Independent two-samples test in Matlab

Yang Runhuai



Zhang Zhen


Yang Siqiao


Liang Zhen



1、Life Science School, Anhui medical university, hefei, 230032

Abstract:Purpose: Based on the principle of independent two-samples test and code it in matlab. The code will automatically select the statistical method and calculate statistical results. Method: Firstly,the program judges the two groups of samples whether obey the normal distribution; If any sample does not obey the normal distribution,the K-S and M-W U test were used to test whether distribution of the samples are the same; If both of the two samples obey the normal distribution, then uses the F test to judge whether the two samples have equal variance. if the variance is equal, then uses the t test directly; If the variance is not equal, then uses Satterthwaite to calibration and uses t test. Results: we achieved the above functions in matlab, and the two instance confirm the rightness of the code. Conclusion: This paper provides a method which can automatically chooses the statistical method for the independent two-samples test, and give reliable statistical results.


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