
Installing OpenDaylight

You complete the following steps to install your networking environment, with specific instructions provided in the subsections below.

Before detailing the instructions for these, we address the following: Java Runtime Environment (JRE) and operating system information Target environment Known issues and limitations

Install OpenDaylight

Downloading and installing OpenDaylight

The default distribution can be found on the OpenDaylight software download page: http://www.opendaylight.org/software/downloads

The Karaf distribution has no features enabled by default. However, all of the features are available to be installed.


For compatibility reasons, you cannot enable all the features simultaneously. We try to document known incompatibilities in the Install the Karaf features section below.

Running the karaf distribution

To run the Karaf distribution:

  1. Unzip the zip file.
  2. Navigate to the directory.
  3. run ./bin/karaf.

For Example:

$ ls distribution-karaf-0.4.0-Beryllium.zip
$ unzip distribution-karaf-0.4.0-Beryllium.zip
Archive:  distribution-karaf-0.4.0-Beryllium.zipcreating: distribution-karaf-0.4.0-Beryllium/creating: distribution-karaf-0.4.0-Beryllium/configuration/creating: distribution-karaf-0.4.0-Beryllium/data/creating: distribution-karaf-0.4.0-Beryllium/data/tmp/creating: distribution-karaf-0.4.0-Beryllium/deploy/creating: distribution-karaf-0.4.0-Beryllium/etc/creating: distribution-karaf-0.4.0-Beryllium/externalapps/
...inflating: distribution-karaf-0.4.0-Beryllium/bin/start.batinflating: distribution-karaf-0.4.0-Beryllium/bin/status.batinflating: distribution-karaf-0.4.0-Beryllium/bin/stop.bat
$ cd distribution-karaf-0.4.0-Beryllium
$ ./bin/karaf________                       ________                .__  .__       .__     __\_____  \ ______   ____   ____ \______ \ _____  ___.__.\|  \| \|__\| ____ \|  \|___/  \|_/   \|   \\____ \_/ __ \ /    \ \|    \|  \\__  \<   \|  \|\|  \| \|  \|/ ___\\|  \|  \   __\/    \|    \  \|_> >  ___/\|   \|  \\|    `   \/ __ \\___  \|\|  \|_\|  / /_/  >   Y  \  \|\_______  /   __/ \___  >___\|  /_______  (____  / ____\|\|____/__\___  /\|___\|  /__\|\/\|__\|        \/     \/        \/     \/\/            /_____/      \/
  • Press tab for a list of available commands
  • Typing [cmd] --help will show help for a specific command.
  • Press ctrl-d or type system:shutdown or logout to shutdown OpenDaylight.

Install the Karaf features

To install a feature, use the following command, where feature1 is the feature name listed in the table below:

feature:install <feature1>

You can install multiple features using the following command:

feature:install <feature1> <feature2> ... <featureN-name>


For compatibility reasons, you cannot enable all Karaf features simultaneously. The table below documents feature installation names and known incompatibilities.Compatibility values indicate the following:

  • all - the feature can be run with other features.
  • self+all - the feature can be installed with other features with a value of all, but may interact badly with other features that have a value of self+all. Not every combination has been tested.

Uninstalling features

To uninstall a feature, you must shut down OpenDaylight, delete the data directory, and start OpenDaylight up again.


Uninstalling a feature using the Karaf feature:uninstall command is not supported and can cause unexpected and undesirable behavior.

Listing available features

To find the complete list of Karaf features, run the following command:


To list the installed Karaf features, run the following command:

feature:list -i

Features to implement networking functionality provide release notes, which you can find in the Project-specific Release Notes section.

Karaf running on Windows 10

Windows 10 cannot be identify by Karaf (equinox). Issue occurs during installation of karaf features e.g.:

opendaylight-user@root>feature:install odl-restconf
Error executing command: Can't install feature odl-restconf/0.0.0:
Could not start bundle mvn:org.fusesource.leveldbjni/leveldbjni-all/1.8-odl in feature(s) odl-akka-leveldb-0.7: The bundle "org.fusesource.leveldbjni.leveldbjni-all_1.8.0 [300]" could not be resolved. Reason: No match found for native code: META-INF/native/windows32/leveldbjni.dll; processor=x86; osname=Win32, META-INF/native/windows64/leveldbjni.dll; processor=x86-64; osname=Win32, META-INF/native/osx/libleveldbjni.jnilib; processor=x86; osname=macosx, META-INF/native/osx/libleveldbjni.jnilib; processor=x86-64; osname=macosx, META-INF/native/linux32/libleveldbjni.so; processor=x86; osname=Linux, META-INF/native/linux64/libleveldbjni.so; processor=x86-64; osname=Linux, META-INF/native/sunos64/amd64/libleveldbjni.so; processor=x86-64; osname=SunOS, META-INF/native/sunos64/sparcv9/libleveldbjni.so; processor=sparcv9; osname=SunOS

