PeopleSoft HRMS系统还是相当不错,难怪Oracle 不舍的放弃这个产品,尽管Oracle EBS产品中也有HR模块..

详细资料请参考Oracle 官方消息,如下:


A: Oracle’s PeopleSoft HRMS 8.8 customers will be able to purchase an additional year of Extended Support. This adds a fourth year to Oracle's typical three-year timeframe and extends the overall Extended Support date from December 2010 to December 2011. HRMS 8.8 will move to Indefinite Sustaining Support in January 2012.

Q: Why is Oracle providing additional Extended Support for PeopleSoft HRMS 8.8?

A: Working closely with our User Groups and incorporating their feedback, additional time is being provided to allow customers to plan, budget and upgrade to newer releases of the HRMS application.

Q: What is Oracle's 5+3 Lifetime Support policy?

A: Oracle offers a 5+3 Lifetime Support Policy that provides industry-leading investment protection. Lifetime Support provides 5 years of Premier Support, 3 years of Extended Support (when offered), and indefinite Sustaining Support. Our flexible support policy stages make it easier for you to plan and budget for Oracle’s exclusive product upgrades.

Q: Does this update mean that Oracle is extending support for the rest of the PeopleSoft Enterprise 8.8 products?

A: No. This offer is specific to Oracle’s PeopleSoft HRMS 8.8 customers. The PeopleSoft FMS/ESA 8.8 and the PeopleSoft SCM 8.8 releases, both have Extended Support periods that expire in December 2011. This extension to the Extended Support timeframe for PeopleSoft HRMS 8.8 will align the expiration date of Extended Support for all three product lines as of the end of December 2011.

Q: What is pricing for the additional year of Extended Support?

A: The pricing for the additional year of Extended Support will be at the same rate as the third year of Extended Support, a 20% uplift over your current Premier Support fee for the HRMS products.

Q: Will tax, legal, and regulatory updates also be available during the additional year of Extended Support?

A: Yes, we will continue to provide the same tax, legal and regulatory updates that have been provided during the first three years of Extended Support.

Q: Is this extension specific only to the North American payroll product or does it also include the Global Payroll product?

A: The additional year of Extended Support is applicable to all of the HRMS products and would include Global Payroll.

Q: If I have further questions or would like to purchase Extended Support, whom can I contact?

A: Your Oracle Support Sales representative can assist you. If you do not know who your contact is, please go to Global Technical Support Contacts/Oracle Support. For information on the benefits of upgrading to the latest release of the Enterprise Applications, go to For more details on Oracle's Lifetime Support, go to .

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