相关函数:

object text {private val utf8Charset = Charset.forName("UTF-8")/** Converts UTF-8 encoded byte stream to a stream of `String`. */def utf8Decode[F[_]]: Pipe[F, Byte, String] =_.chunks.through(utf8DecodeC)/** Converts UTF-8 encoded `Chunk[Byte]` inputs to `String`. */def utf8DecodeC[F[_]]: Pipe[F, Chunk[Byte], String] = {/*** Returns the number of continuation bytes if `b` is an ASCII byte or a* leading byte of a multi-byte sequence, and -1 otherwise.*/def continuationBytes(b: Byte): Int = {if      ((b & 0x80) == 0x00) 0 // ASCII byteelse if ((b & 0xE0) == 0xC0) 1 // leading byte of a 2 byte seqelse if ((b & 0xF0) == 0xE0) 2 // leading byte of a 3 byte seqelse if ((b & 0xF8) == 0xF0) 3 // leading byte of a 4 byte seqelse                        -1 // continuation byte or garbage
/** Encodes a stream of `String` in to a stream of bytes using the UTF-8 charset. */def utf8Encode[F[_]]: Pipe[F, String, Byte] =_.flatMap(s => Stream.chunk(Chunk.bytes(s.getBytes(utf8Charset))))/** Encodes a stream of `String` in to a stream of `Chunk[Byte]` using the UTF-8 charset. */def utf8EncodeC[F[_]]: Pipe[F, String, Chunk[Byte]] =_.map(s => Chunk.bytes(s.getBytes(utf8Charset)))/** Transforms a stream of `String` such that each emitted `String` is a line from the input. */def lines[F[_]]: Pipe[F, String, String] = {


 1 val startTime = System.currentTimeMillis         //> startTime  : Long = 1472444756321
 2  val s1lines = s1.through(text.utf8Decode).through(text.lines)
 3      .through(randomDelay(10 millis)).runFold(0)((b,_) => b + 1).unsafeRun
 4                                                   //> s1lines  : Int = 479
 5  println(s"reading s1 $s1lines lines in ${System.currentTimeMillis - startTime}ms")
 6                                                   //> reading s1 479 lines in 5370ms
 8  val startTime2 = System.currentTimeMillis        //> startTime2  : Long = 1472444761691
 9  val s2lines = s2.through(text.utf8Decode).through(text.lines)
10    .through(randomDelay(10 millis)).runFold(0)((b,_) => b + 1).unsafeRun
11                                                   //> s2lines  : Int = 174
12  println(s"reading s2 $s2lines lines in ${System.currentTimeMillis - startTime2}ms")
13                                                   //> reading s2 174 lines in 1923ms
14  val startTime3 = System.currentTimeMillis        //> startTime3  : Long = 1472444763614
15  val s3lines = s3.through(text.utf8Decode).through(text.lines)
16    .through(randomDelay(10 millis)).runFold(0)((b,_) => b + 1).unsafeRun
17                                                   //> s3lines  : Int = 174
18 println(s"reading s3 $s3lines lines in ${System.currentTimeMillis - startTime3}ms")
19                                                   //> reading s3 174 lines in 1928ms
20 println(s"reading all three files ${s1lines+s2lines+s3lines} total lines in ${System.currentTimeMillis - startTime}ms")
21                                                   //> reading all three files 827 total lines in 9221ms



def join[F[_],O](maxOpen: Int)(outer: Stream[F,Stream[F,O]])(implicit F: Async[F]): Stream[F,O] = {...}

join运算的对象outer是个两层Stream(Streams of Stream):Stream[F,Stream[F,P]],我们需要先进行类型款式调整:

1 val lines1 = s1.through(text.utf8Decode).through(text.lines).through(randomDelay(10 millis))
2   //> lines1  : fs2.Stream[fs2.Task,String] = evalScope(Scope(Bind(Eval(Snapshot),<function1>))).flatMap(<function1>).flatMap(<function1>)
3 val lines2 = s2.through(text.utf8Decode).through(text.lines).through(randomDelay(10 millis))
4   //> lines2  : fs2.Stream[fs2.Task,String] = evalScope(Scope(Bind(Eval(Snapshot),<function1>))).flatMap(<function1>).flatMap(<function1>)
5 val lines3 = s3.through(text.utf8Decode).through(text.lines).through(randomDelay(10 millis))
6   //> lines3  : fs2.Stream[fs2.Task,String] = evalScope(Scope(Bind(Eval(Snapshot),<function1>))).flatMap(<function1>).flatMap(<function1>)
7 val ss: Stream[Task,Stream[Task,String]] = Stream(lines1,lines2,lines3)
8   //> ss  : fs2.Stream[fs2.Task,fs2.Stream[fs2.Task,String]] = Segment(Emit(Chunk(evalScope(Scope(Bind(Eval(Snapshot),<function1>))).flatMap(<function1>).flatMap(<function1>), evalScope(Scope(Bind(Eval(Snapshot),<function1>))).flatMap(<function1>).flatMap(<function1>), evalScope(Scope(Bind(Eval(Snapshot),<function1>))).flatMap(<function1>).flatMap(<function1>))))


