
  • Word Preparation
    • exchange foreign currency: 兑换外币
    • change ... into ...:把 ... 兑换成 ...
    • exchange rate: 外汇率
    • calculate: 计算;预测
    • kiosk: 货币兑换亭,报刊亭,售货亭
  • Grammar
    • 祈使句 (imperative sentence)

Word Preparation

exchange foreign currency: 兑换外币

Excuse me, where can I exchange foreign currency?

The Bank of China is the only bank in my town to exchange foreign currencies.

change … into …:把 … 兑换成 …

Could I change the unused RMB back into US dollars?

You have to change the US dollars into RMB at the exchange counter over there.

exchange rate: 外汇率

It seems the exchange rate fluctuates almost daily.

The RMB’s exchange rate change is one of the hot topics in Chinese economy nowadays.

calculate: 计算;预测

We haven’t really calculated the cost of the vacation yet.

Scientists have calculated that the world’s population will double by the end of the century.

kiosk: 货币兑换亭,报刊亭,售货亭

a small shop or store, open at the front, where newspapers, drinks, etc. are sold.

I’m heading to the kiosk. Can I get you beverage?

You can also go to the money exchange kiosk at the airport and convert your money.


祈使句 (imperative sentence)

  • Shut the door!
  • Have a cup of tea.
  • Be quiet!
  • Let them go by train.
  • No smoking.
  • Have a good rest, every one.
  • Be happy.
  • Let’s go for a walk.
  • No talking in the library.

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