Workaround is to add

org.osgi.framework.os.name = Win32

to the karaf file


The workaround and further info are in this thread: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/35679852/karaf-exception-is-thrown-while-installing-org-fusesource-leveldbjni

Beryllium features

Beryllium features

Feature Name Feature Description Karaf feature name Compatibility
Authentication Enables authentication with support for federation using Apache Shiro odl-aaa-shiro all
BGP Provides support for Border Gateway Protocol (including Link-State Distribution) as a source of L3 topology information odl-bgpcep-bgp all
BMP Provides support for BGP Monitoring Protocol as a monitoring station odl-bgpcep-bmp all
DIDM Device Identification and Driver Management odl-didm-all all
Centinel Provides interfaces for streaming analytics odl-centinel-all all
DLUX Provides an intuitive graphical user interface for OpenDaylight odl-dlux-all all
Fabric as a Service (Faas) Creates a common abstraction layer on top of a physical network so northbound APIs or services can be more easiliy mapped onto the physical network as a concrete device configuration odl-faas-all all
Group Based Policy Enables Endpoint Registry and Policy Repository REST APIs and associated functionality for Group Based Policy with the default renderer for OpenFlow renderers odl-groupbasedpolicy-ofoverlay all
GBP User Interface Enables a web-based user interface for Group Based Policy odl-groupbasedpolicyi-ui all
GBP FaaS renderer Enables the Fabric as a Service renderer for Group Based Policy odl-groupbasedpolicy-faas self+all
GBP Neutron Support Provides OpenStack Neutron support using Group Based Policy odl-groupbasedpolicy-neutronmapper all
L2 Switch Provides L2 (Ethernet) forwarding across connected OpenFlow switches and support for host tracking odl-l2switch-switch-ui self+all
LACP Enables support for the Link Aggregation Control Protocol odl-lacp-ui self+all
LISP Flow Mapping Enables LISP control plane services including the mapping system services REST API and LISP protocol SB plugin odl-lispflowmapping-msmr all
NEMO CLI Provides intent mappings and implementation with CLI for legacy devices odl-nemo-cli-renderer all
NEMO OpenFlow Provides intent mapping and implementation for OpenFlow devices odl-nemo-openflow-renderer self+all
NetIDE Enables portabilty and cooperation inside a single network by using a client/server multi-controller architecture odl-netide-rest all
NETCONF over SSH Provides support to manage NETCONF-enabled devices over SSH odl-netconf-connector-ssh all
OF-CONFIG Enables remote configuration of OpenFlow datapaths odl-of-config-rest all
OVSDB OpenStack Neutron OpenStack Network Virtualization using OpenDaylight’s OVSDB support odl-ovsdb-openstack all
OVSDB Southbound OVSDB MDSAL southbound plugin for Open_vSwitch schema odl-ovsdb-southbound-impl-ui all
OVSDB HWVTEP Southbound OVSDB MDSAL hwvtep southbound plugin for the hw_vtep schema odl-ovsdb-hwvtepsouthbound-ui all
OVSDB NetVirt SFC OVSDB NetVirt support for SFC odl-ovsdb-sfc-ui all
OpenFlow Flow Programming Enables discovery and control of OpenFlow switches and the topoology between them odl-openflowplugin-flow-services-ui all
OpenFlow Table Type Patterns Allows OpenFlow Table Type Patterns to be manually associated with network elements odl-ttp-all all
Packetcable PCMM Enables flow-based dynamic QoS management of CMTS use in the DOCSIS infrastructure and a policy server odl-packetcable-policy-server self+all
PCEP Enables support for PCEP odl-bgpcep-pcep all
RESTCONF API Support Enables REST API access to the MD-SAL including the data store odl-restconf all
SDNinterface Provides support for interaction and sharing of state between (non-clustered) OpenDaylight instances odl-sdninterfaceapp-all all
SFC over L2 Supports implementing Service Function Chaining using Layer 2 forwarding odl-sfcofl2 self+all
SFC over LISP Supports implementing Service Function Chaining using LISP odl-sfclisp all
SFC over REST Supports implementing Service Function Chaining using REST CRUD operations on network elements odl-sfc-sb-rest all
SFC over VXLAN Supports implementing Service Function Chaining using VXLAN tunnels odl-sfc-ovs self+all
SNMP Plugin Enables monitoring and control of network elements via SNMP odl-snmp-plugin all
SNMP4SDN Enables OpenFlow-like control of network elements via SNMP odl-snmp4sdn-all all
SSSD Federated Authentication Enables support for federated authentication using SSSD odl-aaa-sssd-plugin all
Secure tag eXchange Protocol (SXP) Enables distribution of shared tags to network devices odl-sxp-controller all
Time Series Data Repository (TSDR) Enables support for storing and querying time series data with the default data collector for OpenFlow statistics the default data store for HSQLDB odl-tsdr-hsqldb-all all
TSDR Data Collectors Enables support for various TSDR data sources (collectors) including OpenFlow statistics, NetFlow statistics, NetFlow statistics, SNMP data, Syslog, and OpenDaylight (controller) metrics odl-tsdr-openflow-statistics-collector, odl-tsdr-netflow-statistics-collector, odl-tsdr-snmp-data-collector, odl-tsdr-syslog-collector, odl-tsdr-controller-metrics-collector all
TSDR Data Stores Enables support for TSDR data stores including HSQLDB, HBase, and Cassandra odl-tsdr-hsqldb, odl-tsdr-hbase, or odl-tsdr-cassandra all
Topology Processing Framework Enables merged and filtered views of network topologies odl-topoprocessing-framework all
Unified Secure Channel (USC) Enables support for secure, remote connections to network devices odl-usc-channel-ui all
VPN Service Enables support for OpenStack VPNaaS odl-vpnservice-core all
VTN Manager Enables Virtual Tenant Network support odl-vtn-manager-rest self+all
VTN Manager Neutron Enables OpenStack Neutron support of VTN Manager odl-vtn-manager-neutron self+all