1 val ss_start = System.currentTimeMillis           //> ss_start  : Long = 1472449962698
2 val ss_lines = fs2.concurrent.join(3)(ss).runFold(0)((b,_) => b + 1).unsafeRun
3                                                   //> ss_lines  : Int = 827
4 println(s"parallel reading all files ${ss_lines} total lines in ${System.currentTimeMillis - ss_start}ms")
5                                                   //> parallel reading all files 827 total lines in 5173ms



1 //c 是个vowl
2 def vowls(c: Char): Boolean = List('A','E','I','O','U').contains(c)
3                                                   //> vowls: (c: Char)Boolean
4 //直接用scala标准库实现
5 def pipeVowlsCount: Pipe[Task,String,Map[Char,Int]] =
6   _.evalMap (text => Task.delay{
7      text.toUpperCase.toList.filter(vowls).groupBy(s => s).mapValues(_.size)
8      }.schedule((text.length / 10).millis))       //> pipeVowlsCount: => fs2.Pipe[fs2.Task,String,Map[Char,Int]]

注意我们使用了text => Task.delay{...}.schedule(d),实际上我们完全可以用 text => Thread.sleep(d),但是这样会造成了不纯代码,所以我们用evalMap来实现纯代码运算。试试统计全部字串内母音出现的总数:

 1 import scalaz.{Monoid}
 2 //为runFold提供一个Map[Char,Int]Monoid实例
 3 implicit object mapMonoid extends Monoid[Map[Char,Int]]  {
 4    def zero: Map[Char,Int] = Map()
 5    def append(m1: Map[Char,Int], m2: => Map[Char,Int]): Map[Char,Int] = {
 6      (m1.keySet ++ m2.keySet).map { k =>
 7        (k, m1.getOrElse(k,0) + m2.getOrElse(k,0))
 8      }.toMap
 9    }
10 }
11 val vc_start = System.currentTimeMillis           //> vc_start  : Long = 1472464772465
12 val vowlsLine = fs2.concurrent.join(3)(ss).through(pipeVowlsCount)
13     .runFold(Map[Char,Int]())(mapMonoid.append(_,_)).unsafeRun
14   //> vowlsLine  : scala.collection.immutable.Map[Char,Int] = Map(E -> 3381, U - 838, A -> 2361, I -> 2031, O -> 1824)
15 println(s"parallel reading all files and counted vowls sequencially in ${System.currentTimeMillis - vc_start}ms")
16   //> parallel reading all files and counted vowls sequencially in 10466ms


那我们又如何实现统计功能的并行运算呢? fs2.concurrent.join(maxOpen)(...)函数能把一个Stream截成maxOpen数的子Stream,然后对这些子Stream进行并行运算。那么我们又如何转换Stream[F,Stream[F,O]]类型呢?我们必须把Stream[F,O]的O升格成Stream[F,O]。我们先用一个函数来把O转换成Map[Char,Int],然后把这个函数升格成Stream[Task,Map[Char,Int],这个可以用Stream.eval实现:

1 def fVowlsCount(text: String): Map[Char,Int] =
2   text.toUpperCase.toList.filter(vowls).groupBy(s => s).mapValues(_.size)
3                                                   //> fVowlsCount: (text: String)Map[Char,Int]
4 val parVowlsLine: Stream[Task,Stream[Task,Map[Char,Int]]] = fs2.concurrent.join(3)(ss)
5     .map {text => Stream.eval(Task {fVowlsCount(text)}.schedule((text.length / 10).millis))}
6     //> parVowlsLine  : fs2.Stream[fs2.Task,fs2.Stream[fs2.Task,Map[Char,Int]]] = attemptEval(Task).flatMap(<function1>).flatMap(<function1>).mapChunks(<function1>)


1 val parvc_start = System.currentTimeMillis        //> parvc_start  : Long = 1472465844694
2 fs2.concurrent.join(8)(parVowlsLine)
3   .runFold(Map[Char,Int]())(mapMonoid.append(_,_)).unsafeRun
4   //> res0: scala.collection.immutable.Map[Char,Int] = Map(E -> 3381, U -> 838, A-> 2361, I -> 2031, O -> 1824)
5 println(s"parallel reading all files and counted vowls in ${System.currentTimeMillis - parvc_start}ms")
6   //> parallel reading all files and counted vowls in 4984ms



