Problem Description
Here is the logic.I am the brother of mata Chuang.Mata chuang is the brother of cxk.So what am I?Am I the grand-brother of cxk?Or am I in a position that same brother level of cxk?Or cxk is the grand-brother of me?
Fine,it doesn’t matter to the problem.Problem can’t be a problem until it has description.But description are just words.Meaningless words.So,we treat words miserably like this, given a string s consist of 3n lowercase letter.The binary ascii string of s is a string consist of 83n 0-1 string(one char,8bits,The lower significnt bit is in the front, the higher is in the back.). We want you output the binary ascii string.But we don’t want the string too long.So we want you put every 6 bit together(The higher significnt bit is in the front, the lower is in the back.) and output the corresponding array,with a length of 83*n/6.Please check the sample for specific.

one line,one string. (n<=1e5)

one line,4*n integer representing the target array.

Sample Input

Sample Output
33 36 27 6
binary ascii string=10000110 01000110 11000110
answer binary array=100001 100100 011011 000110
final answer array=33 36 27 6



using namespace std;
int bina[5000005];
int main()
{string s;cin>>s;int i,j,k=0,len=s.length(),temp[8];for(i=0;i<len;i++){int t=(int)s[i];memset(temp,0,sizeof(temp));j=0;while(t){temp[j]=t&1;t>>=1;j++;}for(j=0;j<8;j++)bina[k++]=temp[j];}int ans=0;for(i=0;i<k;i++){if(i%6==0&&i){cout<<ans<<" ";ans=0;}ans+=bina[i]*pow(2,5-i%6);}cout<<ans<<" ";return 0;

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