Other Beryllium features

Other Beryllium features

Feature Name Feature Description Karaf feature name Compatibility
OpFlex Provides OpFlex agent for Open vSwitch to enforce network policy, such as GBP, for locally-attached virtual machines or containers n/a all
NeXt Provides a developer toolkit for designing network-centric topology user interfaces n/a all

Experimental Beryllium Features

The following functionality is labeled as experimental in OpenDaylight Beryllium and should be used accordingly. In general, it is not supposed to be used in production unless its limitations are well understood by those deploying it.

Other Beryllium features

Feature Name Feature Description Karaf feature name Compatibility
Authorization Enables configurable role-based authorization odl-aaa-authz all
ALTO Enables support for Application-Layer Traffic Optimization odl-alto-core self+all
CAPWAP Enables control of supported wireless APs odl-capwap-ac-rest all
Clustered Authentication Enables the use of the MD-SAL clustered data store for the authentication database odl-aaa-authn-mdsal-cluster all
Controller Shield Provides controller security information to northbound applications odl-usecplugin all
GBP IO Visor Renderer Provides support for rendering Group Based Policy to IO Visor odl-groupbasedpolicy-iovisor all
Internet of Things Data Management Enables support for the oneM2M specification odl-iotdm-onem2m all
LISP Flow Mapping OpenStack Network Virtualization Experimental support for OpenStack Neutron virtualization odl-lispflowmapping-neutron self+all
Messaging4Transport Introduces an AMQP Northbound to MD-SAL odl-messaging4transport all
Network Intent Composition (NIC) Provides abstraction layer for communcating network intents (including a distributed intent mapping service REST API) using either Hazelcast or the MD-SAL as the backing data store for intents odl-nic-core-hazelcast or odl-nic-core-mdsal all
NIC Console Provides a Karaf CLI extension for intent CRUD operations and mapping service operations odl-nic-console all
NIC VTN renderer Virtual Tenant Network renderer for Network Intent Composition odl-nic-renderer-vtn self+all
NIC GBP renderer Group Based Policy renderer for Network Intent Composition odl-nic-renderer-gbp self+all
NIC OpenFlow renderer OpenFlow renderer for Network Intent Composition odl-nic-renderer-of self+all
NIC NEMO renderer NEtwork MOdeling renderer for Network Intent Composition odl-nic-renderer-nemo self+all
OVSDB NetVirt UI OVSDB DLUX UI odl-ovsdb-ui all
Secure Networking Bootstrap Defines a SNBi domain and associated white lists of devices to be accommodated to the domain odl-snbi-all self+all
UNI Manager Initiates the development of data models and APIs to facilitate configuration and provisioning connectivity services for OpenDaylight applications and services odl-unimgr all
YANG PUBSUB Allows subscriptions to be placed on targeted subtrees of YANG datastores residing on remote devices to obviate the need for OpenDaylight to make continuous fetch requests odl-yangpush-rest all

Install support for REST APIs

Most components that offer REST APIs will automatically load the RESTCONF API Support component, but if for whatever reason they seem to be missing, install the “odl-restconf” feature to activate this support.


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