Salesforce的标准Object Chatter是组内各成员交互的平台,组内各成员可以发送简讯,发起投票,提问问题,但是不同权限的人对于消息的可见性也是不同的。

Take Action on a Post

There are lots of other actions. For example, you can also:  当你查看一条简讯,你可以进行很多操作

  • Share a post with a group or the people who follow you.
  • Bookmark a post so you can easily find it later.
  • Mute a post to stop receiving notifications about it.
  • Edit or delete your own posts.


If you shared with your followers, the original post, plus your added remarks, are posted to your profile. They also appear in your What I Follow feed on the Chatter home page. Anyone with access to your profile can see the shared post on your profile page, but only the people who follow you are notified.  If you shared with a group, the original post, plus your added remarks, are posted to the group you specified.

Follow People, Groups, and Records

Following is the way to really get your network buzzing. You can follow people, groups, and even records (like work items, accounts, and opportunities). All the people and things you follow have their own feeds, and when you follow most feeds, you get notified about their feed activity.

Notifications arrive in your email and through in-app notifications (remember the bell?), and the activity itself, such as a post or a comment, appears in your What I Follow feed.
You can follow any person or record you have access to.

Who Sees What?

Here are some guidelines to help you know who can see what in Chatter. Let’s use our chatty Chatter expert, Rachael, as an example. Imagine that you follow Rachael. Depending on where she posts, let’s see what appears in your What I Follow feed.
Where Rachael posts Do you see the post?
Her own profile In orgs where all users are public, you have access to anything posted directly to a user's wall

In orgs where users are default private, you see the walls of only those users you have access to

You can see posts that are cross referenced through @mentions only if you have access to the feed where the original post is posted

Another person’s profile If you also follow the other person
A public group Yes
An unlisted, private, or customer group If you’re also a member of the group
A record page If you have access to the record

What else can Rachael show us about Chatter? She’s a pro at mentioning people and groups and has the following tips:

  • Mention people in comments. When it’s likely people will share her post, Rachel knows to place any mentions in the post’s comments. Why? Placing mentions in comments prevents anyone or any group that’s mentioned from getting notified over and over again whenever the post is shared. (Remember, the post is shared but not the comments.)
  • Use mentions thoughtfully. You can go through the motions of mentioning anyone anywhere, but it counts most when a mention triggers a less-frequent and more meaningful notification.
  • Make mentions count. Where your post lives can impact whether the person or group you mention is notified or has access to the post. Check out the following table for examples.
  • Where you post Who you can mention
    On a person’s profile Anyone with access to that person
    On a public group Anyone with access to the public group
    On a private or unlisted group Only members of the group (note that people with special privileges, like “Manage Unlisted Groups” or “Modify Unlisted Groups,” may also see the mentioned post.)
    On a record detail page Anyone with access to the record


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