 1 import fs2._
 2 import scala.language.{higherKinds,implicitConversions,postfixOps}
 3 import scala.concurrent.duration._
 4 object fs2Merge {
 5 implicit val strategy = Strategy.fromFixedDaemonPool(4)
 6 implicit val scheduler = Scheduler.fromFixedDaemonPool(2)
 7 def log[A](prompt: String): Pipe[Task,A,A] = _.evalMap { a => Task.delay{ println(s"$prompt>"); a }}
 8 def randomDelay[A](max: FiniteDuration): Pipe[Task,A,A] = _.evalMap { a =>
 9   val delay: Task[Int] = Task.delay { scala.util.Random.nextInt(max.toMillis.toInt) }
10   delay.flatMap {d => Task.now(a).schedule(d.millis) }
11 }
13  val s1 = io.file.readAll[Task](java.nio.file.Paths.get("/Users/tiger-macpro/basic/BasicBackend.scala"),1024)
14  val s2 = io.file.readAll[Task](java.nio.file.Paths.get("/Users/tiger-macpro/basic/DatabaseConfig.scala"),1024)
15  val s3 = io.file.readAll[Task](java.nio.file.Paths.get("/Users/tiger-macpro/basic/BasicProfile.scala"),1024)
18  val startTime = System.currentTimeMillis
19  val s1lines = s1.through(text.utf8Decode).through(text.lines)
20      .through(randomDelay(10 millis)).runFold(0)((b,_) => b + 1).unsafeRun
21  println(s"reading s1 $s1lines lines in ${System.currentTimeMillis - startTime}ms")
23  val startTime2 = System.currentTimeMillis
24  val s2lines = s2.through(text.utf8Decode).through(text.lines)
25    .through(randomDelay(10 millis)).runFold(0)((b,_) => b + 1).unsafeRun
26  println(s"reading s2 $s2lines lines in ${System.currentTimeMillis - startTime2}ms")
27  val startTime3 = System.currentTimeMillis
28  val s3lines = s3.through(text.utf8Decode).through(text.lines)
29    .through(randomDelay(10 millis)).runFold(0)((b,_) => b + 1).unsafeRun
30 println(s"reading s3 $s3lines lines in ${System.currentTimeMillis - startTime3}ms")
31 println(s"reading all three files ${s1lines+s2lines+s3lines} total lines in ${System.currentTimeMillis - startTime}ms")
32 val lines1 = s1.through(text.utf8Decode).through(text.lines).through(randomDelay(10 millis))
33 val lines2 = s2.through(text.utf8Decode).through(text.lines).through(randomDelay(10 millis))
34 val lines3 = s3.through(text.utf8Decode).through(text.lines).through(randomDelay(10 millis))
35 val ss: Stream[Task,Stream[Task,String]] = Stream(lines1,lines2,lines3)
36 val ss_start = System.currentTimeMillis
37 val ss_lines = fs2.concurrent.join(3)(ss).runFold(0)((b,_) => b + 1).unsafeRun
38 println(s"parallel reading all files ${ss_lines} total lines in ${System.currentTimeMillis - ss_start}ms")
40 //c 是个vowl
41 def vowls(c: Char): Boolean = List('A','E','I','O','U').contains(c)
42 //直接用scala标准库实现
43 def pipeVowlsCount: Pipe[Task,String,Map[Char,Int]] =
44   _.evalMap (text => Task.delay{
45      text.toUpperCase.toList.filter(vowls).groupBy(s => s).mapValues(_.size)
46      }.schedule((text.length / 10).millis))
48 import scalaz.{Monoid}
49 //为runFold提供一个Map[Char,Int]Monoid实例
50 implicit object mapMonoid extends Monoid[Map[Char,Int]]  {
51    def zero: Map[Char,Int] = Map()
52    def append(m1: Map[Char,Int], m2: => Map[Char,Int]): Map[Char,Int] = {
53      (m1.keySet ++ m2.keySet).map { k =>
54        (k, m1.getOrElse(k,0) + m2.getOrElse(k,0))
55      }.toMap
56    }
57 }
58 val vc_start = System.currentTimeMillis
59 val vowlsLine = fs2.concurrent.join(3)(ss).through(pipeVowlsCount)
60     .runFold(Map[Char,Int]())(mapMonoid.append(_,_)).unsafeRun
61 println(s"parallel reading all files and counted vowls sequencially in ${System.currentTimeMillis - vc_start}ms")
62 def fVowlsCount(text: String): Map[Char,Int] =
63   text.toUpperCase.toList.filter(vowls).groupBy(s => s).mapValues(_.size)
64 val parVowlsLine: Stream[Task,Stream[Task,Map[Char,Int]]] = fs2.concurrent.join(3)(ss)
65     .map {text => Stream.eval(Task {fVowlsCount(text)}.schedule((text.length / 10).millis))}
66 val parvc_start = System.currentTimeMillis
67 fs2.concurrent.join(8)(parVowlsLine)
68   .runFold(Map[Char,Int]())(mapMonoid.append(_,_)).unsafeRun
69 println(s"parallel reading all files and counted vowls in ${System.currentTimeMillis - parvc_start}ms")
70 }


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